---- Scream Level --- "Zork - with a shotgun" This level is a little larger and more involved than my last level (Daemon2). Scream is designed mainly for solo players. I have no idea how well it would play on deathmatch or co-op. Scream incorporates some rather nasty puzzles which you will have to solve to complete the level. There are clues and you will have to use your eyes and brain as well as your trigger finger. A number of people sent me mail regarding Daemon2 - mostly claiming I hadn't made doors or provided switches. That's ok - after all, I'm interested to hear of any bugs, but in all cases it was because the players hadn't done something. I can assure you that all of the puzzles have been checked and tested. They can all be solved *without* resorting to cheat keys. This applies to Scream as well. BTW, to complete this level successfully you should end up with a kill ratio of about 90%. Not all of the monsters have to be killed :) If you can do 100% - good luck to you - you are a true doom.god. If you have any questions regarding Scream.wad, send them to the address below. Have fun. Title: Scream.wad Author: Cameron Newham (cam@iinet.com.au) Type: Standard (solo) Level: E1M1 Base: New level from scratch Build Time: 25+ Hours Tools: Deu 5.0, with BSP 1.0 providing node generation. Bugs: Possibly some texture alignment. ftp: ocf.unt.edu: /pub/incoming or /pub/doom/newwads - cameron. "We're talk'n swoon. We're talk'n croon. We're talk