These missions are for Falcon 3.0d, but should be okay for any version of Falcon 3. They are a combination of missions from several individuals on Prodigy who where kind enough to send them to me. If you would like to include one of your favorite RED FLAG missions in an upcoming mission collection such as this, contact Ken Cook id# hwgr78a on prodigy and I will e-mail you my address. The next mission file ( will be released sometime around the holidays of 92 and will be based on the Flying Tigers version of Falcon 3. I would like to dedicate this effort to the programmers and play testers at SH who have worked so hard to bring us the best flight sim ever conceived IMHO. IMPORTANT NOTE !!!: USE A NEWLY FORMED SQUADRON. In the d patch there is a roll over in pilot rating problem so don't use a squadron that you want to keep for future campaigns. Also, A couple of the missions (LTON & BLACKBOX) has you actual shoot down a friendly on purpose so any pilot you use will become foxtrot uniform. SOME HANDY PHONE NUMBERS: ***************************************************************** SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 2061 Challenger Drive Alameda, CA 94501 (customer support): (510) 522-1164 9am-5pm pst Monday - Friday America Online: SHERE ComputServe: 76004.2144 GEnie: HOLOBYTE Internet: 76004.2144@COMPUSERVE.COM Prodigy:TKNJ33a ***************************************************************** THRUSTMASTER: (503) 639-3200 or FAX (503) 620-8094 Prodigy Id# GVRR37a Buzz Hoffman Thrustmater makes the WCS, FCS, Pilot Edge, Rudder Pedals, Game card and soon to be more. A mockup of an actual F-16 cockpit? ***************************************************************** PILOT EDGE: (408) 263-8037 TSR for custom configuration of the cool-hat and lower two buttons of the Thrustmaster FCS. For Falcon 3 and Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe. NOTE: If Dwight Ennis is napping call Thrustmaster.GOT YA Hacker! ***************************************************************** INTERCEPT (SIMCAP): 20 Lafayette Avenue Kingston, NY 12401-4408 (914) 338-3520 Journal for Combat Flight Simulation Pilots SOLOROL (by Tim Labrie and Ken Cook): Just a week ago Tim "Cheese" Labrie was grounded with a sore foot from fooling around with the basketball on the base. So much has happened since then. A hot war has broken out and Cheese's wingman Jamal "Spins" is missing in action due to a very costly mistake by Cheese's replacement. Cheese went from denial to sad and now to fuming mad. Just pacing back and forth in his barracks like a caged lion. Suddenly, Jedi came racing in "I got some good news and some bad news". "Whats the good news!!!" Cheese shouted, hoping it was about his lost friend Horace. "The good news is Doc Hill says your no longer grounded." Jedi could see that this was not the good news Cheese was hoping for. The lines on Cheese's face began to drop as he began to dread what the bad news might be ... "oh, god say it ain't Spins" Tim thought, as he rolled his eyes upward towards the heavens. "Bad news is they found Spins ... he's alive, but the transport convoy that picked him up is headed smack dab into an enemy convoy that should overwhelm them. There's bogey's everywhere and we gotta wait for the F-15 boys to get into position to escort us." "Bull pucky!!!" cried Cheese, "I'm going right now, escorts or not!!!" "but ... but" "no buts Jedi, I'm gone ... hows my bird?" They got the Mavs on, but the clusters are still ... "That'll have to do" and off went Cheese marching towards his pride and joy. Jedi paused for just a moment, but he knew what he had to do. "Wait up Cheese ... I'm your escort!!!" Cheese never looked back, but in reaching his bird and ignoring the pain in his foot, he was relieved to see the ecm pod, 4 9ms and a full tank of gas to go with the mavs ... he knew he would need it all to come out of this one alive. On the way out their radar was picking up several uninvited guests all closing fast, but still out of reach. Cheese's eyes where tired from the squinting, trying despritley to find the enemy convoy down below. You start this mission as Cheese and remember the enemy convoy is of the utmost concern to you. You will find them somewhere out in front of you. Use the Mav cross hairs to try and lock onto something prior to getting a visual, but better confirm before firing. Good luck and God Speed. PEACH (by Peter "HardRock" Meadows): This is what we have all been waiting for. To smash JEB HQ and put an end to his elitist propaganda. Finally command HQ has authorized a strike mission of 2 F111's for this purpose, however, due to a very sophisticated early warning system it is anticipated JEB will make an escape before the F111's arrive. We have installed a highly advanced tracking system for this purpose and you will be able to track down his escape via a waypoint. Your mission: Take (2) F111's to the target area which is an enemy column disguising an underground bunker. The F111's will proceed to take this out thereby completing the first part of the mission. The second part of your mission will be to proceed to waypoint 3 which has automatically tracked JEB's escape route. There you will find a single tank and truck. JEB will be in the tank. Take it out. Proceed to waypoint 4 for a safe landing at Nellis. You will need a "good" wingman for this mission. The suggested armaments should be kept