PRODUCT FACT SHEET: Product Description: First in a new series from SSI's internal design group. An innovative approach to strategy gaming set in World War II. Target Audience: Primary: Males 26-45. Secondary: Males 19-25. Storyline: In the campaign game, the player assumes the role of a German General starting in Poland in 1939. If successful, he will be able to bring an ever more tough and experienced "Core" group of units to his next chosen front, commanding larger and more powerful formations as victory increases his influence and "Prestige." If successful, he may fight his way through Norway, Belgium, France, and then onto North Africa and the Eastern Front. If unsuccessful, he may find himself in a desperate defense of Berlin as early in 1939. Features: The first SSI strategy wargame in Super VGA. Intuitive point and click mouse interface. Authentic World War II film footage portraying air, land and sea combat interspersed between and during combat scenarios. Over 35 progressive scenarios available to play. Players earn prestige which gives them the ability to buy more units and equipment. The scenarios may be played independently as either side. The players' command decisions may effect the outcome of the war. If your army is defeated in Poland, France can invade Germany and end the war. Players are introduced to over 350 unit types, from Tiger tanks to B-17 Flying Fortresses. Simple, streamlined weather, attrition, and supply rules enhance game play. Great replay value. Easy to learn game system coupled with strategic depth and subtlety. You've just defeated the French. Do you accept a command in North Africa or Greece? From 2-hour scenarios to a 60-hour campaign game, play is exciting and intense. One or two players.