LMP Title (if any) : Ultimate Player playing DOOM 2: Hell on Earth "MAP30 from Scratch" Filename : doom2_30.lmp LMP Version : 1.9 Game : DOOM II: Hell on Earth Pwad(s) : - Map Level(s) : MAP30 Skill : NIGHTMARE Options : -record doom2_30 -maxdemo 1500 -skill 4 -warp 30 BTW, I used Gamma Correction level 1/2 only. No extreme "lightings" like GC level 3 or 4 ! Multiplayer Mode : - Number of Players : 1 Perspective : Green Length : 00:03:51 -timer : No Author : Steffen Itterheim aka DOOM ’|)|)Œ›ã Email Address : CIS: 100606,2141 Misc. Author Info : DOOM lover, Descent disliker, Deathmatch professional I'm 20, I live in germany, near Stuttgart. Description : This LMP was recorded to show other players how to solve a specific level with all secrets, tricks and aspects of gameplay. Particular description of this level follows: I did it in 58 seconds ! I know of only one other person how did it in this time. I think it was CLIFTO.LMP. BTW, I decided to die in the flames... Additional Credits to : All those who read this ! David Bruni for kindly watching my LMPs. ;) Jim F. Flynn for recommending them. :) And I wish to thank all those who were so friendly to interrupt me half-way through. :-> ************************************************************************ * Player Information * Green : DOOM ’|)|)Œ›ã - Pentium-90/32megs - Mouse+Keyboard * Where to get this LMP * CIS: GO ACTION (Action Games Forum) search for DOOM2_30.ZIP There are several other LMPs named ULTIDMxy.ZIP or DOOM2_xx.ZIP For additional information and how to run LMPs look into HELL_ON.TXT also provided in this ZIP file.