and are: YOUR F-16 2 Mavricks, 4 9mikes WINGMAN 4 ARRAMS, 4 9mikes Good luck and strike a blow for the average joe! SQZPLY2 (by Buzz Hoffman): This mission is named Squeeze Play Two because I had originally done Squeeze Play One and it did not have the ground elements. I found it to be too easy, so I added the ground elements to make it a bit more exciting. What you have here is - your wingie is airborne, and you are on the ground at the end of the runway ready for engine start. Get in the air FAST. There are four MiG-21s bearing down on you. One each from your 12 O'clock, 3 O'clock, 6 O'clock, and 9 O'clock - all the same distance out but each at different altitudes. They are all armed with radar, rear-aspect IR missiles, and guns and they are flying as top cover for the ground forces advancing on your base. There are also two enemy ground elements and two allied ground elements. The Allied elements are sent out to look for the enemy ground elements that are coming at your base from the NW and the SW. If the ground elements get in too close - watch out - they have SAMS with them. The Allied and Enemy ground forces are, however, evenly matched in terms of equipment. The objective here is for YOU to shoot down ALL of the four MiG-21s that will attack you and for you and your wingman to survive the mission with no damage. If your wingie gets morted, then you don't get the big "E" for this mission. If your wingie is morted, then you really haven't passed the mission - you are the flight leader, and you need to get him back alive - so keep in touch with him. The kicker is - you need to act fast at getting them all. One of the MiG-21s carries CAS ordnance and if you take too long getting him, then he'll get a chance to attack your ground forces and you'll likely have the enemy ground forces that are coming in under the fighter cover to attack your base in close enough to start throwing SA-6s and SA-7s at you. If that happens - things get a whole lot tougher in a hurry. In addition to having to contend with SAMs, you'll still have MiG-21s chasing you and your wingie about the sky. If you get them in a hurry, then things'll get real quiet a lot sooner. Get in the air as fast as you can and use your wingie judiciously to assist in keeping those Apexs out of your tailpipe. This mission can be easy - just get the MiGs early in the mission. I tried to make this mission as flexible as possible. For a 2 vs 4 like this I'd suggest you and your wingman take 2 AiM-9 Poppas, 2 AiM-9 Mikes, 4 AiM-120s, and an ECM pod. If you want more difficulty - take less. Hints: 1. Don't fixate on a MiG - if you have a shot - shoot and move on to the next one. 2. Use Bracket left and right - A LOT. 3. After you shoot down the last MiG - do a quick 360 degree scan with your radar (a couple of revolutions should do), and if you aren't picking up any blips with the radar set to NAM (20NM) then you can consider the threat as taken care of. If your wingie is still alive, then land, but NOT BEFORE YOU SWEEP AROUND THE AREA TO PIN DOWN WHERE THE ENEMY FORCES ARE. If you don't sweep the area on the deck, you might find a SA-6 or SA-7 bearing down on you about when you are ready to touch down. Suggest you might want to start this on one of the lower levels, but remember - be aggressive and you should have no trouble getting success in this mission. If you are into real thrills - just take your time at getting the MiGs and you'll get a valuable lesson in the value of being aggressive in air combat. Enjoy and watch yer six. Buzz Hoffman LTON (by Tim "Cheese" Labrie and Ken "Teach" Cook): It had been over a year and a half since General Stan Ley bounced Congressmen Ton's son and his friends. The Congressman had gotten the whole lot of them as far as actual flight school before General Ley finally caught them. 2nd Lt L. Ton Jr. or "Ham" as he was know by his very select friends, was spray painting the words Yeeehawww on the General's quarters when they nabed him. Still all General Ley could do was relegate them to watching the planes at the local air shows. 2nd Lt "Ham" L. Ton had begged his dad to get him into an F-117 squadron, but even a Congressman has his limits. After getting relegated to air shows "Ham" had gotten one last hair brained idea ... "If we can't get into an F-117 through my dad then we'll just have to take matters into our own hands". With that the planning started. One morning "Ham" was reading a comic book when he over heard about the 7th annual Fal Con convention. It was to be held at an airfield and Gen Stan Ley was to be the guest speaker. "Perfect!!!" Ham cried! "I can take them all out!!!" The loud explosion knocked nearly everyone to the ground and the heat coming from the hanger was intense. Mass confusion and panic carried over the airshow crowd of over 3,000 like a hot summer breeze. There was smoke every where and little could be seen. Meanwhile, the aircrafts left the airfield seeming almost at once, but why were they armed? "Ham" L. Ton and friends had somehow pulled it off. 2-Mig-29s, 1-Su27, 1-F1Mirage, 1-Mig-19, 1-Mig-21 and one F-117 were all gone by the time the smoke started to clear. It was then when the sinking feeling of what had happened began to dawn in Col. Erickson's mind. "I'm gonna get that Son of a ... " thought Col. Erickson. Col. Erickson called one of his top guns Bill "VIPER" Griffith at once and said "Take off immediate, I'll be RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!!". Get former 2nd Lt., "Ham" L. Ton, in his F-117 before he wipes out the Fal Con convention and everybody in it!!! Rumor is there is a tail gate party going on prior to the event. HINDSIT (by Robert Miller and Ken "Teach" Cook): Central America was hot and muggy as promised and ironically it reminded Captain "Welby" Miller of the day that he decided to join the drug war. A beautiful little 8 year old girl from Panama had been dropped at the door step of a moderately sized hospital in Florida where "Welby" was doing the swing shift as an ER doc. She was only alive for a short time, but she did manage to one last request. " Please sir, get Costales ............ he made me swallow ..." it was her last breath. Upon examination the poor little latino girl was found to have a ruptured balloon that she was forced to swallow full of cocaine. She never had a chance. Captain Miller vowed from that moment on to avenge her death. Captain Miller snapped out of his daydream as the briefing was about to start. Lt. Peter "HardRock" Meadows leaned over a whispered "I think you'll finally get your shot at Costales today". Welby didn't respond, but wondered for the umpteenth time how the heck Pete found this stuff out before hand. He was almost always right. The CO actually looked excited for once. "We have reason to believe that Costales is riding with the choppers today, so today WE GO!!!" Costales had been moving the cocaine via some very expensive Hind24s they got from the former USSR. Costales felt very secure that the Americans wouldn't dare try anything after his warning. He warned any attempt on his operations would not only be repelled, but a counter strike would be launched immediately. Costales was not noted for bluffing. You are Captain "Welby" Miller and you finally get to avenge the girls death. Ground troops, two F-111s (Dwight "Hacker" Ennis and Greg White), two A-10s (Scott Morgan and Paul Jacobs) and two Apaches are also involved in the strike. Follow the A-10s starting out, they're your screen in case Costales has set up any SAM activity on the way. The F-111s will take out the cocaine manufacturing facility next to the runway. Strafe the helos, but be on the look out for that counter strike on your way back. If you take too long you may not have a runway to return too and if you go too fast you may not have the fuel to make it all the way back. Good luck. ***************************************************************** YEEHAW (by Robert Miller): I was talking with Robert on the phone after he sent me the HINDSIT mission and he mentioned a mission he was too embarrassed to send. I asked him to describe it and it sounded fun ... he sent it and IMHO it is fun, not realistic mind you, but challenging and fun ... I'll just let you folks figure this one out for yourselves. One hint however, for bragging rights at the "O" you better like speed. CANYON (by Lynn "Duke" Howard): Word has it that Carlos De Vegas is trying to make a break from his canyon hideout, where he has been holed up for years. You alone have been assigned to keep the infamous Carlos De Vegas from escaping. You will find his envoy of trucks deep in a canyon. Destroy as many of the trucks as possible, and then return to base. Sound easy enough? Not so fast. The tops of the canyons are well defended with SAM's and AAA. There is also bogey's that are searching for you and trying to turn your bird into scrap metal! You have to watch your approach to the canyon to try and limit detection by the SAM's. You are a one man show, and you are no match for the SAM's if you try and take them on. Getting in and making the kill on the envoy is not too difficult, but getting out and back to base is going to be tricky. Use the canyon walls to protect you from the SAM's and the bogey's. It will require good flying skills to fly around the canyons sharp turns. Don't attack the tourists that you may find in the river or on the canyon walls! Try and pick the time and the place that you take on the bogeys. Do it on your terms when you have the advantage. Watch out for those SAM's. Adjustment of the waypoints will probably be necessary to succeed in this missions. DEFENSE (by Lynn "Duke" Howard): All the other Air Combat squadrons have left the base for a big raid, and you and your wingman have been left behind. The enemy was thought to be far away, and it was also thought that they would have to use all their forces to defend the ongoing raid. However, AWAC's has just picked up 5 incoming aircraft. 3 of them are fighter escorts, and 2 are fighter bombers with the intent to destroy your airfield. You have limited defenses: two Apache helicopters, and a few ground troops to provide some limited AAA and hand held SAM's. You have to jump in your aircraft and intercept the fighters, and then take down the bombers before they take out your airfield. The other squadrons took with them ALL the radar missiles and ALL the all aspect heat seeking missiles, so you take up with you 6 AIM-9P's and your guns. Hints: (don't read if you want to try it first without any hints) Your first encounter will be with three fighters trying to take you and your wingman down. Work with your wingman to get a kill quickly on one of the enemy fighters. That will even the score. If you fail to take one of them out quickly, your chances of success go