/----------\ | INVASION | \----------/ Episode 4 Level 1 : Contamination ------------------------- Prologue Animation -------------------- Co-Authors: Claude Martins (martins@binkley.cs.mcgill.ca) Andy Chen (jja_che@pavo.concordia.ca) Special Thanks to Larry Tipton If you experience problems with synchronization of sound and graphics, adjust the sample_rate. Also run it twice to be sure that the sound is synchronized (cache may effect the first time trial). Check the CMMM.DOC file for more information and system requirements. [A big, sinister space anomaly appears off the side of Mars] [Back on Earth] You twist and turn with images of a laughing Spider Demon in your nightmares. Suddenly you jump out of bed with sweat pouring down your face. Your VidCom(tm) beeps. You quickly hit the ANSWER button. A picture of a General appears on the screen. "Something strange has been detected near Mars. We need your analysis." Oh no, not again. "Yes sir, I'll be right over." You return to Earth Central. The General greets you as you approach. "Sorry to disturb you at this hour, but the future of the Mars base could be at stake. Some sort of inter-dimensional rift appeared near Mars. Here is the Mars Base sensor scan of the anomaly." [A computer display shows a "wormhole" in space near Mars. Scanning bars show a more detailed scan of it] You shake your head. "I'm not quite sure what it is. Are you sure the Gateways are closed?" The General explains... "After the disappearance of Phobos, all Gateway operations were terminated. This is not caused by that." He leans closer to you. "In any event, the Board of Directors of Union Aerospace Corporation do not want anything to happen to their Mars Headquarters. They requested that you lead a battalion of troops to help protect the base until the rift is secured." "But what if I refuse?" "Remember what you did to your Senior Officer? This is your chance to get out of the Mars Base for good. Just one more mission..." You soon find yourself in the hibernation room with many other space marines. [A view of the hibernation chamber with troops all getting ready.] [A view of the INQUISITOR leaving Earth] [A dark screen] En route to Mars, strange sounds trouble your hypersleep... [Sound of Crew firing and explosions] [Silence] ...suddenly the revival system of your hibernation chamber activates.