Obituary, 1/95 by TiC, The Innocent Crew, ==================================================== THIS IS THE UPDATE PATCH FOR OBITUARY. 5/95 by TiC ==================================================== This will fix several problems installing/playing Obituary. Now it should work with every version of Doom 2. Use this, if: - you could not install Obituary correctly - you have HELL KNIGHTS in the levels - Doom 2 is breaking with 'numlumps errors' Otherwise just skip this. If you don't like to update, you can download the already updated version of Obituary. Look out for the file OBTIC11.ZIP, it contains the complete Obituary v1.1. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Obituary is distributed as freeware. You are not allowed to change this package. We (TiC) are not liable for any direct or indirect damage caused as a result of using this software. Use it at your own risk. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Be sure to get all 3 files. OBTIC1.ZIP, OBTIC2.ZIP and OBTIC3.ZIP. Don't try to play Obituary without all files! (Don't use OBTIC11.ZIP, it contains the already updated version.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------