way down. After you get your first kill, then try and dispose of the other two as quickly as you can. If you take too long, the bombers will get through and bomb the airfield even though you take out all three fighter escorts. REMEMBER: your main mission is to stop the bombers, not win the dogfight with the 3 bogey's. But to get to the bombers, you have to quickly eliminate or get around the escort fighters. DAM (by Lynn "Duke" Howard): The object of this mission is to bomb boulder dam outside of Las Vegas, and return to base safely. Yes, if you do hit the dam, it will break. There will be several enemy planes in the area, but you will have some help in the form of 3 F18's. You and your wingy will have the responsibility of actually bombing the dam. There are another 2 F16's that will go in ahead of you to try and soften up the defenses of the dam before you make your approach. The dam is defended by SAM's, and AAA. The waypoint settings as initially setup are not be the best way to approach the dam. You can get in and out and limit your detection by the SAM's, but not completely eliminate it. Play with the altitude and approach path of both your flight and the flight of the other two F16's to try and get them in and out with minimal detection. It will be very difficult to use the preset waypoints and accomplish the mission. The SAM's are right next to the dam. Your success at the dam will largely depend on how well the flight ahead of you does in taking out the SAM's. If they fail, you will have a very difficult approach to the dam. Once you have completed your bombing mission, you will have to get back to base. Depending on how well the F18's did, you may be facing as many as 5 bogey's or as few as 2. If your wild weasel flight of 2 F16's survive the SAM's at the dam, they will help you in your battle against the bogey's. But you do need to gear up for a fight on your return trip to base. Remember, the main mission is to take out the dam, so don't get side tracked by a lot of action that may be going on around you as you begin your mission. Don't take too long to hit the dam, or you will find bogey's breathing down you neck as you try and drop your bombs. PUCE (by Charles "Swampy" Andaloro): OPERATION P.U.C.E. Mission 1: Prevent enemy ground forces from surrounding and capturing the homes of JEB and Mad Mikey. Their homes can be distinguished by the choppers overhead. Mikey's house is in the city and JEB's house is west of the city. Apparently enemy forces have intercepted info concerning the new (P.U.C.E.) technology that JEB and MM have been experimenting with. While our two adventurers sleep off the affects of 27ozers and pizza, enemy forces are attempting to surround their homes and shoot down the rescue choppers. Attack the ground forces approaching from the east before they enter the city. You must also destroy enemy paratroop transports. Avoid collateral damage to Vegas. ***************************************************************** OVERRUN (by Charles "Swampy" Andaloro): OVERRUN Your airbase is being overrun. Jump in and get that "Electric Jet" outta here. B-52s are coming in to destroy the base if it cannot be held. Base security is trying to buy you time. If you get up, use the ground ordinance that was loaded to avenge your crew chief and buddies still trapped down there. Then get the heck outta dodge. You are cleared for landing at the western airbase. GOOD LUCK!! ***************************************************************** FOOTHOLD (by Charles "Swampy" Andaloro): FOOTHOLD Allied Special Forces are attempting to secure a forward airstrip to the south of your runway. Since your victories in Closair and Blindem, Command believes a foothold using the southern airstrip to run CAS, S&D, and FAC operations will destroy the retreating enemy. Your mission is to escort a flight of C-130s over the airstrip to drop there supplies. Enemy aircraft and ground forces are still in the area. Your waypoints are just guidelines, so get those C-130s to the airstrip and back. You will pick up the C-130s coming from the north. BULLSEYE (by William "Win'chester" Spencer): You have been assigned to attack ground forces on a long range bombing mission - deep in enemy territory. Expect routine enemy CAP screens and attempt to avoid contact. Save your ordinance for the target. You will be covered by Victor Dicosola and Donnie "Reaper" Rodgers in FA18s. The Hornets are in route and will be approaching the target from the SouthEast trying to get in the Frontdoor. If you can't make it they will be the ones with the Bulleyes painted on. PAYBACK (by William "Win'chester" Spencer): Don Canet broke the silence ... "Hey Win you hear that?" "Hear what?" replied Win'chester. Both men were bored stiff from the long fruitless patrol. "Thats just it" remarked Don "We ain't heard from the base for some time now". "Yeah, probably that JEB asleep at the switch again and I can't believe they let OZ wear that puce scarf around the base ... typical Rest coaster if you ask me", quipped Win'chester. "I hear ya ... and if he brags one more time about his 600000 meg hard drive I'm gonna ..." Just then a very excited voice blurted over the radio "BOGEYS, BOGEYS, BO ..." "Heck that sounded like JEB", but why would he be calling out bo ..." Oh @#$%^&*!!! There is an attack on your airbase ... go get some PAYBACK!!! (story by Ken "Teach" Cook) THATS ALL FOLKS!!!