WARNING! ======== This is a BETA version of this product. Backup up your data a LOT! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WELCOME TO WINCHECK! This disk contains WinCheck 3.1 (BETA) This file contains the following information: 1) Just what is WinCheck? 2) Late breaking news 3) Registration Reminders 4) Legal Matters 5) How to install WinCheck 6) International Currency Support 7) Printing Problems?? 8) Converting data from Quicken and other products (Quicken is a registered trademark of Intuit.) 9) Packing List 10) Product Support 11) ASP Ombudsman Statement 12) The legalese section 13) Other Wilson WindowWare products 14) Ordering Information 15) WinCheck Order Form *** JUST WHAT IS WINCHECK *** WinCheck is designed to manage any number of checking, savings, and credit card accounts. Since WinCheck's initial release last year, it has developed into a top-notch financial manager. WinCheck's features include a Check Form Designer, to build check templates for printing on virtually any pre-printed check form (dot matrix and laser checks are both supported). The Custom Report Maker allows you to view and print a variety of supplied reports, such as cash flow reports, or create custom reports tailored to your own needs. With the Custom Report Maker, you can print an entertainment expense report, a credit/deposit history, or all tax deductible transactions for the year to date. WinCheck's transaction classifications, or "categories," allow you to keep track of the money earned and spent on categories such as Business and Entertainment. WinCheck's budgeting facilities can be used in combination with these categories to plan a monthly budget. Add reoccurring transactions to a menu or have WinCheck remind you to make transactions such as mortgage payments and paycheck deposits. WinCheck also supports Windows Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and sports an internal batch language. WinCheck offers an exceptionally attractive and intuitive user interface featuring a Control Bar, Status Bar, iconic "Toolbox," and check registers with adjustable column widths. Checks and other transactions appear as 3-D dialog boxes with bitmapped backgrounds. Screen colors and fonts are fully customizable. Standard operations, such as writing checks and making deposits, may be performed by clicking on icons from the Control Bar. The online help facility and intuitive user interface pretty much precludes the need for a manual, although the 200 page, heavily illustrated manual does further detail many of WinCheck's features with various examples. To order computer checks call "Financial Registers" at the number below and they will assist you. (There are sample checks and other forms in the WinCheck box as well). To Order WinCheck 800-762-8383 or 206-938-1740 Our BBS 206-935-5198 Fax 206-935-7129 Tech Support 206-937-9335 *** LATE-BREAKING NEWS *** There are a number of TXT files containing bits and pieces of documentation. They are: README TXT This file CHANGES TXT A list of the new features added CORRECT TXT Corrections to the printed manual HOW2-WCK TXT The beginners guide to WinCheck BALANCE TXT How to reconcile your account with nifty new balance tool. QUICKEN TXT How to import data using the QIF format DDE TXT The WinCheck DDE specifications This new 3.0 version has a variety of new features. They are: a) Quicken import capability b) Custom report generation c) Color and font customization d) Improved help files e) Ability to print Landscape checks (with newer printer drivers) f) Ability to handle multiple accounts g) No limit on number of monthly transactions Special new featues include: a) New "Print Direct" feature for printing one check at a time to Dot-Matrix style printers (no page eject). b) Categories can now be classified as Income, Expense, or Both. All of your categories from your current version will default to "Both". You can modify these categories to specify income or expense with the "Edit Categories" dialog. By indicating Income or Expense, your budget reports will be more informational. c) Categories can be classified as Tax deductible. When you enter a new transaction, the "Tax Deductible" box will automatically check when you select one of these categories. You can, however, still un-check the box if you desire. d) Expandability! WinCheck now allows you to add custom tools to your menu. These tools use DDE to communicate with WinCheck. Two NEW tools have been included, PAYROLL.EXE and BALANCE.EXE. Try them! They are on the TOOLS menu. All of the information you need for using WinCheck's DDE can be found in the DDE.TXT file. The source code to PAYROLL and the source code to a more simple add-on tool (Visual Basic) have been included on the distribution disk in the DDE_VB.ZIP file. Sample code for hardcore SDK tools may be found in the DDE_SDK.ZIP file. e) The categories for the Budget, Cash Flow, Profit/Loss, and category reports are now in alphabetical order (instead of order of entry). f) New pre-defined categories on startup of account or by running a WinCheck command file. *** HOW TO INSTALL WINCHECK *** Use our SETUP.EXE program, which will copy the files for you and install a WINCHECK group in the program manager with a TUT (Tutorial) account. To use our SETUP.EXE program... 