============================================================================= Title :Man the Mandala Filename :arturo.wad Author :Arturo Cubacub Email Address :arturo1@ix.netcom.com Misc. Author info. :Video Artist, Effects Editor/Director Description :A mandala is an eastern painting or art piece, usually circular in motif with a central point of origin. It is used as a cognitive centering device for meditation. The idea is to immerse yourself in the art work, which in the process would bring you to a space where you can overcome your "demons," so to speak, and come to some resolution. When I first saw Doom, I knew it would be a perfect place to put a Mandala in... demons, resolution to higher levels and immersion.... "Man the Mandala" is my first attempt at playing with this concept. I use some eastern symbolism interspersed with some very western ones, which may or may not be obvious. At any rate, it certainly is a lot more fun and immediate than sitting in a lotus position, following your breath to point on a painting on a wall...which can be fulfilling, but is certainly a hell of a lot more work and not necessarily fun! ============================================================================ *Play Information* Game :Doom II Episode :Level 1 Single Player :Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player :No (Mandalas are meant for solitary perusal.) Deathmatch 2-4 Player :No (Same reason as above.) Difficulty Settings :Yes New Sounds :Not yet New Graphics :Not yet New Music :Not yet Demos Replaced :None *Construction* Base :New level, from scratch/50++hrs. Editor :Doomcad 5.1 / Wintex Known Bugs :If you find some, let me know. *Copyright / Permissions* Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Authors may change items to suite their needs. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc.) as long as you include this file intact. *Where ot get this WAD* Compuserve Gamers Forum