============================ THE DOOM EDITOR UTILITIES VERSION 2.00 by Brendon J Wyber b.wyber@csc.canterbury.ac.nz ============================ COPYRIGHT ========= Burn All Lawyers.... Oh, Doom belongs to ID Software. :-) CONCEPTS ======== Doom: Doom is a great game writen by someone who is not me. a WAD file: A wad file is the doom game data file. It contains all the sound, graphics, and map data that doom uses. WAD files are very big (over 10 Meg). The wad file is called DOOM.WAD and DOOM will expected it to be called that. Any new altered WAD files produced by these utilities MUST be renamed to DOOM.WAD to be run. NOTE: Doom is supposed to have a -FILE option but this just crashes on my machine a thing: A thing is an object in the doom map. A thing can be the player, a demon, pool of blood, or a chainsaw. Note: floors, walls, and ceilings are NOT things. a thing data file: A Thing data file is a text file describing all the things on a map. It is created and edited by these utilities. a Thing Data file can be copied about easily to aid in sharing modified DOOM levels. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO RUN THESE UTILITIES? ======================================== An IBM capable of running DOOM. The Registered version of DOOM. Enough spare disk space to have a second copy of the WAD file. Patience and Understanding. HOW DO I EDIT A FILE? ===================== For an introduction to the long-winded and lengthy process of editing the WAD file run the QUICKGO file. DDIR ==== This program is used for displaying and modify the WAD file. It does four things... To Display the Directory of the WAD file: For those of you who are interesting in the structure of the WAD file you can use the following command: DDIR LIST_DIR where is the name of the WAD file (usually DOOM.WAD). To Display a List of the Things on a map: To get just a list of all the things on a level use the following command: DDIR LIST_THINGS Example: To list on game 1 level 1 DDIR DOOM.WAD LIST_THINGS 1 1 Do Create A Thing Data File from a WAD File: This is done to extract the things information of a level to a special Things Data file. Use the command: DDIR EXTRACT_THINGS Example: To get thing data file called BEAT.ME of game 2, level 2 DDIR DOOM.WAD EXTRACT_THINGS 2 2 BEAT.ME Do Insert the ThingData file into a WAD file: This is done to rebuild a WAD file to include the things from a THINGS DATA file. This is done to actually tell doom about the new stuff in the THING DATA file. Use the command DDIR INCLUDE_THINGS Example: To include a things data file for game 1 level 2 in HARDER.12 into a WAD file called TEST.WAD you would use the command: DDIR DOOM.WAD INCLUDE_THINGS 1 2 HARDER.12 TEST.WAD DEDT ==== This is the doom editor for things. Basically it allows you to graphically edit the THING DATA files. To run the Editor use the following command: DEDT Example: To edit game 2 level 3 with a things data file called THINGS.23 and save the changes into NEWTHING.23: DEDT DOOM.WAD 2 3 THINGS.23 NEWTHING.23 (Note: input and output thing data files can be the same) Once in the Map Editor everything should be displayed:- Lines are shown in white of the MAP Little green +;s mark the player start positions Little red +'s mark the Baddies Little white +'s mark other things Yellow Cross Hairs in centre mark the current area. If the CrossHairs are on an object the object will be displayed on the bottom left of the screen. To move about: PLUS and MINUS will change the scale of viewing Use the cursor keys. Space will toggle movement between slow and fast To exit the Editor: Q to quit without saving changes (will prompt for conformation, Press Y) E to exit saving changes To delete a thing: Move the cross hairs over it and press DEL To Insert a thing: To change the Type of thing insert press T and follow the menu at the top of the screen. Note: option 5-Value will allow you to insert any number (must be four digits so precede with zero if value < 1000). Be careful with this as DOOM will crash on a bad value. To change the Angle Facing of the thing (only important if enemy) use the A key. Values are as follows 45 90 115 \|/ 0 --+-- 180 /|\ 315 270 225 To insert the thing press Insert and it will appear on the cross hairs. Note: all insert things appear on ALL levels. SUMMARY OF QUICKGO.BAT ====================== In the process of running QUICKGO.BAT you do the following four steps:- RENAME DOOM.WAD DOOMWAD.OLD DDIR DOOMWAD.OLD EXTRACT_THINGS 1 1 Things.11 DEDT DOOMWAD.OLD 1 1 Things.11 New.11 DDIR DOOMWAD.OLD INCLUDE_THINGS 1 1 New.11 DOOM.WAD