( SoundBrowser ( Deutsch ( VollVersion ( 640x480 ( Window ( W_MainScreen . Typ = Window . Width = 640 . Height = 480 . MinWidth = 640 . MinHeight = 480 . Title = eJay Soundbrowser 1.5 . Resize = disable . BorderMask = border.msk . Animate = true . Timeout = 2500 . Startup = startup.bmp ( Smooth . Erase = 25 . Startup = 150 ) ) ) ( Szene ( S_Main . Typ = Szene . Visible = false . Window = W_MainScreen . X = 0 . Y = 0 ( Visible_Execute : Bitmap.BM_Background : Bitmap.BM_Search : Bitmap.BM_Destination : Bitmap.BM_Sample : Button.B_Logo : Button.B_Help : Button.B_Minimize : Button.B_Close : Button.B_Plus : Button.B_Minus : Button.B_PlayLister : Button.B_StopLister : Button.B_Loop : Button.B_StopStretcher : Button.B_PlayFile : Button.B_StopFile : Button.B_NewFolder : Button.B_Save : Button.B_Logo : Button.B_Wav : Button.B_Pxd : SoundTree.C_SoundTree #: Scroller.SBH_SoundTree : Scroller.SBV_SoundTree : SoundLister.C_SoundLister #: Scroller.SBH_SoundLister : Scroller.SBV_SoundLister : DirectoryLister.C_Explorer : Scroller.SBH_Explorer : Scroller.SBV_Explorer : Stretcher.S_Stretcher : TextOutput.TO_SourceBMPLabel : TextOutput.TO_DestBMPLabel : TextOutput.TO_SourceBMP : TextOutput.TO_DestBMP : TextOutput.TO_Name : TextOutput.TO_NameLabel : TextOutput.TO_Speed : TextOutput.TO_SpeedLabel : TextOutput.TO_Style : TextOutput.TO_StyleLabel : TextOutput.TO_Ton : TextOutput.TO_TonLabel : TextOutput.TO_InstrumentLabel : TextOutput.TO_Instrument : TextOutput.TO_MonoStereo : TextOutput.TO_Status : TextOutput.TO_Browse : TextOutput.TO_DauerLabel : TextOutput.TO_Dauer : ClickMap.CM_Copy : MultiBitmap.MBM_Progress : Slider.SL_Stretcher : SoundCommand.SC_Command : Player.P_Player : DragDrop.DND_SoundBrowser : WindowMover.WM_001 : WindowMover.WM_002 ) ) ) ( Button ( B_Minus . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_MinusAktiv . Passiv = BM_MinusPassiv . X = 329 . Y = 408 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown ) . Function = S_Stretcher.StepRight . Functionvalue = true ) ( B_Plus . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_PlusAktiv . Passiv = BM_PlusPassiv . X = 519 . Y = 409 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown ) . Function = S_Stretcher.StepLeft . Functionvalue = true ) ( B_Save . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_SaveAktiv . Passiv = BM_SavePassiv . X = 554 . Y = 395 . AutoReset = 1 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown : Command ) . Function = SC_Command.Copy . Functionvalue = S_Stretcher ) ( B_Close . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_CloseAktiv . Passiv = BM_ClosePassiv . AutoReset = 2 . X = 601 . Y = 4 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown : Command ) . Function = W_MainScreen.Command . Functionvalue = Close ) ( B_Minimize . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_MinimizeAktiv . Passiv = BM_MinimizePassiv . X = 584 . Y = 4 . AutoReset = 1 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUps : KeyDown : Command ) . Function = W_MainScreen.Command . Functionvalue = Minimize ) ( B_Help . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_HelpAktiv . Passiv = BM_HelpPassiv . X = 566 . Y = 4 . AutoReset = 1 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUps : KeyDown : Command ) . Function = Shell.SH_Browser.Execute . Functionvalue = open,ejay.hlp,, ) ( B_Logo . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_LogoAktiv . Passiv = BM_LogoPassiv . X = 291 . Y = 0 . AutoReset = 1 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : Command ) . Function = Shell.SH_Browser.Open . Functionvalue = http://www.eJay.com ) ( B_PlayLister . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_PlayAktiv . Passiv = BM_PlayPassiv . X = 361 . Y = 316 ( Events : MouseDown : KeyUps : KeyDown : Drop ) . DropCommand = SoundLister.C_SoundLister.Play . Function = SoundLister.C_SoundLister.Play . Functionvalue = C_SoundLister ) ( B_StopLister . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_StopAktiv . Passiv = BM_StopPassiv . X = 337 . Y = 316 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUps : KeyDown : Drop ) . Function = P_Player.Stop . Functionvalue = true ) ( B_Loop . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_LoopAktiv . Passiv = BM_LoopPassiv . Switch = true . X = 579 . Y = 420 ( Events : MouseDown : MouseUp ) . DropCommand = Stretcher.S_Stretcher.Play . Function = Stretcher.S_Stretcher.Play . Functionvalue = S_Stretcher ) ( B_StopStretcher . