Title : Whare15.wad Author : Mike McGrath Email : rimshot@wam.umd.edu Info : Bored...really bored.... Description : You've recently been sent to work as a temp in a wharehouse. The address is a bit strange... Its in Hell! You discover that a new shipment of demon-spawn has just arrived, you decide to take it upon yourself to make sure they never leave the trailer alive....improvise. Credits : ID, authors of DEU, BSP, and Reject ============================================================================ * Play Info * Episode replaced: e1m5 Single player : Of course Co-op : Yep Deathmatch : Oh, yeah Difficulties : All difficulties supported New sounds : no New graphics : I would have liked to, maybe in the future * Build info * Base : New level from scratch Editors : Deu, BSP, Reject Time : ~25 hours, give or take 20 Bugs : None that I know of...Sometimes the textures look a bit monotonous and boring, however I've never tried making my own.... * misc info * This is actually a wharehouse where I worked as a temp last week...well, there weren't as many undead soldiers with guns and I couldn't find the red key.... There are two main rooms and two "death-machines." (I'm proud of those) The first one is actually setup where the carpet-rolling machine was that I worked with, but I'm sure you care. I haven't really tested it with multiplayer since 1.5 is the only version fast enough to use with a null-modem connection and it won't load external files in the shareware version...oh, well. It should be fun though, with pleanty of dark nooks and crannies and open spaces to hide, dodge, or cower in. Check out the boss's office...he's checkin' over a bit of damaged shipment. There's no gratuitous use of powerfull baddies and enough health to keep you kicking if you're carefull. This is #5 in a whole episode I hope to create by the end of summer...I've released #3 already (styfst13.zip Stay Frosty) I'd like to hear any comments and or suggestions on either of the two levels.... * rights and privilages * Authors may NOT use this as a base to create new levels (It's mine and you can't have it!) You can do anything else with it as long is this file is included and/or I'm mentioned somewhere. Any problems occuring from the use of this wad (mental trauma, water on the knee, rectal itch, ear mites) are yours and yours alone, I don't wanna hear about it. But seriously...enjoy the wad 'cause I had fun making it. * where to find * My hard drive In OJ's backyard next to the bloody glove infant2.shps.indiana.edu ft