;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellanious Monsters Start ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME James T. Kirk DESC "Kirk to Sulu... An intruder is attacking the phaser cache. I will DESC attempt to hold him off myself. Have Scotty standing by at the DESC transporter in case I am unsuccessful." ;Note - This is a special monster. ORIGZ 5 will identify him as the ; monster who is guarding the phaser cache. HITPTS 75 STR 46 DEX 46 AGL 46 EXP 9000 MONEY 9000 MINDIST 0 MAXDIST 255 ORIGZ 5 WEAPON1 ElectroLance WEAPON2 Combat Phaser ARMOR Energy Armor INV Power Pack INV Power Pack INV Communicator INV Uni-Translator INV50 Phaser-1 INV50 Phaser-1 INV50 Phaser-1 INV50 Phaser-2 INV50 Phaser-2 INV50 Phaser-2 INV50 Phaser-3 INV50 Phaser-3 TYPE 4 TALKTO 202 COMBATPIC CAPTKIRK KILLHIM Just as you are about to finish off Kirk, he pulls out his communicator KILLHIM and speaks into it "Scotty, Beam me up. Now!". He then vanishes! However, KILLHIM his possessions seem to have remained behind. Including the federation's KILLHIM cache of phasers! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Xeboc DESC "I am Xeboc the Almighty! Xeboc the All-Powerful! Who is it that dares DESC intrude upon my lair. I shall destroy you." This guy does _not_ look DESC happy. (Unless you are very sure of yourself, I would advise DESC surrendering to this guy real quick.) ;Note - This is a special monster. ORIGZ 6 will identify him as the ; monster who is in Xeboc's lair. HITPTS 75 STR 55 DEX 55 AGL 55 EXP 10000 MONEY 10000 MINDIST 0 MAXDIST 255 ORIGZ 6 WEAPON1 ElectroLance WEAPON2 Phaser-3 ARMOR Energy Armor INV Power Pack TYPE 4 TALKTO 201 COMBATPIC XEBOC KILLHIM "Xeboc the Almighty...... Xeboc the All-Powerful....." His lifeless KILLHIM body falls to the ground. "Xeboc the DEAD!" you exclaim as you KILLHIM realize your victory against this mighty foe. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Tranlius Defender DESC Tranlius defense droid initializing. Destory human. ;Note - This is a special monster. ORIGZ 7 will identify him as the ; monster who is in Tranlius's access chamber. HITPTS 95 STR 65 DEX 65 AGL 65 EXP 25000 MONEY 20000 MINDIST 0 MAXDIST 255 ORIGZ 7 WEAPON1 ElectroLance WEAPON2 Phaser-3 ARMOR Energy Armor INV Power Pack INV Power Pack TYPE 4 COMBATPIC TRANDFNC KILLHIM You have defeated the mighty defense droid! FLEETXT You start running and don't stop until you're well out of the Tranlius FLEETXT center. If a robot could laugh, the Tranlius Defender would be having FLEETXT a good one right now. FLEERAN You start running and don't stop until you're well out of the Tranlius FLEERAN center. If a robot could laugh, the Tranlius defender would be having FLEERAN a good one right now. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Draku Leader DESC You come face to face with the leader of the infamous Drakus. He pulls DESC out a WindowBlaster and sites it on you. HITPTS 130 STR 75 DEX 75 AGL 75 EXP 40000 MONEY 250000 MINDIST 0 MAXDIST 255 ORIGZ 9 WEAPON1 WidowLance WEAPON2 WidowBlaster ARMOR Widow Armor INV WidowPack INV WidowPack INV10 Medkit/15 INV10 Medkit/50 INV10 Rations/10 INV10 Warper INV10 ROM: EM-Warp COMBATPIC DRAKULDR KILLHIM You wasted the draku leader! The death of their leader will be a KILLHIM serious blow to the Draku forces. