Thank you for your interest in Source View V3.1a. This file is the latest addendum for the current release. 1. What's new in Source View V3.1a? 1a. Source View now uses XMS/EMS to swap out all open files when you run your compiler, batch file or exit to main menu. This feature eliminates enormous conventional memory overhead for child programs. Source View prefers XMS over EMS. 1b. Dynamic marking and clipboard functions are added. The popular "Shift" key combinations for clipboard functions are also supported. 1c. Undelete line [Ctrl U] function is added to restore line(s) previously deleted. 1d. Go to Next Window [Ctrl J N] function is added to switch between different windows currently displayed on the screen. 1e. Run [Ctrl Q U] function is added to access the "Run" function in the Compile Menu. 1f. Delete Block [Ctrl K Y] function now asks for user's comfirmation. 1g. Now you can choose not to open a duplicate file or to open it as a read-only file. 1h. Now if Indent Mode is on, [Backspace] stops at indent position according to all preceeding lines. 2. Even though a lot of the features in Source View are designed for programmers, you can also use it as an advance text editor. Another good way of using the editing power of Source View is software integration. Many programs allow users to designate an editor replacement. For example: 2a. The 1Word editor in XTGOLD can edit only one file no larger than 64K. You can designate Source View as a replacement in the configuration (Alt-F10) under item "Editor program:". 2b. The PCEdit in ProComm Plus also has the same limitation and can be replaced by Source View in SETUP UTILITY (Alt-S) under item FILE/PATH Options. The QLEdit in QuickLink II/Fax can be replaced in a similar manner. 2c. The default editor in FoxPro can be replaced by adding the following line to CONFIG.FP: TEDIT = /0 SV.COM 3. You might know the SysEdit program in Windows 3.1 which automatically opens the four system files for DOS and Windows. Here is a tip on how you can do it in DOS with Source View: 3a. Create a one-line batch file SYSED.BAT as follows: @SV C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\CONFIG.SYS 3b. Place both SYSED.BAT and SV.COM in one of your directories included in your PATH. 3c. At any DOS prompt, type SYSED . 4. All Source View opened files must fit in conventional memory. Therefore, the total size of all open files can not exceed 640K. The maximum number of open files is only subject to memory availability. 5. A number of bugs in V3.0i are fixed: 5a. Screen color of last line changed after Setup/Save. 5b. Can not zoom out after closing the last but one file. 5c. Read-only file can be saved. 5d. Find/Replace case sensitive setup not available. 5e. Scroll Down [Ctrl Z] when the first line of screen is being modified causes incorrect display of page. 5f. Find backward can only locate the first occurence. 5g. Macro reading exceeds 64 key strokes can not normally terminate the macro assignment. 5h. If a file executed by Source View has a bad disk sector, choose "Abort" from DOS terminates Source View itself. 5i. Run-time File Access Interface failed to handle file larger than 64k. 5j. Lockup after a duplicate key in Keymap Setup. 5k. Press [Ctrl P M] causes incorrect display of page. 5l. Can not execute a file with extension if it is not in current directory. 5m. Run-time File Access Interface allows child programs to rename, create and delete disk files that have been opened by the Source View Editor. 5n. Fails to recognize duplicate files with no extension. 6. CompuServe Shareware Registration Information: Author: Michael W. Chen (Member of ASP) CompuServe ID: [72204,2725] Program Title: SOURCE VIEW V3.0I Registration ID: 884 Fee (USD): 30.00 If you need technical support, you can write to the address shown in the logo or to User-ID [72204,2725] in CompuServe E-Mail.