TBBS SysOps, 5 Jan '94 Here's a freebie door game I found on the eSoft Momma board. No comments other than I punched the keys and it runs... On the TBBS CPU: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Edited my main SDL file to include an entry on my GAMES menu: Entry: BLACK FORTRESS Rid your land of the Dark Presense! @AnyUser KEY=4 TYPE=210 Opt Data=c:\tbbs\scripts\rundoor.scr /p2:"BF" /p1"%TIMELEFT%" /q/s/c On the slave CPU: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Made a directory C:\GAME\BF and copied all files to it. 2. Edited DOOR.CFG (I use Com2, IRQ 3): ComPort ==> 2 SysOp First Name ==> Lloyd SysOp Last Name ==> Wood BBS Name ==> The *HOT MUDDY DUCK* ML-TBBS Drop file type (DOOR.SYS) ==> 5 IRQ # ==> 3 1=Create ERROR.LOG ==> 1 or 0=Just end on error 3. In C:\DOOR directory, created BF.BAT: REM This bat will run The Black Fortress: cd \game\bf copy c:\door\door.sys BF DOOR.CFG del door.sys cd \door rundoor %1 %2 Enjoy! Woody