========================================================== Title : WEEZUL.WAD Author : James Gerbino Email Address : RPG2@NVN.COM Description : Your buddies have been tortured... you can't escape but you CAN kill. ========================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Episode 1, Missions 1 thru 5 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : Yes... music by J.S.Bach New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : 1 & 2 * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch Build Time : about 30 hours Editor(s) used : Geoff Allan's DoomEd 2.60 Known Bugs : none. (well, bar the door textures) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: infant2.sphs.indiana.edu (thanx to kevin gifford for putting it there.. I don't have ftp access..) BBS numbers: Software Creations BBS, numbers in DOOM docs Other: National Videotex Network (NVN) The story so far... Your squad was shipping out. Back to the world of women and real food. The Company medTechs put you in your iron maiden, slang for the cold sleep capsule, and off to dream land you went. Things were just getting good when you wake up suddenly. It's dark. The gravity is still Mars norm. There's no steward there with stimulants to ease the wake. There's no sargeant there to shake your rack. In fact... all you can see from your capsule is that everything in the cargo storage area is weird. Like you are looking at it from some kind of funhouse mirror. You open the tube and step onto the cold floor expecting that shock as usual. But it's not cold. In fact the floor is very warm. And the air smells even worse than usual, if that's possible. Nothing tastes quite like air that's been belched, farted and recycled and few thousand times. But this is nasty. It's something you have smelled before. Death. Old, rotting, someone burn me type of death. Standing there in your birthday you take your pistol out from the locker and check to see it's loaded. Don't leave home without it! Stepping out into the room you step in something gooey and slip. In the flickering light you see to your horror what's left of Johansonn. Disembowelled. Twisted. Sickening. That's it. Someone's gonna pay. No.. check that... someTHING's going to pay. You see a creature eating bits of a corpse. It doesn't pay attention to you. Like a big, pink, hairless ape. Only with a maw big enough to swallow your rucksack whole. Looking around you see the whole structure has changed. Like some force has taken the base and twisted it. The walls have bizarre graffiti of them in a hundred languages. Obscene pictures depicting acts so depraved and disgusting that even your legendary stash of porn vids pales in comparison. And lots of dead things. Dead friends.... dead monsters all of descriptions. Well. Now you need a plan. Let's see. I don't fly. I don't breathe vacuum too good. And I can't call for help because I -AM- the help. OK. Guess it's time to kill sumfin. Hey varmint!! Check this out! The Nasty beastie looks at you and bellows a pained cry while charging at an impossibly fast rate. You pump 15 round into his skull before the lifeless body crashes out of control into the deck. Twitching and flopping. You hear the sounds of machinery working and scream of tortured men. Are some of your buddies still alive? After exploring the room you see Corporal Beilecki move. And then he stands up. Only his guts fall out through a 2 foot gash in his stomach. The rotting corpse smiles and raises his rifle to shoot you. You shoot him first. 8 or 9 times. Hell... I guess I'm in the Excorcist part 9 or something. God help me. Huh. Well... Heckler & Koch help me!!! I'll find some hardware and clean house. so begins mission 1, Mourning at Marsbase Following the trail of bodies outside you find that the landscape of Mars has changed. There is a real atmoshpere now. It still stinks though so you keep the helmet sealed and the recycler on. The other buildings look strange. So what else is new. You've just seen some things that make your ex-wife seems sweet and innocent. And blasted them into steaming shreds. Now... to check out the crew quarters. Maybe there's someone left alive there. Or some food that hasn't been corrupted. Or a laxative. Been 12 hours and you still can't piss. Must be powerfull sick. so begins mission 2, Lair of the Weezul Now I get it. This is hell. I'm not on Mars...I'm in hell. Did I die and not figure it out yet? If so there got to be a bunch of pissed off demons wondering how my shotgun still works! The blasted landscape is just what you expect, badlands covered with steaming, sulphur smoke. Lava pits. Mounds of rotting corpses. Guess I won't be crapping ever again. Might as well get used to it. Eventually you see a stairway down into a sheltered canyon. It looks nicer than the blasted surface anyhow. Down you go along the long marble stairway until a wall slams down behind you. Ah.... I see. Welcome to my house. OK. Who wants some? You say aloud as you jack the slide of your Mossberg. A sickening drunken looking fortress rises from the mists and you hear more of the grunts and screams you have been getting -not- so used to. so begins mission 3, House of Pain That big sucker almost got you before sneaking through his house and nabbing the skull key. Too bad you couldn't find a BFG9K... would toasted him too! But how long can you go on like this. Well. We'll see! After what seems like forever you see a normal looking structure. You immediatly reason that it must be a trap of some sort as nothing here is normal! Another butt- kickin party! so begins mission 4, Fountain of Blood That was disssssgusting. Having to swin in that blood pool to fish out the key. so begins mission 5, Shrine of Hell The seven gates of hell? There were only 6! Some baron of hell must have choked several node builders putting those arches up. I bet he used BSP1.1 to do it. I bet if you check it out with the verify level features of DoomCAD or DEU5.21 you get 'this is scre