Hydrology Weblinks

Anadromous Fish Recovery: http://www.state.id.us/fishgame/anadrec.htm

Bonneville Power Administration: http://www.bpa.gov/indexmain.htm

Cal Tech Engineer Lynn Garry's interesting salmon facts: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~salmon/fishes.htm

Columbia River Basin Research: http://www.cbr.washington.edu/index.htm
Site by the school of Fisheries at the University of Washington.  Excellent site for Columbia River issues.  Site highlights include Maps of the Columbia, analysis tools used in research, fish tagging and passage information, hatchery information, physical conditions of the river.

Columbia River Salmon Passage model: http://www.cqs.washington.edu/index.html

Dam and Reservoir Info & Impact Archive: http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/dams/
Good resource for someone doing research on dam impacts. This site has a ‘conservation’ bias and scientific facts should be scrutinized for their ‘bias’ factor. Large site with many links including impacts of James Bay project on the Cree People. Siltation and river morphology data.

Dart Adult Passsage Home Page: http://www.cqs.washington.edu/dart/adultpass.html

Environmental Geology: http://wapi.isu.edu/envgeo/index.htm

EPA Office of Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds: http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/
Great site. Organized under four major categories; Oceans, Coasts, Estuaries, Watershed’s (includes TMDL’s). Offers on-line class instruction (Academy 2000), publication information, and training courses for water sampling methods, computer modeling, pollution runoff, and hydrology techniques.

EPA Surf Your Watershed: http://www.epa.gov/surf/
Great site! History of the Clean Water Act, Maps of all state watersheds, TRI reports available, basic water facts, index of watershed indicators. Columbia River Information.

EPA Water Topics: http://www.epa.gov/ow/topics.htm
One of the better sites I have found on the web. Interesting display of water graphics. Excellent resource for almost any water topic countrywide. Includes resources for children and educators, researchers, and the general public. High quality site with many links.

Example of a watershed that contains the 3 largest single conduit springs in the USA, as well as an illustration of the watershed: http://pubs.usgs.gov/factsheet/fs50-97/

Fresh Water Search Page: http://www.cnie.org/pop/freshwater.htm
Great site with simple design. Links are arranged like a flow-chart and include: Freshwater resources, Systems/Management, Pollution/Contamination, Drinking water, Aquifers, Wetlands, Watersheds.

Ground and Surface: http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/aex-fact/0460.html

Ground and Surface Water Terminology: http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/aex-fact/0460.html

Ground Water Primer: http://danpatch.ecn.purdue.edu/~epados/ground/src/ground.htm

Heated with geothermal water: http://geoheat.oit.edu/directuse/all/dud0005.htm

Hydrology Web: http://etd.pnl.gov:2080/hydrology/data.htm
Site hosted by the Pacific NW National Laboratory. Excellent resource site. Searchable index. This site has at least 100 or more links to other organizations and water information. Meant to be used as a scientific resource.

History of Lake Bonneville and the Great Salt Lake: http://raven.umnh.utah.edu/units/great.salt.lake/GSLbackground.htm
A quick overview of history with maps of the Great Salt Lake and Lake Bonneville.

Idaho Division of Environmental Quality(IDEQ): http://www2.state.id.us/deq/

Idaho Department of  Fish and Game: http://www2.state.id.us/fishgame/

Idaho Department of Fish & Game's Fisheries site: http://www2.state.id.us/fishgame/fishery.htm

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW): http://www2.state.id.us/dhw/hwgd_www/home.html

Idaho Department of Water Resources Home Page: http://www.idwr.state.id.us/
Home page includes a schedule of upcoming events (meetings, hearings, workshops). Idaho water supply information, department publications, water management information, technical information, Snake River Basin Adjudication, river flows, and water districts.

Idaho Fish & Game's Fish Research Web Site: http://www2.state.id.us/fishgame/fishsrch.htm

Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association: http://www.ioga.org/waters.htm
A decription each river and surrounding area withing Idaho.

Idaho Rivers United Salmon News Page: http://www.idahorivers.org/salmonnews.htm
daho Rivers United is spearheading the fight to save Idaho's wild salmon and steelhead from extinction.

Idaho Virtual Campus: http://wapi.isu.edu/

Idaho Water Resources Board: http://www.idwr.state.id.us/planpol/watplan/planning/iwrb_home.htm
This page explains the function of the WR board; it’s members, and the details of the Idaho State water plan. This site is an offshoot to the IDWR homepage but gives specific details of the State water plan so I included it separately.

Idaho Watersheds Project: http://www.idahowatersheds.org
Site influenced by some of the "more extreme" environmental groups. SEAC, Ecology Center. Viewpoints are critical of government agencies managing public resources to support grazing. Contains an archive of the "Watershed Messenger" publications of Idaho Watershed Projects.

Idaho's Anadromous Fish Stocks: http://www.state.id.us/fishgame/whiteppr.htm

Idaho's Groundwater Management Areas: http://www.idwr.state.id.us/planpol/techserv/hydro/GW_Manage_Areas_Rept.htm

Idaho's Largest Aquifer: http://wwwidaho.wr.usgs.gov/nawqa/meetings/GMCLARK.nps5.htm

Idaho's Water: http://www.uidaho.edu/wq/wqpubs/cis887.htm

Indiana WET Net: http://bridge.ecn.purdue.edu/WETnet/
Tremendous resource site! Many links to water resources around the country. Sites include Federal, environmental, watershed protection, natural resources, the Water Doctor. Water Doctor feature makes this site unique since browsers can ask questions to help diagnose any water problems they may have, how to do water testing etc.

