The world's awesomest Deathmatch level! (Well its pretty good anyways). You NEED to have registered your Doom to use this of course, its Episode 2, Level 1. DESC Basically, its a mostly dark level (light intensity 40-60 in most areas, so you can see things close up and can see white blurs for the other player). There are weapons all over the place. Barrels all over the place. Some things modified so for example you can jump out of the 'tower' in the middle. Recently also added a bunch of light amp visors and invis spheres to make things interesting and give you an advantage. They ovf course wont lst all that long. The main reason for introducing the light amp visors is so when we were finished after a 50 frag each game we could get a couple and survey the damages! Deathmatch starts moved. Also about 4-5 deathmatch starts added, dont know if it actually works (ie. didnt notice if I was warping in to >4 different places). INSTRUX It is a PWAD file, so to you use it load Doom with: DOOM -FILE EE2L1.WAD Or if you are playing modem/network all involved parties will have to have the file. I suggest having a MODEM.BAT file to run instead of setup. Here is my MODEM.BAT file - its really quick and essy to fix up. SERSETUP -com4 -skill 4 -episode 2 -nomonsters -deathmatch -FILE EE2L1.WAD FINAL NOTZ Want some cool ways to play deathmatch and cooperative 2 players (ie. scenarios)? Email me. Hey, how about a level where theres one big room with 0 light intensity, weapons all over, and all deathmatch starts in that room? d