NAME RAD TORNADO DESC You have been noticing for sometime that the wind has been picking up. DESC Now, as you look up, the sky is taking on an ominous color. A memory DESC tugs at your mind but you cannot seem to recall it. Then it clicks, it DESC was one of the original briefings back at the Base. Something about how DESC radiation can interact with the natural environment. Suddenly you DESC remember, and a chill runs down your spine. A RAD TORNADO! You were DESC told that the best course of action is to escape and you are now glad DESC that you sat through those long, dull lectures. Looking at this DESC powerful monstrosity you know that your weapons will be unable to DESC tame it. HITPTS 1500 STR 85 DEX 60 AGL 45 EXP 30000 SEX OTHER DISINT 100 MINDIST 90 MAXDIST 120 WEAPON1 Storm Force WEAPON2 Radiation Blast TYPE 10 COMBATPIC RADTOR EXCEPT0 LANDWATER NOSELL FLEERAN Huffing and puffing you manage to escape the deadly Storm. The FLEERAN weird howling of the wind will haunt you for a long time and the FLEERAN image of that towering mass of destruction will not soon fade FLEERAN from your mind. FLEETXT You are not sure how, but you manage to get away. You brush the FLEETXT glowing dust from your body in a panic. You can only hope that the FLEETXT Decon procedures back at the base will handle the radiation that FLEETXT covered you from head to toe. 'Next time', you think to yourself, FLEETXT 'I am going to hotfoot it away as soon as I see one of those.' KILLHIM The Storm shifts in it's course. Your weapons have managed to break KILLHIM up the forces that nearly destroyed you. This is a feat that will KILLHIM long be remembered. It also shows the fine line between heroic KILLHIM actions and really stupid ones. Since you survived you will be KILLHIM hailed as a hero, a few more moments and you would be just another KILLHIM dead fool. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME NUKE TWISTER DESC Your first warning is a sudden gathering of clouds. And then a strange DESC gust of wind carries the smell of ozone. Rapidly the sky darkens and DESC the wind increases. The ground around you begins to glow with an odd DESC light. Then it begins to form. Now you know what this is, a NUKE DESC TWISTER! One of the most deadly forms of 'natural force' created by the DESC radiation in the wilderness. A Nuke Twister is formed when a dust storm DESC picks up radioactive waste. In some fashion the power in the waste DESC magnifies the storm into what you see before you. You have been told DESC that there is no way to 'fight' such a storm. Your only hope is to DESC EVADE! You must run before the radioactive winds eat the flesh off of DESC your bones. HITPTS 2000 STR 110 DEX 85 AGL 55 EXP 40000 SEX OTHER DISINT 100 MINDIST 120 MAXDIST 150 LANDWATER NOSELL WEAPON1 Storm Force WEAPON2 Radiation Blast TYPE 10 COMBATPIC NUKETWIS EXCEPT0 FLEERAN You look over your shoulder as you evade the Twister. You cannot FLEERAN believe the violence: It is literally ripping everything in it's FLEERAN path down to bare rock. You decide to put just a little more FLEERAN distance between yourself and it before you rest. FLEETXT Blinded and bleeding you manage to escape the Twister. You know that FLEETXT you are lucky, a few more minutes and you would have been dead. Next FLEETXT time you will run at the first sight of this Storm. KILLHIM Your continuous pouring of energy into the Storm has overloaded it! In KILLHIM a huge explosion the Twister blows itself out! You are amazed that KILLHIM you have managed to do this. Sometimes the power of man is something KILLHIM that astounds even a cynical person like yourself. You will get a KILLHIM lot of mileage out of this story back at base, that is if anyone KILLHIM believes you. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME EARTH ELEMENTAL DESC An eery silence descends upon the rugged mountain pass. No, not entirely DESC silent: There is a distant rumble, almost imperceptible. It draws closer DESC and becomes louder till the very ground buckles with the strain, forced DESC meters into the air. And then all is still once more, save for the DESC humanoid of pure rock that faces you, formed by the corruptive power of DESC the radiation on the earth itself. TRESTRICT Mountains HITPTS 750 STR 75 DEX 75 AGL 75 EXP 5000 SEX OTHER DISINT 100 MINDIST 30 MAXDIST 200 WEAPON1 Elemental Force WEAPON2 Radiation Blast TYPE 11 COMBATPIC ELEMENTE EXCEPT0 FLEERAN Running like the wind you manage to escape from the relatively FLEERAN slow elemental. Soon you feel safe again, though the occasional FLEERAN distant tremors make you rather uneasy. FLEETXT The relative slowness of the being lets you get away, but you FLEETXT soon discover numerous glowing rock fragments clinging to your FLEETXT clothes and armor. The Decon team back at base will have their FLEETXT work cut out for them this time. KILLHIM You are nearly buried as the cohesive force of the being fails and KILLHIM pebbles and stone go flying everywhere. What else has this blasted KILLHIM wasteland turned into a killing force? ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME FIRE ELEMENTAL DESC The miraculous Cryo-Gen Device may let you pass over the lava, but it DESC does nothing to ease your mind. A great deal of heat still passes DESC through, and the place reminds you of ancient tales of hell. Of course DESC if it was hell, you'd have to fear demons, but there aren't.....Wait! DESC What's that? Rising from the infernal terrain is a vaguely humanoid DESC mass of pure flame. It stretches out a burning appendage and lets out DESC a crackling scream not unlike the sound of a hundred bon-fires. TRESTRICT Lava River HITPTS 750 STR 75 DEX 75 AGL 75 EXP 5000 SEX OTHER DISINT 100 MINDIST 30 MAXDIST 200 WEAPON1 Elemental Force WEAPON2 Radiation Blast TYPE 11 COMBATPIC ELEMENTF EXCEPT0 LANDWATER NOSELL FLEERAN The radiation's amazing ability to create new life has outdone FLEERAN itself this time. You turn and charge into the flames, hoping FLEERAN to loose yourself in the writhing mass. And it seems to succeed. FLEERAN At least, none of the fire here is fighting back. Yet. FLEETXT By a miracle you avoid the flaming fiend the radiation has formed FLEETXT from the fires around you. But the ill feeling in your stomach FLEETXT tells you the effect lingers on. The Decon procedures back at base FLEETXT better be ready to negate some serious radiation or you won't live FLEETXT to flee from the next one of these you meet. KILLHIM The fire elemental bursts into a veritable fire storm, only to be KILLHIM absorbed into the burning lava from which radiation gave it life. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME WATER ELEMENTAL DESC Without warning the water here has gotten choppy and violent, shaking DESC your raft violently. But how could this be when just moments ago the DESC weather was so calm? Then it all becomes clear, as a hulking form DESC bursts from the waves, a form composed entirely of water. You don't DESC need a geiger counter to tell you that the radiation has managed to DESC bring life to yet another aberration. TRESTRICT Lake TRESTRICT River HITPTS 750 STR 75 DEX 75 AGL 75 EXP 5000 SEX OTHER DISINT 100 MINDIST 30 MAXDIST 200 WEAPON1 Elemental Force WEAPON2 Radiation Blast TYPE 11 COMBATPIC ELEMENTW EXCEPT0 LANDWATER NOSELL FLEERAN Paddling your raft as fast as you can and using what little wind FLEERAN there is to speed your way you somehow slip by your elemental foe FLEERAN downstream and apparently out of its hunting ground. You shiver FLEERAN at what that virtual tidal wave could have done to you. FLEETXT Somehow slipping out of its watery clutches you paddle away from FLEETXT the creature. But it may have its revenge yet, as you got rather FLEETXT heavily soaked by the radioactive waters that spawned it. You FLEETXT swear that if the Decon team manages to fix you up, you will never FLEETXT be foolish enough to attack one of these again. KILLHIM The elemental rears up out of the water to a spectacular height, KILLHIM then collapses into it with a splash. After the ripples pass there KILLHIM is no sign it ever existed. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME ICE ELEMENTAL DESC You are starting to get really sick of the endless mounds of white and DESC the bitter cold. Anything to break the monotony would be of utmost joy DESC to you, and you almost smile when you hear a sound reminiscent of ice DESC being crushed behind you. But your smile vanishes and your jaw drops DESC when you see the massive crystalline structure approaching. It is shaped DESC somewhat like a gigantic ape chiseled out of ice, but unfortunately is DESC no sculpture. It attacks with the ferocity that only a radiation spawned DESC life form can achieve. TRESTRICT Snow Plains TRESTRICT Snow mntn TRESTRICT Snow Hills HITPTS 750 STR 75 DEX 75 AGL 75 EXP 5000 SEX OTHER DISINT 100 MINDIST 30 MAXDIST 200 WEAPON1 Elemental Force WEAPON2 Radiation Blast TYPE 11 COMBATPIC ELEMENTI EXCEPT0 LANDWATER NOSELL FLEERAN You plow headlong into a snow drift in your haste to escape, and FLEERAN hide for long freezing minutes under the snow. Eventually you FLEERAN peer out and see that the creature has gone. FLEETXT Somehow extracting yourself from the combat you charge down the FLEETXT snowy path as fast as your chilled limbs will carry you. For some FLEETXT reason the radiation born ice creature does not give chase. You FLEETXT breath a sigh of relief as you attempt to determine how much FLEETXT radiation you soaked up from the thing. KILLHIM Huge slivers of ice tear at your skin as the ice elemental falls KILLHIM into the snow and shatters. Maybe monotony isn't so bad after all. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME AIR ELEMENTAL DESC A weird whistling sound echoes across the wastelands, accompanied by DESC a sudden rush of air. You whirl to see a cloud-like billowy mass DESC floating over the broken terrain. Though it seems to have no substance DESC you get the unmistakable impression that it is hunting. Could this be DESC one of the dreaded elementals you have heard about? They say radiation DESC is a strange force... It can change healthy humanoids into diseased DESC mutants. It can change a friendly recruit into a crazed insane DESC soldier. If the forces are just right, radiation can even change an DESC elemental substance into a demonic beast. But the time to ponder DESC ends abruptly as it blows towards you. TRESTRICT Wastelands HITPTS 750 STR 75 DEX 75 AGL 75 EXP 5000 SEX OTHER DISINT 100 MINDIST 30 MAXDIST 200 WEAPON1 Elemental Force WEAPON2 Radiation Blast TYPE 10 COMBATPIC ELEMENTA EXCEPT0 LANDWATER NOSELL FLEERAN You turn and flee, the radioactive cloud pursuing at a lazy but FLEERAN steady pace. Your lungs feel ready to burst and your legs begin FLEERAN to give out, but onwards you push. But then, just when all hope FLEERAN seems lost, a strong gust of wind blows through the area and the FLEERAN elemental goes with it. You almost hear... Naahhh. A radioactive FLEERAN cloud can't giggle, can it? FLEETXT You are not sure how, but you manage to get away. You brush the FLEETXT glowing dust from your body in a panic. You can only hope that the FLEETXT Decon procedures back at the base will handle the radiation that FLEETXT covered you from head to toe. 'Next time', you think to yourself, FLEETXT 'I am going to hotfoot it away as soon as I see one of those' KILLHIM You are knocked over as the air elemental bursts with the pent up KILLHIM force of a small hurricane. Apparently whatever radioactive KILLHIM energy gave it life has dissipated. Quite a battle though.