InfoRain's interactive maps showing historical and current salmon populations by watershed: http://www.inforain.org/salmon.htm

Instructional videos about watersheds: http://www.ctic.purdue.edu/KYW/glossary/whatisaws.html

Land and Water Law Review: http://www.uwyo.edu/law/l&wlrev/CONTENTS.HTM

Lake Pend Oreille: http://www.ohwy.com/id/l/lakepend.htm

Learn More about Idaho's Groundwater Management Areas: http://www.idwr.state.id.us/planpol/techserv/hydro/GW_Manage_Areas_Rept.htm

Lower Snake River Fish and Wildlife Compensation Plan: http://www.npw.usace.army.mil/html/PUB/pi/navigation/nwwn0040.htm

Montana Water Center: http://water.montana.edu/
Site sponsored by the University of Montana. Lots of information about water resources in Montana. Drinking water, clean water initiatives, current projects, water policy, available training, Montana watersheds, and TMDL’s.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: http://www.noaa.gov/
Home page for the USA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. this site is a great resource for all kinds of information.

National Wetlands Inventory: http://www.nwi.fws.gov/
Site created by the Fish and Wildlife Service. Gives wetland information for both the United States and Canada. Also includes current programs involving wetlands, ecology information, and distribution maps.

NAWQUA Fact Sheet: http://wwwidaho.wr.usgs.gov/nawqa/factsheets/LOW.165.htm

Plan for Analyzing and Testing Hypothesis Report: http://www.efw.bpa.gov/Environment/PATH/

Potlatch Paper Company: http://www.potlatchpaper.com/index.htm

Project 319 East Snake River Plain: http://h2osparc.wq.ncsu.edu:80/95rept319/idaho.htm
Project overview of ground and surface water quality in Southern Idaho. May be considered outdated since the project time was between 1991-1997.

River and Water Resources Columbia and Snake Rivers: http://www.cqs.washington.edu/crisp/rel/relriver.htm
Fabulous Resource Page. Fairly exhaustive list of water resource links for the Pacific Northwest. Highlights include Hanford, Columbia River, Dams, Snake River, Oregon, and California.

River Flows: http://www.visitid.org/outdoor/RiverFlows97.htm
Idaho River Flows-Great site created in collaboration by USGS, Forest Service, Bureau of Reclamation: Contains Idaho river streamflow data, snowpack, reservoir information, precipitation, and hydronet page.

River Information: http://www.ioga.org/waters.html

Save Our Wild Salmon news page: http://www.wildsalmon.org/news/newsmain.htm

Sawtooth Fish Hatchery's mitigation goals: http://www.cqs.washington.edu/dart/adultpass.htm

Surface Water Data: http://idaho.usgs.gov/public/h2odata.htm

Sewage World: http://www.sewage.net
Kind of fun site! Resources to look up municipal and industrial sludge treatment at most sites around the country. Explains process technology, and has many links to other sites of interest.

Stream Net: http://www.streamnet.org
Another great site with over 100 links to water related sites. General headings include: Columbia River fish projects, fish and fisheries, water resource information, geographic information systems, government agencies and sites, conservation and advocacy organization, endangered species act, and Tribes of the Northwest.

The Water FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): http://www.softwater.com/faq.htm
This is a great interactive site for the public. Answers basic water questions such as ‘what is hard water? Why are their stains on my fixtures? What is Crytosporidiosis?

Two-thirds of the population of Idaho live in the fertile Snake River Valley: http://www.census.gov/population/www/estimates/countypop.html

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: http://www.npw.usace.army.mil/

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: http://www.fws.gov

U.S Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Program: http://endangered.fws.gov/

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service West Coast Salmon Endangered Species Web Site: http://www.nwr.noaa.gov/1salmon/salmesa/index.htm

USGS HUC site: http://www-atlas.usgs.gov/hucsm.htm

USGS Surface Water Pages: http://water.usgs.gov/osw/

USGS Water Quality Assessment: http://wwwrvares.er.usgs.gov/nawqa/whatsnew.htm
National Water quality program home page. Water quality studies from around the country. Some specific studies include pesticide impacts upon the Snake River, Yellowstone River, and Colorado River. Nitrates in groundwater and surface water in Iowa.

USGS Water Resources of the United States: http://water.usgs.gov/
A good page to learn about stream gages and the streamgaging network.

USGS Water Resources of the United States: http://nsdi.usgs.gov/
This site is the "water link" on the USGS homepage. Offers water data by state, publications produced by the USGS on water issues, water quality information, acid rain, and water use. Good site with lots of information.

US Water News: http://www.uswaternews.com/homepage.htm
One of the very best sites I have found on the Internet. Great link to have on atlas homepage. Includes jobs, latest news stories, archives, books, conferences, and great links around the country and the globe.

Utah Water Atlas: http://www.engineering.usu.edu/uwrl/atlas
This site offers a good example of an on-line water atlas. The Home page itself is not done very well but the information is good. Information topics presented are very similar to the Idaho Water Atlas outline.

Water Conservation in the Pacific Northwest: http://www.pn.usbr.gov/wat/index.shtml
Site created by the US Department of Interior, and the Bureau of Reclamation. Includes project information on water activities in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington. Idaho topics include Boise River Basin Soil Moisture Study, Salmon Recovery, Idaho River Systems Management, Solar Power Study.

Water Glossary (Idaho): http://www.ridenbaugh.com/srba/watglos.htm
This site was developed by a number of water resource agencies in the Western US. Glossary goes from A-Z; lists and defines all relevant water and water related terms.

Water Quality in Idaho: http://www.uidaho.edu/wq/wqhome.htm
University of Idaho’s water quality homepage created by Dr. Robert Mahler. Includes an index to water quality topics, publications, and brochures.

Water Resources Development Act: http://www.fws.gov/laws/digest/reslaws/wat1976.htm

Water Terminology: http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/aex-fact/0460.html