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_StopStretcherAktiv . Passiv = BM_StopStretcherPassiv . X = 555 . Y = 420 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUps : KeyDown : Drop ) . Function = P_Player.Stop . Functionvalue = true ) ( B_PlayFile . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_PlayFileAktiv . Passiv = BM_PlayFilePassiv . X = 578 . Y = 288 ( Events : MouseDown : KeyUps : KeyDown : Drop ) . DropCommand = Player.P_Player.Play . Function = Player.P_Player.Play . Functionvalue = C_Explorer ) ( B_StopFile . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_StopFileAktiv . Passiv = BM_StopFilePassiv . X = 553 . Y = 288 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUps : KeyDown : Drop ) . Function = P_Player.Stop . Functionvalue = true ) ( B_NewFolder . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_BrowseAktiv . Passiv = BM_BrowsePassiv . AutoReset = 1 . X = 431 . Y = 314 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUps : KeyDown : Command ) . Function = C_Explorer.NewFolder . Functionvalue = NeuerOrdner ) ( B_Stop . Typ = Button . Visible = false . Aktiv = BM_StopAktiv . Passiv = BM_StopPassiv . X = 358 . Y = 515 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUps : KeyDown ) ) ( B_Pxd . Typ = Button . Visible = false . OnOff = true . Aktiv = BM_PxdAktiv . Passiv = BM_PxdPassiv . X = 520 . Y = 288 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown ) . Function = SC_Command.PxdFormat . Functionvalue = true ) ( B_Wav . Typ = Button . Visible = false . OnOff = true . Aktiv = BM_WavAktiv . Passiv = BM_WavPassiv . X = 432 . Y = 288 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown ) . Function = SC_Command.WavFormat . Functionvalue = true ) ) ( WindowMover ( WM_001 . Typ = WindowMover . X = 0 . Y = 0 . Width = 291 . Height = 29 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : MouseMove : KeyUp : KeyDown ) ) ( WM_002 . Typ = WindowMover . X = 351 . Y = 0 . Width = 209 . Height = 29 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : MouseMove : KeyUp : KeyDown ) ) ) ( MultiBitmap ( MBM_Progress . Typ = MultiBitmap ( Bitmap . File = pics/progress.bmp . Height = 15 ) . Style = Progress . Start = 0 . Range = 100 . WrapStart = false . WrapEnd = false . X = 118 . Y = 434 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : MouseMove : KeyUp : KeyDown ) ) ) ( Slider ( SL_Stretcher . Typ = Slider ( Bitmap . File = pics/stretcher.bmp . Height = 14 ) . Style = Slider . Start = 0 . RangeStart = 6 . Range = 150 . GrabSize = 21 . WrapStart = false . WrapEnd = false . X = 344 . Y = 411 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : MouseMove ) . Function = S_Stretcher.UpdateText . Update = S_Stretcher.UpdateText ) ) ( TextOutput ( TO_SourceBMPLabel . Typ = TextOutput . Text = Original Tempo (BPM) . X = 359 . Y = 392 . Width = 110 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ( Events : MouseDown ) . Function = S_Stretcher.ResetBPM . Functionvalue = Rufmaldendialog ) ( TO_SourceBMP . Typ = TextOutput . Text = - . X = 476 . Y = 392 . Width = 28 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ( Events : MouseDown ) . Function = S_Stretcher.ResetBPM . Functionvalue = Rufmaldendialog ) ( TO_DestBMPLabel . Typ = TextOutput . Text = New Tempo (BPM) . X = 359 . Y = 432 . Width = 110 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ( Events : MouseDown ) . Function = S_Stretcher.SetBPM . Functionvalue = Rufmaldendialog ) ( TO_DestBMP . Typ = TextOutput . Text = - . X = 476 . Y = 432 . Width = 28 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ( Events : MouseDown ) . Function = S_Stretcher.SetBPM . Functionvalue = Rufmaldendialog ) ( TO_Browse . Typ = TextOutput . Text = C:\eJay . X = 499 . Y = 318 . Width = 100 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_NameLabel . Typ = TextOutput . Text = Name: . X = 35 . Y = 390 . Width = 30 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_Name . Typ = TextOutput . Text = - . X = 73 . Y = 390 . Width = 185 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_StyleLabel . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = Style: . X = 35 . Y = 404 . Width = 55 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_Style . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = - . X = 35 . Y = 418 . Width = 55 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_SpeedLabel . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = BPM: . X = 95 . Y = 404 . Width = 35 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_Speed . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = 0 . X = 95 . Y = 418 . Width = 35 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_TonLabel . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = Key: . X = 205 . Y = 404 . Width = 50 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_Ton . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = - . X = 205 . Y = 418 . Width = 50 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_InstrumentLabel . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = Instrument: . X = 137 . Y = 404 . Width = 60 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_Instrument . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = - . X = 137 . Y = 418 . Width = 60 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_MonoStereo . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = Stereo . X = 262 . Y = 390 . Width = 40 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_Status . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = - . X = 37 . Y = 436 . Width = 80 . Height = 12 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_Status ( Font . Size = 12 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 . Message = 0xe08000 . Error = 0xf000ff ) ) ( TO_DauerLabel . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = Length: . X = 262 . Y = 404 . Width = 40 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ( TO_Dauer . Typ = TextOutput . Visible = false . Text = - . X = 262 . Y = 418 . Width = 40 . Height = 14 . Color = Normal . Background = BM_ListView ( Font . Size = 13 . Name = Arial ) ( ColorName . Normal = 0xe08000 ) ) ) ( SoundLister ( C_SoundLister . Typ = SoundLister . View = ListView.LV_SoundLister ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown : Drag : Drop ) . PlayButton = B_PlayLister ) ) ( SoundTree ( C_SoundTree . Typ = SoundTree . View = ListView.LV_SoundTree ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown : Drag : Drop ) ) ) ( ClickMap ( CM_Copy . Typ = ClickMap . X = 402 . Y = 144 . Width = 19 . Height = 39 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown ) . Function = SC_Command.Copy . Functionvalue = CM_Copy ) ) ( DirectoryLister ( C_Explorer . Typ = DirectoryLister . View = ListView.LV_Explorer ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown : Drop : Drag ) ( Mime ( audio . wav = P_Player.Play . pxd = P_Player.Play ) ) . PlayButton = B_PlayFile . DropCommand = SC_Command.Copy ) ) ( ListView ( LV_SoundTree . Typ = ListView . Background = BM_ListView . X = 30 . Y = 73 . Width = 165 . Height = 263 . Color = 0xe08000 . Selection = SingleSelection ( Font . Size = 15 . Name = Arial ) ) ( LV_SoundLister . Typ = ListView . Background = BM_ListView . X = 216 . Y = 73 . Width = 166 . Height = 238 . Color = 0xe08000 . Selection = MultiSelection ( Font . Size = 15 . Name = Arial ) ) ( LV_Explorer . Typ = ListView . Background = BM_ListView . X = 428 . Y = 73 . Width = 166 . Height = 197 . Color = 0xe08000 . Selection = MultiSelection ( Font . Size = 15 . Name = Arial ) ) ) ( Scroller ( SBV_SoundTree . Typ = Scroller . Control = ListView.LV_SoundTree . Orientation = vertical . Background = BM_SCROLLVBACKGR . Up = BM_SCROLLUP . Down = BM_SCROLLDOWN . BarTop = BM_SCROLLBARTOP . BarBottom = BM_SCROLLBARBOTTOM . Bar = BM_SCROLLVBAR . X = 198 . Y = 66 . Width = 13 . Height = 273 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown ) ) ( SBH_SoundTree . Typ = Scroller . Control = ListView.LV_SoundTree . Orientation = horizontal . Background = BM_SCROLLHBACKGR . Up = BM_SCROLLLEFT_SOUNDTREE . Down = BM_SCROLLRIGHT . BarTop = BM_SCROLLBARLEFT . BarBottom = BM_SCROLLBARRIGHT . Bar = BM_SCROLLHBAR . X = 29 . Y = 326 . Width = 169 . Height = 13 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown ) ) ( SBV_SoundLister . Typ = Scroller . Control = ListView.LV_SoundLister . Orientation = vertical . Background = BM_SCROLLVBACKGR . Up = BM_SCROLLUP_SOUNDLISTER . Down = BM_SCROLLDOWN . BarTop = BM_SCROLLBARTOP . BarBottom = BM_SCROLLBARBOTTOM . Bar = BM_SCROLLVBAR . X = 384 . Y = 66 . Width = 13 . Height = 247 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown ) ) ( SBH_SoundLister . Typ = Scroller . Control = ListView.LV_SoundLister . Orientation = horizontal . Background = BM_SCROLLHBACKGR . Up = BM_SCROLLLEFT . Down = BM_SCROLLRIGHT . BarTop = BM_SCROLLBARLEFT . BarBottom = BM_SCROLLBARRIGHT . Bar = BM_SCROLLHBAR . X = 215 . Y = 300 . Width = 169 . Height = 13 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown ) ) ( SBV_Explorer . Typ = Scroller . Control = ListView.LV_Explorer . Orientation = vertical . Background = BM_SCROLLVBACKGR . Up = BM_SCROLLUP_DIRECTORYLISTER . Down = BM_SCROLLDOWN . BarTop = BM_SCROLLBARTOP . BarBottom = BM_SCROLLBARBOTTOM . Bar = BM_SCROLLVBAR . X = 596 . Y = 66 . Width = 13 . Height = 208 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown ) ) ( SBH_Explorer . Typ = Scroller . Control = ListView.LV_Explorer . Orientation = horizontal . Background = BM_SCROLLHBACKGR . Up = BM_SCROLLLEFT . Down = BM_SCROLLRIGHT . BarTop = BM_SCROLLBARLEFT . BarBottom = BM_SCROLLBARRIGHT . Bar = BM_SCROLLHBAR . X = 427 . Y = 274 . Width = 169 . Height = 13 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown ) ) ) ( SoundCommand ( SC_Command . Typ = SoundCommand . Source = c:\autor\workspace\soundbrowser ( Progress . Typ = MultiBitmap . Name = MBM_Progress ) ( CD1 . Id = EJAY_SC1CD1 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD 1 ) ( CD2 . Id = EJAY_SC1CD2 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD 2 ) ( CD3 . Id = EJAY_SC1CD3 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD 3 ) ( CD4 . Id = EJAY_SC1CD4 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD 4 ) ( CD5 . Id = EJAY_SC2CD5 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD 5 ) ( CD6 . Id = EJAY_SC2CD6 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD 6 ) ( CD7 . Id = EJAY_SC2CD7 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD 7 ) ( CD8 . Id = EJAY_SC2CD8 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD 8 ) ( CD09 . Id = EJAY_SC3D09 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD 9 ) ( CD10 . Id = EJAY_SC3D10 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD10 ) ( CD11 . Id = EJAY_SC3D11 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD11 ) ( CD12 . Id = EJAY_SC3D12 . Name = eJay Sound Collection CD12 ) ( ID . ejay_sc1cd1 = CD 1 . ejay_sc1cd2 = CD 2 . ejay_sc1cd3 = CD 3 . ejay_sc1cd4 = CD 4 . ejay_sc2cd5 = CD 5 . ejay_sc2cd6 = CD 6 . ejay_sc2cd7 = CD 7 . ejay_sc2cd8 = CD 8 . ejay_sc3d09 = CD 9 . ejay_sc3d10 = CD10 . ejay_sc3d11 = CD11 . ejay_sc3d12 = CD12 ) ( Style . DANCE = Dance . TEKNO = Techno . ELCTR = Electro . HOUSE = House . D+B = Drum+Bass . TPHOP = Trip Hop . HPHOP = Hip Hop . R+B = R+B . RGGAE = Reaggae . GRNGE = Grunge . ETHNO = Ethno . POP = Pop . INDST = Industrial . BIGBT = Bigbeat . AMBNT = Ambient . VOCAL = Vocal Hse . DEEP = Deep Hse . FRNCH = Frensh Hse . DISCO = Disco Hse . PROGR = Progr Hse ) ( Harmonie . A = a-moll . C = c-moll . D = d-moll . E = e-moll . X = - ) ( Events : Command ) ) ) ( Player ( P_Player . Typ = Player ) ) ( Stretcher ( S_Stretcher . Typ = Stretcher . X = 319 . Y = 386 . Width = 292 . Height = 65 ( Events : Drop ) . PlayButton = B_Loop ) ) ( DragDrop ( DND_SoundBrowser . Typ = DragDrop . Dragger = pics/dragger.bmp . X = 0 . Y = 0 . Width = 640 . Height = 480 ( Events : MouseUp : MouseDown : KeyUp : KeyDown ) ) ) ( Shell ( SH_Browser . Typ = Shell ) ) ( Bitmap ( BM_Background . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/background.bmp . X = 0 . Y = 0 ) ( BM_ListView . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/soundbrowser/listview.bmp . X = 0 . Y = 0 . PatternX = 4 . PatternY = 4 ) ( BM_ListViewSoundLister . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/soundbrowser/listview_soundlister.bmp . X = 0 . Y = 0 . PatternX = 182 . PatternY = 244 ) ( BM_ListViewDirectoryLister . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/soundbrowser/listview_directorylister.bmp . X = 0 . Y = 0 . PatternX = 182 . PatternY = 216 ) ( BM_CloseAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/close_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_ClosePassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/close_p.bmp . Cursor = CUR_EXIT . Child = true ) ( BM_LogoAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/logo_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_LogoPassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/logo_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_HelpAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/help_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_HelpPassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/help_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SaveAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/save_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SavePassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/save_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_PlusAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/plus_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_PlusPassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/plus_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_MinusAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/minus_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_MinusPassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/minus_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_MinimizePassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/minimize_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_MinimizeAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/minimize_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_PlayPassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/play_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_PlayAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/play_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_PlayFilePassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/play_file_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_PlayFileAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/play_file_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_LoopPassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/loop_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_LoopAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/loop_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_StopPassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/stop_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_StopAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/stop_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_StopFilePassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/stop_file_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_StopFileAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/stop_file_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_StopStretcherPassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/stop_stretcher_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_StopStretcherAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/stop_stretcher_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_BrowseAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/browse_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_BrowsePassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/browse_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_MULTI . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/multi.bmp . Alpha = BMA_MULTI . Child = true ) ( BMA_MULTI . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/multi_alpha.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_FOLDER . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/folder.bmp . Alpha = BMA_FOLDER . Child = true ) ( BMA_FOLDER . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/folder_alpha.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SOUNDS . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/sounds_folder.bmp . Alpha = BMA_SOUNDS . Child = true ) ( BMA_SOUNDS . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/sounds_folder_alpha.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SOUNDS_OPEN . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/sounds_folder_open.bmp . Alpha = BMA_FOLDER . Child = true ) ( BMA_SOUNDS_OPEN . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/sounds_folder_alpha.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_FOLDER_OPEN . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/folder_open.bmp . Alpha = BMA_FOLDER_OPEN . Child = true ) ( BMA_FOLDER_OPEN . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/folder_open_alpha.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_FILE . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/file.bmp . Alpha = BMA_FILE . Child = true ) ( BMA_FILE . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/file_alpha.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_PXD . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/pxd.bmp . Alpha = BMA_PXD . Child = true ) ( BMA_PXD . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/pxd_alpha.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_DRIVE . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/drive.bmp . Alpha = BMA_DRIVE . Child = true ) ( BMA_DRIVE . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/drive_alpha.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_CDROM . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/cdrom.bmp . Alpha = BMA_CDROM . Child = true ) ( BMA_CDROM . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/cdrom_alpha.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_NETWORK . