Groundwater Resources
computer exercisehandout exercisesuggested grade levels: 9-12

view Idaho achievement standards for this lesson

All of us rely on underground water for our everyday needs. Groundwater is the largest single source of freshwater on our planet. By doing this activity, students will become much more familiar with where groundwater comes from and realize how important it is in their lives.

1. Students will understand how important groundwater is.
2. Students will learn where groundwater comes from.

To get there: Click on Atlas Home, mouse-over Hydrology, then click on Groundwater Resources. Read through the pages and answer the following questions (see handout sample). Encourage students to click on the links so they can see the pictures. For a printable pdf handout that your students can use for this exercise, click below.

These are links to access the handouts and printable materials.
hydr3ho.pdf | hydr3AK.pdf | Groundwater Resources

Handout Sample:
All of us rely on underground water for our everyday needs. Groundwater is the largest single source of freshwater on our planet. By doing this activity, you will become much more familiar with where groundwater comes from and realize how important it is in our lives. Use what you know and the Digital Atlas to complete the following worksheet.

   Part A:
     1. What is groundwater?
     2. Approximately what percentage of usable water comes from groundwater?
     3. What is a geothermal spring? How can humans use a geothermal spring?
   Part B: Use the following in a sentence; make sure the sentence reflects the meaning of the word.

Related Lesson Topics:
Hydrology: Hydrology Topics

Lesson plan by James Scannell and Stefan Sommer, 2001
Idaho Achievement Standards (as of 7/2001) met by completing this activity:
