New Title : DOOM Mouse Spinner v0.13 with KEYBOARD Support! Filename : Modified by : Lincoln Yeoh Email Address : ================================================================ Title : Doom Mouse Spinner (DMS) v0.12 beta Filename : DMS.COM Authors : Tom Klok and Dave 'Zoid' Kirsch Email Address : Description : Ever had the problem of a monster or deathmatch opponent sneaking up behind you? Ever needed to turn around *now*? With DMS, you can rotate your player 180 degrees with a click of the mouse! Release note : This is a *BETA* release. DMS has been tested with Logitech 3-button and Microsoft 2-button mice. It should work with others without problems. I don't know what it would do with a CyberMan. Release note for DMS v0.13 : Modified by Lincoln Yeoh so you can use a user definable key on the keyboard to flip! And added -n for people who don't want to use the mouse buttons to flip. Seems to work. If it doesn't. Tough! Go fix it. Construction : TASM 3.1, TLINK 5.1 ================================================================ What it is ~~~~~~~~~~ DMS is a tiny TSR (443 bytes resident) that intercepts Doom's calls to the mouse driver. By clicking the mouse buttons that you define, it will instantly turn you 180 degrees -- facing the exact opposite direction. Cranking up your mouse driver sensitivity can allow you to do the same, but then your accuracy may fall off. With this you don't have to make that compromise. It supports mouse "chords". For example, if you have a 2-button mouse you can set it up to spin you only when you press the left and right mouse button at the same time. 3-button mice permit even more combinations. I prefer the Middle+Right button chord on my Logitech. LY> I prefer to flip with the keyboard, and leave the mouse buttons for other stuff. That explains this patch :-). This makes it easier to run forward, flip, run backward facing opponent, aim, fire, flip back again to see where you're going. Also convenient if you back into a door- flip, press spacebar.. Does it work for Deathmatch? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sure, why not? It shouldn't cause consistency failure. Some might consider it cheating, though. LY> I think Heretic has this function built in. And I think adding the keyboard support makes it a bit more fair now... Mouse AND Keyboard is still better! How it works ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Doom uses two standard Mouse API services: function AX=0003h - mouse button status function AX=000Bh - mouse delta mickey counts A 'mickey' is the smallest unit of mouse movement... sort of like a pixel on the screen. Every time Doom requests the new delta mickey counts, the mouse driver returns the number of mickeys (X and Y, positive and negative) the mouse has moved since the last request. DMS hooks interrupt 33h, the mouse driver interrupt, and watches for those two function requests. Whenever Doom asks for the latest button status, DMS passes the request on to the mouse driver and then checks to see if the special button(s) have been pressed. If they have, it masks them out (tells Doom they never happened) and adds 180 degrees to the X-axis mickeys the next time Doom asks for them. DMS 0.13 does that too, and also checks the keyboard- in al,060h DMS was written in assembly language for small size. Source code is included. How to install it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Put DMS013.COM in your Doom directory, or some other directory in your DOS path. Simply type 'DMS013' to load it. Be sure you load it AFTER your mouse driver, not before, or it won't work. <-- Important! 'dms -?' or 'dms -h' will display some simple usage help. To configure your own button preferences, run DMS with a parameter indicating which buttons you want. The default is the right mouse button. For example, if you prefer the Left+Right buttons to spin you, enter 'dms -lr'. Since I like Middle and Right, I use 'dms -mr'. You can change your button definitions by running DMS again. It will detect that it is already loaded and just update the buttons. DMS may be loaded into conventional memory, or high memory (UMB's). There really isn't any point in loading it high, however, as Doom doesn't need much conventional memory and DMS only consumes 384 bytes resident. Make sure you maximize the mouse sensitivity setting in Doom. Anything less than full sensitivity will mean you'll turn less than 180 degrees. ENSURE that you have set your controller type to Keyboard and Mouse in your DOOM config setup. Even if you are just using the keyboard you need the mouse driver and mouse enabled under DOOM for it to work! It should work with controller type set to just plain Mouse... But that's a weird thing to do! How to uninstall it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DMS doesn't include software to release itself. Sorry. Go download the MARK/RELEASE tools, or just reboot after you're done. Legal stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~ DMS is Copyright (c) 1994 Tom Klok and Dave Kirsch. Permission is granted to distribute it via any media (Internet, BBS, CDROM, etc) as long as full attributions are maintained and the source code is included. If you modify the source and build something new with it, please have the courtesy of leaving our names on it as well and mailing us a copy. If you are a CDROM producer and include this package with your distribution, we expect a free copy of your disk as compensation. Write to Tom Klok at to notify us and get a shipping address. -- tk 12Aug94Th I did try to email Tom and Dave a copy, but their email addresses don't seem to work anymore. Anyone know their email addresses? Thanks to you two anyway. Nice code - finally some PC code that even I can decipher! Thinking of adding auxiliary keys/button for forward and backwards. Nah, DOOM isn't a flight simulator!! :-). Typing DMS013 by itself doesn't seem to select right button by default. Can't be bothered to fix that! -- LY 8 May 1995