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/network.bmp . Alpha = BMA_NETWORK . Child = true ) ( BMA_NETWORK . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/network_alpha.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_PARENT . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/icons/folder_parent.bmp . Alpha = BMA_FOLDER . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLVBACKGR . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_vbackgr.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLUP . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_up.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLUP_SOUNDLISTER . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_up_soundlister.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLUP_DIRECTORYLISTER . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_up_directorylister.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLDOWN . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_down.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLBARTOP . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_bartop.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLBARBOTTOM . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_barbottom.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLVBAR . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_vbar.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLHBACKGR . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_hbackgr.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLLEFT_SOUNDTREE . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_left_soundtree.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLLEFT . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_left.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLRIGHT . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_right.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLBARLEFT . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_barleft.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLBARRIGHT . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_barright.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_SCROLLHBAR . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/scroll_hbar.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_Status . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/status.bmp . Child = true . PatternX = 4 . PatternY = 4 ) ( BM_Search . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/text_background.bmp . X = 50 . Y = 42 . PatternX = 4 . PatternY = 18 ( Text . Label = Search . Color = 0xe87000 . X = 32 . Y = 0 ( Font . Size = 18 . Name = Arial Black ) ) ) ( BM_Destination . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/text_background.bmp . X = 450 . Y = 42 . PatternX = 4 . PatternY = 18 ( Text . Label = Destination . Color = 0xe87000 . X = 16 . Y = 0 ( Font . Size = 18 . Name = Arial Black ) ) ) ( BM_Sample . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/text_background.bmp . X = 57 . Y = 363 . PatternX = 4 . PatternY = 18 ( Text . Label = Sample . Color = 0xe87000 . X = 26 . Y = 0 ( Font . Size = 18 . Name = Arial Black ) ) ) ( BM_PxdAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/pxd_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_PxdPassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/pxd_p.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_WavAktiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/wav_a.bmp . Child = true ) ( BM_WavPassiv . Typ = Bitmap . File = pics/buttons/wav_p.bmp . Child = true ) ) ) ( Texte ( T_Texte . Typ = Texte ( ReadError . Type = Information . Header = eJay SoundCollection #2 . Text = Reading Error ) ( WriteError . Type = Information . Header = eJay SoundCollection #2 . Text = Writing Error ) ( InsertCDROM . Type = Information . Header = eJay SoundCollection #2 . Text = Please insert CDROM %s ) ( AskCopyCancel . Type = Information . Header = eJay SoundCollection #2 . Text = Do you really want to quit copying ? ) ( AskForExit . Type = Information . Header = eJay SoundCollection #2 . Text = Do you really want to quit the progam? ) ( PlayError . Type = Information . Header = eJay SoundCollection #2 . Text = Play Back Error ) ( InsertAnyCDROM . Type = Information . Header = eJay SoundCollection #2 . Text = Please insert an eJay SoundCollection #2 CDROM ) ( AskCopyFolder . Type = Information . Header = eJay SoundCollection #2 . Text = Do you really want to copy all files from the directory %s? ) ( GetBPMDialogHeader . Text = Please enter new tempo ) ) ) ) ) )