Information about the Ultimate Sierra Solution System (USSS) Version 1.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The USSS is a program that will help you to solve your Sierra adventure games. You may find hints and the whole solution for most of the games. I also added the patches to unprotect the games from their key disks because I think there is nothing sillier than a key disk. But don't use these fine utilities to make illegal copies of your game! The USSS is not for commercial use. Files: ----------- USSS .EXE the main program USSS .OVL the overlay file SCORES.TXT quickview of scores README.TXT this text Instructions: --------------- Press [F1] for help (the USSS is the simpliest software ever created). NOTE: ------- If you have a monocrome graphics adapter, USSS will write temporary files on your disk (harddisk). So don't be afraid; it's no virus. You'll see that I tried to reach every point. But even with the help of my friends we didn't find each point for all games. If you know where we could find these points, please write a message to Christian Lupp in the 'What's up?' BBS Munich in Germany, 049-89-3617476 New Versions: --------------- You may download new versions from the 'What's up?' BBS in Munich, Germany, 049-89-361 74 76. There you can also write messages to me and send USSS up- load supports. You DON'T need to be a user in the 'What's up?' BBS to download the new USSS there ! (Thanks to Sysop Dirk Bilgram) Program & Updates: ---------------------- Version 1.00 (06/12/90) The first release of USSS contained the solutions of Larry I-III and King's Quest I-III. Version 1.10 (07/07/90) All parts of the Space Quest series (1-3) and the ASCII-File-making utility are added. Version 1.20 (07/23/90) Manhunter 2, King's Quest IV, Conquest of Camelot, Silpheed and parts of Iceman are added. I also changed the outfit of the mainmenu: All games (even the not implemented) are shown. Version 1.21 (08/01/90) King's Quest I-III have been updated. Version 1.30á (10/04/90) Special pre-version for the new Online support by Dirk Bilgram's 'What's up?' BBS in Munich. Police Quest II, the Black Cauldron and parts of Police Quest are added. Version 1.3 (10/25/90) Mission Iceman and Police Quest I have been updated. Thexder has been added. Credits: --------- My special thanks to Arthur who helped me all the time solving the games and to the 'What's up?' BBS Munich and its Sysop Dirk for the Online Support System. SIERRA and WALT DISNEY are registered trademarks. Yours Christian