@ ( ( K *ClassTbl* *ClassEntry* *PTABLE* *WINDOWSEG* *ICONRESTAB* *ICONRESSEG* *ICONRES* Background *OBJTABLE* *IDTABLE* *NAMETAB* Rectangle Ellipse RoundedRectangle Polygon IrregularPolygon AngledLine Curve PaintObject Picture Group Stage Button Viewer ComboBox Field RecordField Hotword *RHOTWORD* *TbxBase* ( ewer bxBase* ( bxBase* &File &Open... Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Save &As... saveas &Import... import &Export... export Print Set&up... printsetup &Print Pages... Ctrl+P printpages Prin&t Report... printreport Send &Mail... sendmail &Run... E&xit Alt+F4 &Edit &Undo Ctrl+Z Cu&t Ctrl+X &Copy Ctrl+C &Paste Ctrl+V paste C&lear Del clear Select &All Shift+F9 selectall Select Pa&ge Shift+F12 selectpage &Size to Page F11 sizetopage F&ind... F5 Re&place... replace Aut&hor F3 author &Text &Character... F6 character &Paragraph... F7 paragraph &Regular Ctrl+Space regular &Bold Ctrl+B &Italic Ctrl+I italic &Underline Ctrl+U underline Stri&keout Ctrl+K strikeout Superscrip&t/Subscript superscriptSubscript &Normal Script normalscript Su&bscript Ctrl+L subscript Su&perscript Ctrl+Shift+L superscript &Show Hotwords F9 showhotwords &Page &Next Alt+Right &Previous Alt+Left previous &First Alt+Up first &Last Alt+Down &Back Shift+F2 &History... Ctrl+F2 history N&ew Page Ctrl+N newpage &Help &Contents F1 contents Status &Bar F12 statusbar DMEDIAPATH System Arial Arial Claude Ostyn fo_LastSavedBy 11/11/96 2:57:57 PM fo_LastSaved Claude Ostyn 10/14/99 4:19:38 PM 10/14/99 4:21:27 PM _FindNetscapeExe Browser Utility functions FindNetscapeExe _FindIExploreExe Browser Utility functions FindIExploreExe Netscape Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInNetscape IExplore Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInIExplore Browser Utility functions yT_GetRemoteURL GetRemoteURL >_GetRemoteURLTitle Browser Utility functions GetRemoteURLTitle FindNetscapeExe _FindNetscapeExe "Browser Utility functions" FindIExploreExe _FindIExploreExe OpenURLInNetscape _OpenURL( OpenURLInIExplore GetRemoteURL browserName _GetRemoteURL( GetRemoteURLTitle _GetRemoteURLTitle( Claude Ostyn Multimedia :HDMEDIAPATH :CDMEDIAPATH info_LastSavedBy info_LastSaved _ASYM_EA_Version Multimedia 4/27/2000 8:59:49 PM des materiaux des materiaux lpParams = "0,0" = -41 lpCbBuff = lpHKey = "Memory alloc error ctrying registry r = , lpHkey) r = 0 -- ERROR_SUCCESS PointerDWORD(0, PointerLONG(0, ,255) , "", result = pointerSTRING(0, FindWindowByText= FindAcis _FindAcis "Browser Utility functions" FindAcroRead _FindAcroRead FindWordpadExe _FindWordpadExe FindNetscapeExe _FindNetscapeExe FindIExploreExe _FindIExploreExe OpenURLInNetscape _OpenURL( OpenURLInIExplore GetRemoteURL browserName _GetRemoteURL( GetRemoteURLTitle _GetRemoteURLTitle( CloseBrowser _CloseBrowser( ActivateBrowser _ActivateBrowser( ctions" 9611131330481212191516297296 YM_TpID 9611131330481212191516297296 ASYM_TpID AlpHKey GlobalLockPointer GlobalUnlock HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hBuff RegOpenKey RegQueryValue RegDeleteKey RegCloseKey kernel HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG dwMainKey AHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT AlpParams HKEY_CURRENT_USER shell RegCloseKey hParams HKEY_USERS GlobalFree HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA lpCbBuff Memory alloc error while trying to get registry Info >eRegQueryValue GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalLockPointer GlobalUnlock GlobalFree GlobalAlloc lpBuff RegOpenKey AHKEY_DYN_DATA ReadWindowsRegistry FindWindow FindWindowByText Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF WWW_GetWindowInfo FindWindowByText FindNetscapeWindowHandle FindNetscapeExe _FindNetscapeExe "Browser Utility functions" FindIExploreExe _FindIExploreExe OpenURLInNetscape _OpenURL( OpenURLInIExplore