1) Close down all extraneous Windows applications. 2) Then do ONE of the following: A) From File Manager, locate then double click the SETUP.EXE file in the directory you copies the files to: OR B) From Program Manager, pull down the FILE menu, and select the RUN option. Enter the full path to the SETUP.EXE file, as in "C:\XXX\SETUP.EXE" and hit ENTER. 3) When the setup program asks for a directory, specify initial directory, or accept the given default (C:\WINCHECK). 4) When the next dialog box shows up, you can select what you want to install. If there is any doubt, select everything by hitting the "Add All" button. 5) Then push the INSTALL button to install WinCheck. 6) When the setup process is complete, you may delete the temporary directory you created in the first step. *** INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY SUPPORT *** This version of WinCheck support non-US currencies much better than previous versions. WinCheck will support only 1 type of currency. To let WinCheck know what kind of currency you use, do the following: 1) Start Control Panel. Get to the "International" section. Find the "Currency" area. Make sure all the information there is correcy. 2) Edit your WIN.INI file. Find the [intl] section. Add the following lines into the [intl] section. (assuming your currency names are Pounds and pence - make changes accordingly) [intl] sMajorCurrName=Pounds sMinorCurrName=pence That should do it. There may still be a few dollar signs here and there, but we are working on it. *** PRINTING PROBLEMS? *** Refer to the On-Line Help topic "Printing Checks" for help with printing checks to a Dot Matrix Printer. Most printer drivers have special features that take added advantage of the Windows 3.0 environment. WinCheck assumes that you have one of these drivers installed. Some older printer drivers, and current versions of some font packages (Bitstream Facelift) do not support these features. If WinCheck does not print properly on your system, add the following line to the [WiChk14a] section of your WIN.INI file: NODEVMODE=1 This line will cause WinCheck to bypass the special printer driver features that cause the problems. Note: You will not be able to print landscape checks if you use the NODEVMODE=1 option. *** CONVERTING DATA FROM QUICKEN AND OTHER PRODUCTS *** Quicken is a registered trademark of the Intuit. If you are converting from Quicken(tm), please read the file QUICKEN.TXT. *** PACKING LIST *** README TXT This File QUICKEN TXT Instructions on converting Quicken data HOW2_WCK TXT The Getting Started Chapter from the manual DDE TXT Information on WinCheck's DDE Functions CHANGES TXT A list of recent changes to the program CORRECT TXT Corrections to the printed manual WC__VER ??? A dummy file. ??? is the current version number WINCHECK EXE The actual WinCheck program WINCHECK HLP The WinCheck help file INTLSTR DLL International String handling DLL WWWDBMS DLL Data base system DLL WWWDDEC DLL DDE DLL QUICK34 EXE Quicken Data conversion program EPSON WCT Sample check forms for dot matrix printers LASERCHK WCT Sample check forms for laser printers PAYROLL EXE Add on tool for entering payroll information BALANCE EXE Add on tool for reconciling accounts easily WCTOOLS INI One of WinChecks private INI files *any* RPT Predefined report files H WCB Command File to create personal categories B WCB Command File to create business categories HB WCB Command File to create personal and business categories BOOK TUT Tutorial Account file - Checkbooks CHKHDR TUT Tutorial Account file - Header file COMMON TUT Tutorial Account file - Backup header file JAN91 TUT Tutorial Account file - January 91 data FEB91 TUT Tutorial Account file - February 91 data MAR91 TUT Tutorial Account file - March 91 data NATURES TUT Tutorial Account file - Transaction categories SETTINGS TUT Tutorial Account file - Account setting DDE_VB ZIP Source code (Visual Basic) DDE_SDK ZIP Source code (Windows SDK) SETUP EXE The setup program WSETUP2 OVL More of the setup program WSETUP INF Setup script file *** PRODUCT SUPPORT *** If you have questions about the operation of WinCheck, refer to the help with WinCheck (choose Index from the Help menu or press F1). WinCheck has on-line support on a number of computer systems. The home of WinCheck is on CompuServe, in the WINAPA forum, in the Wilson WindowWare section (#15 currently). The Wilson WindowWare section is checked on a daily basis, and all questions will be responded to. Also the the latest and greatest downloads are available from DL15 of the WINAPA forum. Licensed users may also call our BBS for the latest versions of Wilson WindowWare products. BBS (206) 935-5198 USR HST/V.32 V.42bis 14000+ 8N1 Additionally, support is provided for licensed users at: Phone: 206-937-9335 or Fax: 206-935-7129 If you are calling with a problem report, please have the pertinent information handy: * Version of WinCheck * Version of Windows * Computer hardware information * Steps to reproduce.