Here's some info from : ÝßÝß ÝßÝÝ ÞÞ ß Ýß ÝÜÞ ÝßÞ Þ Ý Ý Ý Ý ÝþÞÞ Ý Ý ÝÝþÞ ÝÜÞ ÝÛÝ ÝÜÝÝÝÝÜÝÝ ÞÞÜ ÝÝÝÜ Ý Þ Ý Þ Ý Ý Hello you Catafreaks, Just to let you know there are some (wolfenstein alike) helpful key sequences, with the acception that these are made by the programmers, and unfortunatly they only show the info at the end of the game. If you (just like me) don't wanna play this game until the blooming end, here's a list what i've found will help you along the way to even better results. To not reveal all of the info at once, i've taken the liberty to specify the actual sequences starting at line 30, so most of you will have to go there to see it (just in case you didn't want to see it anyway) It helps to determine which pieces of the ever changing walls are different from the rest (like in the first level the magenta colored windows), CTRL them and go on to the next, ok that's about it look further for the (debugging kinda) keys. L O O K O U T, A F T E R T H I S L I N E T H E S E Q U E N C E S S T A R T! F10 + Z - Freese time ! F10 + W - Warp to a different place ! F10 + G - Be a God ! F10 + I - Get free Items ! All of these sequences will help you throughout the game, use them wisely and enjoy ! This is CichlidMan signing of