═══ 1. General Help ═══ General Pegasus Help Pegasus (The Greek Myth) A winged horse that with a stroke of his hoof caused the fountain Hippocrene to spring forth from Mount Helicon. Pegasus Resource Monitor (The Product) A 32 bit application that with a click of a mouse causes a fountain of performance statistics to spring forth from Mount OS/2 2.x! Unlike other OS/2 system monitors, the measurements in Pegasus come directly from the operating system. This provides accurate measurement data as opposed to 'approximated' information found in other monitor systems. In addition, Pegasus can be upgraded to the C.O.L. Systems Inc. network performance and capacity management tool Osrm2 Version 2.0. As a matter of fact, Osrm2 uses the same data collection as Pegasus ═══ 2. Help For System Activity ═══ System Activity This windows displays the system activity table. The table consists of metrics for global resources such as CPU, Paging, and Memory. The CPU metrics contain: o Cpu Utilization - The percentage of time that the system was busy performing work during the interval. o Dispatch Counts - The number of times a thread was scheduled during this interval. o Irq Utilization - The percentage of time spent servicing interupts. o Irq Service Counts - The number of interupts that were serviced during this interval. The Paging and Memory metrics values, with the exception of PageIn and PageOut counts, are displayed in pages. A page represents 4,096 bytes of memory. The Paging metrics contain: o PageIn Count - The number of pages swapped in from the swapper.dat file. o Page Faults - The number of times a page 'miss' occured. This is denoted as Flt in the PageIn row. o Page Demand - The number of pages demand loaded from disk. This is denoted as Dmd in the PageIn row. o PageOut Count - The number of pages swapped out to the swapper.dat file. o Page Discard - The number of pages discarded. This is denoted as Dsc in the PageOut row. o Page Reclaim - The number of pages reclaimed. This is denoted as Rcl in the PageOut row. The Memory metrics include: o Resident - The number of resident pages. A resident page is a page that can not be swapped. o Free - The number of free pages. A free page is a page not currently in use. o Used - The number of used pages. Used pages include resident pages as well. o Idled - The number of idled pages. Idle pages are pages that have not been recently. o Reassigned - The number of pages re-assigned. ═══ 3. Help For Application Activity ═══ Application Activity The table contains per process resource usage measured between Application Refresh Intervals as set in the configuration dialog. o Name - Name of the executing process. o PID - System assigned process ID. o Thrds - The number of current threads in this process. o Cpu % - The system busy percentage as measured for this process. o Disp - The number of times this process was dispatched in the last interval. o Flts - The number of page faults that occured for this process during the last interval. o PWait - The amount of time, in milleseconds, that this process spent waiting for a memory page fault to resolve. o FWait - The amount of time, in milleseconds, that this process spent waiting for file I/O. o Reads - The total number of disk I/O read events. o Writes - The total number of disk I/O write events. ═══ 4. Help For I/O Activity ═══ I/O Activity This windows displays the I/O activity table. The table consists of metrics for global resources such as Logical Partitions, Printers, and Communication Ports. The Logical Partition metrics contain: o Read Events - The number of disk reads that occured to this logical drive. o Read Response - The average response time (in milliseconds) per I/O event. o Read Bytes - The average number of bytes read per I/O event. o Write Events - The number of disk writes that occured to this logical drive. o Write Response - The average response time (in milliseconds) per I/O event. o Write Bytes - The average number of bytes written per I/O event. o Used Storage - This indicates the amount of storage (in megabytes) that is used on the logical disk. o Available Storage - This indicates the amount of storage (in megabytes) that is available for use on the logical disk. For Communication Ports, the metrics are the same as those for Logical disk except there are no storage metrics. For Printers, the metrics are the same as those for Communication Ports except there are no Read Event metrics. ═══ 5. Help For Pegasus Settings ═══ Pegasus Settings Pegasus provides you with a number of controls for configuration of the system. For more information on each of the control settings, select the Contents menu item from the Help Manager's Options action. Note: If this is the first time running Pegasus, or you have deleted the Pegasus.Ini file, the settings dialog will be called automatically. ═══ 5.1. Help For Sample Rate ═══ Sample Rate How often Pegasus updates the System and I/O Activity tables is based on the Sample Rate. Valid options are 5 Seconds, 1 Minute and 15 Minute intervals. ═══ 5.2. Help For Application Refresh ═══ Application Refresh Rate This option controls the frequency, in minutes, that Pegasus updates the Application Activity table. In addition to the automatic refreshes, the Application Activity panel is updated when : o When any process starts. o When any process ends. o Every 15 minutes. ═══ 5.3. Help For System Auto Start ═══ Auto Start Options Pegasus can automatically open the monitor tables when started. A table is still available after startup from the Views action bar. ═══ 5.4. Help For I/O Auto Start ═══ Auto Start Options Pegasus can automatically open the monitor tables when started. A table is still available after startup from the Views action bar. ═══ 5.5. Help For Application Auto Start ═══ Auto Start Options Pegasus can automatically open the monitor tables when started. A table is still available after startup from the Views action bar. ═══ 5.6. Help For Settings Reset ═══ Settings Reset This button will reset all changes made since the dialog box had been invoked. ═══ 6. Messages ═══ Messages CONFIRMCLOSE Closing Pegasus will also close the data metric collection facility. Is this what you want to do? DCFINCONSISTANT The collector has been found running but the integrity is not verifiable. Stop all Pegasus processes and then re-start. MORETHANONE There is already an instance of Pegasus running. Bring both applications down and re-start Pegasus. PARMSTOOLATE The collector has already been started but sessions parameters are unknown. Re-starting Pegasus processes is advised.