GetRemoteURL browserName _GetRemoteURL( GetRemoteURLTitle _GetRemoteURLTitle( CloseBrowser _CloseBrowser( ActivateBrowser _ActivateBrowser( _FindNetscapeExe linkMyDLLs ReadWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT",\ "NetscapeMarkup\protocol\StdFileEditing\server",NULL) fileExists( ) < 1 GetIniVar("embedding"," y","win.ini") ) < 1 _FindIExploreExe y("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",\ "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ \CurrentVersion\App Paths\IEXPLORE.EXE", ) < 1 _OpenURLInNetscape _OpenURLInIExplore _GetRemoteURL browserName itm = "0xFFFFFFFF" M"WWW_GetWindowInfo" _GetRemoteURLTitle p = ~("[", p > 0 _CloseBrowser M"WWW_Exit" -- Navigator does xaccept -- Try a much harder method hWnd = FindNetscapeWindowHandle() linkDLL "user" INT PostMessageDWORD = -- + a WM_CLOSE message ,0x0010,0,0) ("No _ActivateBrowser M"WWW_Activate" ("No URL, OK = xFALSE winID = "0 cmd = QUOTE & url & ," & M& ",0, M"WWW_OpenURL" ~("No Server", r) > 0 r; ss = exeName = "Iexplore" & ". OK = FlushMessageQueue() OK = ( ~("OK", r) = 1) ,0x0" sysVersion & dllName = "tb" & STRING & "dos. FileExists( MainKey, keyName ZResult errNo isType( dwMainKey = 0x80000000 $"HKEY_CURRENT_USER" >0x80000001 V0x80000002 c"HKEY_USERS" v0x80000003 "HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA" 0x80000004 "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" 0x80000005 "HKEY_DYN_DATA" 0x80000006 kernel" GlobalAlloc( POINTER GlobalLockPointer = GlobalUnlock( GlobalFree( shell" LONG RegOpenKey( RegQueryValue( RegDeleteKey( RegCloseKey( hBuff = 0x2040,256) = -41; lpBuff = "0,0" = -41 hParams = lpParams = "0,0" = -41 lpCbBuff = lpHKey = "Memory alloc error ctrying registry r = , lpHkey) r = 0 -- ERROR_SUCCESS PointerDWORD(0, PointerLONG(0, ,255) , "", result = pointerSTRING(0, FindWindowByText= :HDMEDIAPATH System Arial Arial Claude Ostyn info_LastSavedBy 11/11/96 2:57:57 PM info_LastSaved Claude Ostyn 10/14/99 4:19:38 PM 10/14/99 4:21:27 PM _FindNetscapeExe Browser Utility functions FindNetscapeExe _FindIExploreExe Browser Utility functions FindIExploreExe Netscape Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInNetscape IExplore Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInIExplore Browser Utility functions yT_GetRemoteURL GetRemoteURL >_GetRemoteURLTitle Browser Utility functions GetRemoteURLTitle FindNetscapeExe _FindNetscapeExe "Browser Utility functions" FindIExploreExe _FindIExploreExe OpenURLInNetscape _OpenURL( OpenURLInIExplore GetRemoteURL browserName _GetRemoteURL( GetRemoteURLTitle _GetRemoteURLTitle( Claude Ostyn Multimedia Browser Utility functions _FindWordpadExe FindWordpadExe _FindNetscapeExe Browser Utility functions FindNetscapeExe _FindIExploreExe Browser Utility functions FindIExploreExe Netscape Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInNetscape IExplore Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInIExplore Browser Utility functions yT_GetRemoteURL GetRemoteURL >_GetRemoteURLTitle Browser Utility functions GetRemoteURLTitle Browser Utility functions P_CloseBrowser CloseBrowser _ActivateBrowser Browser Utility functions ActivateBrowser win.ini fileExists linkMyDLLs HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT NetscapeMarkup }ReadWindowsRegistry embedding GetIniVar NetscapeMarkup\protocol\StdFileEditing\server _FindNetscapeExe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE fileExists linkMyDLLs SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WORDPAD.EXE }ReadWindowsRegistry _FindWordpadExe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE fileExists linkMyDLLs SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\IEXPLORE.EXE }ReadWindowsRegistry _FindIExploreExe Netscape Mq_OpenURL _OpenURLInNetscape IExplore Mq_OpenURL _OpenURLInIExplore Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF WWW_GetWindowInfo _GetRemoteURL Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF WWW_GetWindowInfo _GetRemoteURLTitle )(FindNetscapeWindowHandle Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF PostMessage PostMessageDWORD PostMessageDWORD WWW_Exit No server _CloseBrowser WWW_Activate Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF No server _ActivateBrowser WWW_OpenURL Iexplore _ActivateBrowser false _FindNetscapeExe WWW_Activate exeName 0xFFFFFFFF _FindIExploreExe Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF,0x0 FALSE ,0,"","", winID No Server _OpenURL 1, #> GetIniVar Zj-g FileExists dos.dll win.dll dllName linkMyDLLs AlpHKey GlobalLockPointer GlobalUnlock HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hBuff RegOpenKey RegQueryValue RegDeleteKey RegCloseKey kernel HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG dwMainKey AHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT AlpParams HKEY_CURRENT_USER shell RegCloseKey hParams HKEY_USERS GlobalFree HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA lpCbBuff Memory alloc error while trying to get registry Info >eRegQueryValue GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalLockPointer GlobalUnlock GlobalFree GlobalAlloc lpBuff RegOpenKey AHKEY_DYN_DATA ReadWindowsRegistry FindWindow FindWindowByText Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF WWW_GetWindowInfo FindWindowByText FindNetscapeWindowHandle IExplore Netscape Result of ActivateBrowser("IExplore") ActivateBrowser Result of ActivateBrowser("Netscape") buttonClick buttonClick ActivateBrowser("Netscape") txt = "Result ")" & CRLF & CIExplore") 9611131330481212191516297296 ASYM_TpID Browser Utility Functions _FindNetscapeExe linkMyDLLs ReadWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT",\ "NetscapeMarkup\protocol\StdFileEditing\server",NULL) fileExists( ) < 1 GetIniVar("embedding"," y","win.ini") ) < 1 _FindWordpadExe y("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",\ "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ \CurrentVersion\App Paths\WORDPAD.EXE", ) < 1 _FindAcroRead "AcroExch.Document\shell\ _FindAcis "ACISviewer. _FindIExploreExe IEXPLORE. ) < 1 _OpenURLInNetscape _OpenURLInIExplore _GetRemoteURL browserName itm = "0xFFFFFFFF" M"WWW_GetWindowInfo" _GetRemoteURLTitle p = ~("[", p > 0 _CloseBrowser M"WWW_Exit" -- Navigator does xaccept -- Try a much harder method hWnd = FindNetscapeWindowHandle() linkDLL "user" INT PostMessageDWORD = -- + a WM_CLOSE message ,0x0010,0,0) ("No _ActivateBrowser M"WWW_Activate" ("No URL, OK = xFALSE winID = "0 cmd = QUOTE & url & ," & M& ",0, M"WWW_OpenURL" ~("No Server", r) > 0 r; ss = exeName = "Iexplore" & ". OK = FlushMessageQueue() OK = ( ~("OK", r) = 1) ,0x0" sysVersion & dllName = "tbwin. STRING 3" & & "dos. FileExists( MainKey, keyName ZResult errNo isType( dwMainKey = 0x80000000 $"HKEY_CURRENT_USER" >0x80000001 V0x80000002 c"HKEY_USERS" v0x80000003 "HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA" 0x80000004 "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" 0x80000005 "HKEY_DYN_DATA" 0x80000006 kernel" GlobalAlloc( POINTER GlobalLockPointer = GlobalUnlock( GlobalFree( LONG RegOpenKey( RegQueryValue( RegDeleteKey( RegCloseKey( hBuff = 0x2040,256) = -41; lpBuff = "0,0" = -41 hParams = lpParams = "0,0" = -41 lpCbBuff = lpHKey = "Memory alloc error ctrying registry r = , lpHkey) r = 0 -- ERROR_SUCCESS PointerDWORD(0, PointerLONG(0, ,255) , "", result = pointerSTRING(0, FindWindowByText= FindAcis _FindAcis "Browser Utility functions" FindAcroRead _FindAcroRead FindWordpadExe _FindWordpadExe FindNetscapeExe _FindNetscapeExe FindIExploreExe _FindIExploreExe OpenURLInNetscape _OpenURL( OpenURLInIExplore GetRemoteURL browserName _GetRemoteURL( GetRemoteURLTitle _GetRemoteURLTitle( CloseBrowser _CloseBrowser( ActivateBrowser _ActivateBrowser( FindAcis _FindAcis "Browser Utility functions" FindAcroRead _FindAcroRead FindWordpadExe _FindWordpadExe FindNetscapeExe _FindNetscapeExe FindIExploreExe _FindIExploreExe OpenURLInNetscape _OpenURL( OpenURLInIExplore GetRemoteURL browserName _GetRemoteURL( GetRemoteURLTitle _GetRemoteURLTitle( CloseBrowser _CloseBrowser( ActivateBrowser _ActivateBrowser( _FindNetscapeExe linkMyDLLs ReadWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT",\ "NetscapeMarkup\protocol\StdFileEditing\server",NULL) fileExists( ) < 1 GetIniVar("embedding"," y","win.ini") ) < 1 _FindWordpadExe y("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",\ "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ \CurrentVersion\App Paths\WORDPAD.EXE", ) < 1 _FindAcroRead "AcroExch.Document\shell\ _FindAcis "ACISviewer. _FindIExploreExe IEXPLORE. ) < 1 _OpenURLInNetscape _OpenURLInIExplore _GetRemoteURL browserName itm = "0xFFFFFFFF" M"WWW_GetWindowInfo" _GetRemoteURLTitle p = ~("[", p > 0 _CloseBrowser M"WWW_Exit" -- Navigator does xaccept -- Try a much harder method hWnd = FindNetscapeWindowHandle() linkDLL "user" INT PostMessageDWORD = -- + a WM_CLOSE message ,0x0010,0,0) ("No _ActivateBrowser M"WWW_Activate" ("No URL, OK = xFALSE winID = "0 cmd = QUOTE & url & ," & M& ",0, M"WWW_OpenURL" ~("No Server", r) > 0 r; ss = exeName = "Iexplore" & ". OK = FlushMessageQueue() OK = ( ~("OK", r) = 1) ,0x0" sysVersion & dllName = "tbwin. STRING 3dos. FileExists( MainKey, keyName ZResult errNo isType( dwMainKey = 0x80000000 $"HKEY_CURRENT_USER" >0x80000001 V0x80000002 c"HKEY_USERS" v0x80000003 "HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA" 0x80000004 "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" 0x80000005 "HKEY_DYN_DATA" 0x80000006 kernel" GlobalAlloc( POINTER GlobalLockPointer = GlobalUnlock( GlobalFree( LONG RegOpenKey( RegQueryValue( RegDeleteKey( RegCloseKey( hBuff = 0x2040,256) = -41; lpBuff = "0,0" = -41 hParams = lpParams = "0,0" = -41 lpCbBuff = lpHKey = "Memory alloc error ctrying registry r = , lpHkey) r = 0 -- ERROR_SUCCESS PointerDWORD(0, PointerLONG(0, ,255) , "", result = pointerSTRING(0, FindWindowByText= Browser Utility Functions Result of FindNetscapeExe( ) FindNetscapeExe buttonClick buttonClick FindNetscapeExe() "Result )" & CRLF & Result of FindIExploreExe( ) FindIExploreExe buttonClick buttonClick FindIExploreExe() "Result )" & CRLF & Result of OpenURLInNetscape( ) www.asymetrix.com OpenURLInNetscape buttonClick buttonClick OpenURLInNetscape("www.asymetrix.com", "Result 4 )" & CRLF & Result of OpenURLInIexplore( ) OpenURLInIExplore www.asymetrix.com buttonClick buttonClick OpenURLInIExplore("www.asymetrix.com", "Result OpenURLInIexplore( )" & CRLF & IExplore Result of getRemoteURL("IExplore") nullStrOr Netscape 81getRemoteURL Result of getRemoteURL("Netscape") buttonClick nullStrOr buttonClick nullStrOr(getRemoteURL("Netscape")) txt = "Result ")" & CRLF & ;IExplore")) s = "< yresult>" IExplore Result of getRemoteURLTitle("Netscape") nullStrOr Netscape Result of getRemoteURLTitle("IExplore") getRemoteURLTitle buttonClick nullStrOr buttonClick nullStrOr(getRemoteURLTitle("Netscape")) txt = "Result ")" & CRLF & AIExplore")) s = "< yresult>" IExplore }-CloseBrowser Result of CloseBrowser("IExplore") Netscape Result of CloseBrowser("Netscape") buttonClick buttonClick CloseBrowser("Netscape") txt = "Result ")" & CRLF & @IExplore") IExplore Netscape Result of ActivateBrowser("IExplore") ActivateBrowser Result of ActivateBrowser("Netscape") buttonClick buttonClick ActivateBrowser("Netscape") txt = "Result ")" & CRLF & CIExplore") co 13NOV96 The script of this book contains the following functions: Function: FindNetscapeExe( ) Description: Searches the Windows Registry to locate the current version of Netscape.exe. Parameters: None Returns: Fully qualified file name of