================================================================ Title : Brad & Co. 8 Filename : Brad&CO3.MAP Author : Brad & Co. http://www.geocities.com/TimeSquare/9102/index.Html E-mail Address : BradCo@geocities.com Misc. Author Info : One of the best Dukers in all time , college student, etc...... Description : This level starts you off in the control center of a porn mag company only to find that aliens have taken it over. Additional Credits to : ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User Map Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Time to Build : Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Uhhh, Build maybe? Known Bugs : You may use this map to edit as long as credit is given to me...... * Where to get this MAP file * http://www.geocities.com/TimeSquare/9102/index.Html Other: via my contact e-mail, and hopefully some ftp sites --------------------------------------------------------------- Call me a sucker but I submitted this map to Apogee for a job, but I didn't get a response. None. Nada.. Zippp. :-(