Step 7 - Saving your Theme

Click on the MAIN tab to save your theme. Enter a name, preferably a descriptive name, like Star Wars The Phantom Menace Theme. Click on the OPTIONS menu and either choose 'Use no folder(no copy)' or 'Use Theme name as folder'. Below is a description of each :-

'Use no folder(no copy)' -- All selected files within the Theme will not be copied to the ThemeMaker directory and no directory will be created.

'Use Theme name as folder)' -- Opposite of above, a folder will be created in the ThemeMaker directory. The name of the folder will be the same as the Theme name. All selected files within the Theme will be copied to this directory.

Once you are happy with the theme you have created, click on SAVE.

Automattically, a contents file will be created(called Contents.html) and has all filenames which feature in your Theme.

Well done, you have now created a Theme.

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