Netscape.exe, if found on the system. Function: FindIExploreExe( ) Description: Searches the Windows Registry to locate the current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IExplore.exe). Parameters: None Returns: Fully qualified file name of iExplore.exe, if found on the system. Function: OpenURLInNetscape(, ) Description: Opens the specified URL in Netscape, launching Netscape.exe if necessary. If Netscape is already running, opens the URL in the current Netscape window. Parameters: The URL to open. TRUE or FALSE. Returns: TRUE if no eror was detected. Note: This function may return control to your script before the browser actually executes the requested operation. Function: OpenURLInIExplore(, ) Description: Opens the specified URL in Microsoft Internet Explorer, launching IExplore.exe if necessary. If IExplore is already running, opens the URL in the current IExplore window. Parameters: The URL to open. TRUE or FALSE. Returns: TRUE if no eror was detected. Note: This function may return control to your script before the browser actually executes the requested operation. Function: GetRemoteURL( browserName) Description: Gets the URL for the page currently displayed by the specified browser. Parameters: Must be "Netscape" or "IExplore" Returns: The URL for the currently displayed page, or NULL if not available. Function: GetRemoteURLTitle(browserName) Description: Gets the title of the page currently displayed by the specified browser. Parameters: Must be "Netscape" or "IExplore" Returns: The title of the currently displayed page, or NULL if not available. Function: CloseBrowser(browserName) Description: Closes the current browser window. If this is the only window of the browser, closes the browser completely. Parameters: Must be "Netscape" or "IExplore" Returns: TRUE if the browser was running. Note: This function may return control to your script before the browser actually executes the requested operation. Function: ActivateBrowser(browserName) Description: Activates the current browser window. Normally, the window becomes the active window. Parameters: Must be "Netscape" or "IExplore" Returns: TRUE if the browser was running and accepted the command. Note: This function may return control to your script before the browser actually executes the requested operation. rns: Fully qualified file name of Netscape.exe, if found on the system. Function: FindIExploreExe( ) Description: Searches the Windows Registry to locate the current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IExplore.exe). Parameters: None Returns: Fully qualified file name of iExplore.exe, if found on the system. Function: OpenURLInNetscape(, ) Description: Opens the specified URL in Netscape, launching Netscape.exe if necessary. If Netscape is already running, opens the URL in the current Netscape window. Parameters: The URL to open. TRUE or FALSE. Returns: TRUE if no eror was detected. Note: This function may return control to your script before the browser actually executes the requested operation. Function: OpenURLInIExplore(, ) Description: Opens the specified URL in Microsoft Internet Explorer, launching IExplore.exe if necessary. If IExplore is already running, opens the URL in the current IExplore window. Parameters: The URL to open. TRUE or FALSE. Returns: TRUE if no eror was detected. Note: This function may return control to your script before the browser actually executes the requested operation. Function: GetRemoteURL( browserName) Description: Gets the URL for the page currently displayed by the specified browser. Parameters: Must be "Netscape" or "IExplore" Returns: The URL for the currently displayed page, or NULL if not available. Function: GetRemoteURLTitle(browserName) Description: Gets the title of the page currently displayed by the specified browser. Parameters: Must be "Netscape" or "IExplore" Returns: The title of the currently displayed page, or NULL if not available. Function: CloseBrowser(browserName) Description: Closes the current browser window. If this is the only window of the browser, closes the browser completely. Parameters: Must be "Netscape" or "IExplore" Returns: TRUE if the browser was running. Note: This function may return control to your script before the browser actually executes the requested operation. Function: ActivateBrowser(browserName) Description: Activates the current browser window. Normally, the window becomes the active window. Parameters: Must be "Netscape" or "IExplore" Returns: TRUE if the browser was running and accepted the command. Note: This function may return control to your script before the browser actually executes the requested operation. while trying to get registry Info >eRegQueryValue GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalLockPointer GlobalUnlock GlobalFree GlobalAlloc lpBuff RegOpenKey AHKEY_DYN_DATA ReadWindowsRegistry FindWindow FindWindowByText Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF WWW_GetWindowInfo FindWindowByText FindNetscapeWindowHandle w_FindAcis Browser Utility functions FindAcis Browser Utility functions !_FindAcroRead FindAcroRead Browser Utility functions _FindWordpadExe FindWordpadExe _FindNetscapeExe Browser Utility functions FindNetscapeExe _FindIExploreExe Browser Utility functions FindIExploreExe Netscape Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInNetscape IExplore Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInIExplore Browser Utility functions yT_GetRemoteURL GetRemoteURL >_GetRemoteURLTitle Browser Utility functions GetRemoteURLTitle Browser Utility functions P_CloseBrowser CloseBrowser _ActivateBrowser Browser Utility functions ActivateBrowser 17L_ltIYiN`yao 03:_s 6?Ujy ?I]QUaU]r[q KZgQ\nKXf@O`g S^n=BSbm N[ghr [g{br LKTZi|^r~9BFXeudw HWkdz PazFFZ`{ JSh//7l CFL`v Qc}bu L_zdt Qe}\o RcvM\s[s HUjat JXuT_yo KVmQatZo L[shz Ve{`r LCTiIOh;H\6:DDT_Yk}=FVFL` MN_"(6BEQds 'MP^z KYlLWb:K\BNW#&/=;HVfkp &&.Pf DG\\v ;BVRg %'3_n L\sW_tau 5?Vd{ 9<@f{ OXm;COPb}DI^P^nIQaP^}^p FVk[h >FXJVjUk P[sO\{Yg L\t]q HWpObwh MTfIXd^r SbwHWhVh~Scpky OXhR^v]o Yh~AJYs P_lGZo9FV1?A\w 2:I$.=!)1IQdFQ^CP_]r PewEXoDRhZl 06AFZm@GV',/ >I[]t N^rO^tds Pb{Tl l Ue~\p M]ucq ERnWd~dy CMaHZlZh{FSm>I[Xk LYqev Ug}_r Ug}hu N^w\o M^}Tj K]vL`sVi Pa}^u MXlgy GXmTg Nd}I\vQ_xj Qa{Xm Mc~Ri Scv[l Yh~BM]>J[Sbxt QawZm KZp25CYj Wgzfv N^uO[un R^v_t Yg}NXrLYoMYoBN`Vf~;BQSf N\tcu Sd|Ud Rc|_p IXq\l Sezbt Q]sN\w^p Pd|Xj Paygu Qb|Pe HUoQb|P^xJ^xZm QayNa JYtVh GYtH\sZk H\wSd O_vXl Vf|dw O]tYl TaxIRg\m L\sP_oO^oBM_O^}Q_qQ`zRi 6HYM[rRbv]q MWpO[kYl|v KXp^p Sa|N]rZn L`zUi Q`|I]K^]p 9FMe| HRc25;FQ]@La?K[9AM+06?GSu <@BKUi[q 8=DGXERhYj~Sh @DSNc~P^|d 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_FindNetscapeExe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE fileExists linkMyDLLs SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WORDPAD.EXE }ReadWindowsRegistry _FindWordpadExe linkMyDLLs HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT }ReadWindowsRegistry AcroExch.Document\shell\open\command _FindAcroRead linkMyDLLs HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT }ReadWindowsRegistry ACISviewer.Document\shell\open\command _FindAcis HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE fileExists linkMyDLLs SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\IEXPLORE.EXE }ReadWindowsRegistry _FindIExploreExe Netscape Mq_OpenURL _OpenURLInNetscape IExplore Mq_OpenURL _OpenURLInIExplore Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF WWW_GetWindowInfo _GetRemoteURL Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF WWW_GetWindowInfo _GetRemoteURLTitle PostMessage PostMessageDWORD )(FindNetscapeWindowHandle Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF PostMessageDWORD WWW_Exit No server _CloseBrowser WWW_Activate Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF No server _ActivateBrowser WWW_OpenURL Iexplore _ActivateBrowser false _FindNetscapeExe WWW_Activate exeName 0xFFFFFFFF _FindIExploreExe Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF,0x0 FALSE ,0,"","", winID No Server _OpenURL 1, #> dos.dll dllName FileExists GetIniVar tbwin.dll linkMyDLLs AlpHKey GlobalLockPointer GlobalUnlock HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hBuff kernel HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG dwMainKey AHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT RegOpenKey RegQueryValue RegDeleteKey RegCloseKey AlpParams HKEY_CURRENT_USER shell GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalLockPointer GlobalUnlock GlobalFree RegCloseKey hParams HKEY_USERS GlobalFree HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA lpCbBuff >eRegQueryValue Memory alloc error while trying to get registry Info GlobalAlloc lpBuff RegOpenKey AHKEY_DYN_DATA ReadWindowsRegistry FindWindow FindWindowByText Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF WWW_GetWindowInfo FindWindowByText FindNetscapeWindowHandle w_FindAcis Browser Utility functions FindAcis Browser Utility functions !_FindAcroRead FindAcroRead Browser Utility functions _FindWordpadExe FindWordpadExe _FindNetscapeExe Browser Utility functions FindNetscapeExe _FindIExploreExe Browser Utility functions FindIExploreExe Netscape Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInNetscape IExplore Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInIExplore Browser Utility functions yT_GetRemoteURL GetRemoteURL >_GetRemoteURLTitle Browser Utility functions GetRemoteURLTitle Browser Utility functions P_CloseBrowser CloseBrowser _ActivateBrowser Browser Utility functions ActivateBrowser w_FindAcis Browser Utility functions FindAcis Browser Utility functions !_FindAcroRead FindAcroRead Browser Utility functions _FindWordpadExe FindWordpadExe _FindNetscapeExe Browser Utility functions FindNetscapeExe _FindIExploreExe Browser Utility functions FindIExploreExe Netscape Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInNetscape IExplore Browser Utility functions Mq_OpenURL OpenURLInIExplore Browser Utility functions yT_GetRemoteURL GetRemoteURL >_GetRemoteURLTitle Browser Utility functions GetRemoteURLTitle Browser Utility functions P_CloseBrowser CloseBrowser _ActivateBrowser Browser Utility functions ActivateBrowser win.ini fileExists linkMyDLLs HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT NetscapeMarkup }ReadWindowsRegistry embedding GetIniVar NetscapeMarkup\protocol\StdFileEditing\server _FindNetscapeExe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE fileExists linkMyDLLs SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WORDPAD.EXE }ReadWindowsRegistry _FindWordpadExe linkMyDLLs HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT }ReadWindowsRegistry AcroExch.Document\shell\open\command _FindAcroRead linkMyDLLs HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT }ReadWindowsRegistry ACISviewer.Document\shell\open\command _FindAcis HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE fileExists linkMyDLLs SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\IEXPLORE.EXE }ReadWindowsRegistry _FindIExploreExe Netscape Mq_OpenURL _OpenURLInNetscape IExplore Mq_OpenURL _OpenURLInIExplore Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF WWW_GetWindowInfo _GetRemoteURL Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF WWW_GetWindowInfo _GetRemoteURLTitle PostMessage PostMessageDWORD )(FindNetscapeWindowHandle Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF PostMessageDWORD WWW_Exit No server _CloseBrowser WWW_Activate Netscape 0xFFFFFFFF No server 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