*** El Documento Original est  en Espa¤ol (al final). *** ********* EL TEXTO EN CASTELLANO ESTA AL FINAL DEL DOCUMENTO ************ *** The Original Document was written in Spanish (at the end). *** ******************************* ********** ENGLISH : ********** ******************************* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Excuse me for the bad translation of the texts into English, I used the program Spanish-Assistant to do it and I didn't check the text very much. If you have problems whith it try to read the original Spanish text. I thought the English text could be useful to get a basic idea of the WADs for people who cannot read Spanish. I'm SURE that there are many silly expressions, I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE: SHOCK.WAD FOR: DOOM2 BY: HECTOR GUTIERREZ COLINO TITLE: " Mortal Shock" A PLAYER: It has work. COOPERATIVO: Too easy. DEATHMATCH: Stupendous! , but complicated. - I To the end have gotten it in NightMare!!!!!! If you want a new definition of the word hinder prove Nightmare in this phase, it's worthwhile (remember that in Nightmare all the enemies revive to the end of a while). And it no longer one could say that it is imposible, almost, but not impossible!. - Problems with the TWO Cyber-Daemons (my favorites)? Test taking out them or to include them in their room (your uses the small exit). - Find the misile-launcher, it's fundamental. - Attentive: there are doors that I sole they are opened on one hand. - You will need the three keys in order to open the doors. - There is a plasm rifle. It's prepared for several fields. - It is preferable confront with some small spiders to make it with a flock of furious Mancubus. - Don't kill to all the enemies, pass running between them if you can. Kill the white skeletons, they resucitate to the other monsters. - Use the map. A bomb !!!!!!!! **************** *** ESPA¥OL: *** **************** FICHERO: SHOCK.WAD PARA: DOOM2 POR: HECTOR GUTIERREZ COLINO TITULO : " Shock mortal " UN JUGADOR : Tiene trabajo... COOPERATIVO: Demasiado f cil... DEATHMATCH : ­ Estupendo ! , pero complicado... - ­­­­­ Al fin lo he conseguido en NightMare !!!!!! Si quereis una nueva definici¢n de la palabra dificultad probad Nightmare en esta fase, merece la pena (recordad que en Nightmare todos los enemigos reviven al cabo de un rato). ­Y ya no se puede decir que es imposible, casi, pero no imposible!. - ¨Problemas con los DOS Cyber-Demons (mis favoritos)? Prueba a sacarlos o a encerrarlos en su habitaci¢n (tu usa la salida peque¤a). - Encuentra el bazoca, es fundamental. - Atento: hay puertas que solo se abren por un lado. - Necesitar s las tres llaves para abrir las puertas. - Hay un rifle de plasma. Est  preparado para varios jugadores. - Es preferible enfrentarse con unas pocas ara¤as peque¤as a hacerlo con una manada de Mancubus furiosos... - No mates a todos los enemigos, pasa corriendo entre ellos si puedes. Mata a los esqueletos blancos, resucitan a los otros monstruos. - Usa el mapa. ­­­­­­­­ Toma bombazo...... !!!!!!!! .