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Xeboc DESC Well human, it seems I have underestimated you. I had figured my minions DESC would have been able to take care of you. But it seems that I must see DESC to the task myself. I am Xeboc, master of the Cabal race.... Now face DESC my wrath..... (He raises an energy weapon that looks as if something DESC you would find on a Z-12 battle tank....) ;Note - This is a special monster. ORIGZ 8 will identify him as the ; monster who is in Xeboc's base. HITPTS 175 STR 95 DEX 95 AGL 95 EXP 80000 MONEY 500000 MINDIST 0 MAXDIST 255 ORIGZ 8 WEAPON1 Cabal Sceptre WEAPON2 TerrorBlast ARMOR Quantum Field INV Vitron Cell INV ROM: Windows INV ROM: History INV ROM: EM-Warp INV ROM: Tetris INV ROM: Tcode INV ROM: FortInv DISINT 0 TYPE 4 KILLHIM Your final blow nearly rips Xeboc in half. "Save me!" he cries, but KILLHIM noone is there to listen. "My cabal warriors! Come to my defense!". KILLHIM His words are not heard. You prepare to deal the blow of death to KILLHIM your mortal enemy, Xeboc. His bloody mutilated body lays before you, KILLHIM defenseless. "Now you're time has come, Xeboc. You will trouble the KILLHIM planet earth no more..." you say as you raise your weapon. You strike. KILLHIM As the metal from your weapon glazes Xeboc's body, his body vanishes! KILLHIM Xeboc has escaped! As you prepare to leave the building, a voice KILLHIM comes across the speaker: "Mortal, .... Who do you think is president KILLHIM of Acme weapons? And creator of the EM-WARP device? HAHAHAHA! I'll KILLHIM be back.... with a fleet of 30,000 cabal warships!" FLEETXT Well, Xeboc the almighty, leader of the cabal forces, initiator of the FLEETXT great war, invader of earth, etc, etc. seems a bit too tough to handle FLEETXT at this moment so you turn around and run. You don't look back until FLEETXT you are very far from xeboc's hideout. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Vayderr DESC "So, ObiWan has sent someone to oppose me. You must know that the Dark DESC side is all powerful - you can not win." Vayderr waves his hand... There DESC is a brilliant flash followed by a moment of darkness. You notice several DESC of your posessions have disappeared! "Hahahaha Human, you are in my DESC reality now... Prepare to be DESTROYED!" NUKEALLBUT Dreamarmor NUKEALLBUT Dreamblaster NUKEALLBUT Dreamsabre HITPTS 140 STR 80 DEX 80 AGL 80 EXP 30000 MONEY 30000 WEAPON1 DreamSabre WEAPON2 DreamBlaster ARMOR DreamArmor ORIGZ 10 DISINT 0 TYPE 4 KILLHIM One final blow disconnects Vayderr's head from the rest of his body. KILLHIM There is a great booming voice that echos throughout the room "You KILLHIM may have won this battle, Human, but you have not won the war! KILLHIM hahahahaha!!!" The darkness clears and you find yourself once again KILLHIM outside Vayderr's cave. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME IcePick DESC Who dares enter my lair??? I am IcePick, leader of the Snow Demons. You DESC are trespassing in my territory and you will DIE! HITPTS 100 STR 60 DEX 60 AGL 60 EXP 12000 MONEY 11500 ORIGZ 11 DISINT 0 WEAPON1 Frost Sceptre WEAPON2 Frost Cannon ARMOR Frost Vest INV WidowPack TYPE 4 COMBATPIC icepick KILLHIM As your last blow melts through IcePick's body, the life instantly KILLHIM fades from his eyes. You have defeated IcePick, leader of the Snow KILLHIM Demons. This is a great victory for the forces of good... ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Sub-Patriarch DESC 'Let the challenge begin.' says the monitone voice from the speaker as DESC a section of wall slides open to reveal a figure in red and black DESC robes. The Sub-Patriarch of Loki floats forward from the shadows. A DESC horror to behold, he has given up most of his humanity for the power DESC of mechanical augmentation. Lights begin to flash on the virtual DESC cannon that replaces his right forearm, and you can hear the DESC mechanicle grinding that serves as a voice, "Now, follower of order, DESC we will see which of our respective philosophies is the stronger." HITPTS 165 STR 90 DEX 90 AGL 90 EXP 30000 MONEY 25000 MINDIST 0 MAXDIST 255 ORIGZ 12 WEAPON1 A-Mk.II WEAPON2 TachyonBlaster ARMOR Phase Armor INV ROM: LR-Scan INV Chaos Medallion TYPE 4 COMBATPIC LOKISPTR KILLHIM Sparks fly across the room as your weapon rips through the belly of KILLHIM the Sub-Patriarch. He slams into the wall, leaking hydrolic fluid KILLHIM as his mechanicle joints squeel from the tremendous damage they've KILLHIM taken. He is only able to utter the words "Chaos claims its own" KILLHIM before the systems completely fail and the red glow of his visual KILLHIM sensors fades. FLEETXT Unable to face the full capabilities of a the Loki cyborg, you bolt FLEETXT from the chamber, almost falling off the cloud in the process. You FLEETXT hear a disapointed sigh from the computer, which transports you FLEETXT back to the surface. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Serpine Chief DESC Seconds after you enter the camp you find yourself surrounded by a DESC dozen heavily armed Serpine. They stare at you with emotionless DESC reptilian eyes, and you get the distinct impression you aren't DESC welcome. Suddenly they part to reveal a huge, green, hissing form. DESC The Serpine Chief's weary eyes are hazy and glossed, its scales dull DESC in both color and form. But apparent age is contradicted by smooth, DESC swift motion. It regards you with a scholarly look as its translator DESC activates: "Sso human. You have at lasst come to keel me." It speaks DESC deliberately to decrease the effect of its sibilant hissing. "But DESC perhaps first we talk?" He leads you into a small hide tent. It is DESC filled with trophies of battle, ancient human artworks long thought DESC destroyed, and in the corner the Puritron Rad Converter hums softly as DESC it fills a weapon clip with energy. The Chief observes your surprise DESC with satisfaction. HITPTS 150 STR 85 DEX 90 AGL 80 EXP 30000 MONEY 200000 MINDIST 0 MAXDIST 255 ORIGZ 13 WEAPON1 A-Mk.II WEAPON2 TachyonBlaster ARMOR Phase Armor INV Vortex Cell INV Medkit/50 INV Rations/10 INV EnviroBlur INV ROM: LR-Scan INV Uni-Translator INV50 Warper INV25 ROM: Tetris INV25 ROM: Diet INV10 ROM: EM-Warp TALKTO 207 TYPE 4 COMBATPIC SERPNCHF KILLHIM The serpine chief falls gurgling against the Rad Converter and KILLHIM speaks, near incoherent from pain, "Make lannd fit for both KILLHIM sspeccies, sso peacce betweeen mmaybe occurss. Taake art too, lesst KILLHIM ssuccessorss desstroy. If could only have given iit alll to you in KILLHIM peacce, without loosst honor..." He collapses in pain, but rises KILLHIM pointing to the gathering pool on the floor "Lasst......Sserpiine KILLHIM cosstum. Pleesse. Take mee with yoou..." His eyes let you at once KILLHIM understand. Lifting his blood from the floor with cupped hands, you KILLHIM drink the sweet liquid and watch the Serpine nod and die content; KILLHIM Wherever your hunt leads, he will always be a part of it. FLEETXT You turn and shoot out of the tent, racing past the Serpines FLEETXT gathered outside, into the wasteland. Eventually you get to safety FLEETXT and begin to wonder: He seemed so fast, how could you have escaped FLEETXT unless...unless...He let you.