Akira by THQ is based on the incredibly popular Japanese animated series and comic books that are the definitive source in anna-may (phonetically). This ten-level adventure game has an incredible combination of gameplay, with fighting, driving, first-person role-playing, side scrolling action, and 3/4 view adventure. If you're a fan of the series or you just like good adventure games, Akira's the game for you. If you're the type of fisherman who likes to catch fish, but doesn't like to leave the comfort of your own home, Bass Masters Classic by THQ is the game for you. Bass Masters Classic is easily the best Bass Fishing simulator out there, with five different lakes to choose from, and several different competitions to compete in. Jim Carrey is now one of the most popular comedians around, with his hit Ace Ventura and his upcoming movie, The Mask. THQ is going to try and time there latest adventure title, The Mask, with the release date of the movie. So look out, this summer's funniest movie and funniest game are on their way. Ren & Stimpy, the Beavis and Butthead of Nickelodeon, are finally on their way to a home system. The Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp by THQ is an adventure game were Ren & Stimpy win a time machine from Muddy Mudskipper and then get lost in time. It's your mission to get them back. SeaQuest by THQ is based on the very popular NBC series of the same name. There are a total of 24 missions in all, with the player having a choice of seven different vehicles, each vehicle having a special ability making it ideal for certain missions. SeaQuest looks like it's going to be a great underwater sea adventure.