/----------\ | INVASION | \----------/ Episode 4 Level 2 : Upper Decks ----------------------- Epilogue ---------- [Shot of the Martian surface as you teleport down. Cut to shot of the Escape Craft Starfury on the Inquisitor as it powers up and flies off. Back to Mars surface as you walk up the slope of a hill and turn. Shot of Self-Destruct Device as it counts down... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Cut to the Thermonuclear Detonator as the core is flooded with antimatter and begins to explode. Exterior shot of the Inquisitor as its hull rips apart in a massive explosion. Pull back to show a gigantic firestorm as waves of destruction ripple out from the ship and rock the alien airlock. Cut to exterior of alien hulk. Pull back as explosions break through until finally the whole ship is consumed in a thermonuclear blast. A quick glimpse of the Starfury as it zooms past and just barely escapes.] Back to Mars surface. You look up and see a tiny explosion in the red Martian sky.] Looking up at the final death-throes of the Inquisitor fills you with an immense feeling of sadness. But in your heart, you realize that you have done the right thing. You cannot help but wonder if there were any survivors from the blast or if all your crewmates are now dead. At least they did not die in vain. You have seaved the Anchorpoint Mars Base from the threat of the evil hulk. ...haven't you? [Shot of the Mars surface. Zoom towards the Mars Base in the distance. Flames engulf parts of the base, and explosions shatter parts of its structure. A distant war cry of some evil creature fills the air. Fade out.] TO BE CONTINUED ----------