NOTE!..The modules on this demodisk were supplied by the MED users group, MUG for short,to become a member,see the details further on in file. **************************************************************************** ** ** ** OctaMED Professional, Version 5.00a by Teijo Kinnunen in 1991-1993 ** ** İ Tiejo Kinnunen & Ray Burt-Frost İ ** ** Completion Date 09-Jun-1993 On Sale Date 01-July-1993 ** ** World Distribution Copyright By RBF Software. ** ** ** *************************************************************************** Thank you for buying OctaMED! This file contains important information, so please read all topics carefully before doing anything else. (Non-save demo version - files mentioned below are available on full version) From now on, OctaMED requires operating system 2.04 or later, OctaMED- Player requires Kickstart/Workbench 1.2 or later. Even today, OctaMED differs from most other programs of this type by multitasking correctly and being totally system-friendly. OctaMED and OctaMEDPlayer now support the AmigaGuide system to provide online help,allowing you to press HELP at any time to get a complete manual in hypertext format. (no commercial printing of the DOCS are allowed by law). OctaMED uses the following disk-based operating system libraries: asl.library (obligatory, available on this disk) iffparse.library (obligatory, available on this disk) amigaguide.library (optional), but required for the HELP feature,this is available on WB 3.0 or later,for WB 2 users, an older version is provided on this disk in the libs directory. powerpacker.library (optional), needed for crunching etc,it is available on this disk. Powerpacker.library is used with permission of the Author. lh.library (optional, great compression ,available on Fish disk #436) You can obtain a host of mods and also obtain a great deal of expert help and very friendly guidance on OctaMED by joining the Med Users Group, ( known as MUG ), by joining you will recieve a Monthly Disk packed with OctaMED info,mods,help,etc,etc. You MAY find a members registration form supplied with this disk,if not, write to MUG. 6,Glevum Road,Stratton St. Margaret,Swindon, Wilts. SN3 4AF. Ask for details of Membership,stating that you have OctaMED Version 5. PLEASE..enclose an S.A.E or IRC coupon for your reply!! It's recommended that you make a working copy of your OctaMED disk and store the original disk in a safe place. This will save you from a lot of frustration if your OctaMED disk becomes corrupted. You are allowed BY LAW,to make two backup copies for your own personal use only! OctaMED can be easily installed onto a hard disk. Icons are provided for all essential files, so you can do the installation within the Workbench. 1. Create a drawer for OctaMED ("New Drawer" on Workbench). 2. Copy all the files you want into the drawer. Typical files you will probably need are: OctaMED,, OctaMEDPlayer,, ReadMe To access online help, simply press the Help key. If you are not using a V3 operating system then you must copy the amigaguide.library to your Libs-drawer. this operation can be accomplished by choosing "Execute Command", and typing the following command line: copy OctaMED:libs/amigaguide.library to Libs: If you want to install the AmigaGuide help file, execute the following command line: copy OctaMED:s/ to S: If you want to view the help files independent of OctaMED/OctaMEDPlayer, copy the AmigaGuide program from the Utilities drawer of OctaMED disk to the Utilities drawer of your system partition. İİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİ İ İ İ OctaMED is copyright İ 1991-1993 Teijo Kinnunen & Ray Burt-Frost. İ İ Worldwide distribution Copyrights owned by R. Burt-Frost (RBF Software).İ İ İ İ OctaMED V5 is NOT public domain nor freely distributable. It is a İ İ copyrighted program, which is available only directly from RBF Software İ İ or officialy registered/contracted companies licenced with RBF Software.İ İ You are not allowed to distribute/pass on OctaMED in any way. However asİ İ a registered purchaser you may take two backup copies for retention in İ İ case of corruption,these must be retained for your own, private use. İ İ İ İ Note that some files in this disk are freely distributable: İ İ OctaMEDPlayer may be freely distributed (so you can easily distribute İ İ songs you've made using OctaMED). İ İ İ İ The OctaMED player routines and player libraries may be freely used and İ İ distributed with non-commercial programs,(PD/Shareware etc), in this İ İ case no permission is required for distributing them. İ İ If you intend releasing a package that is intended as Copyright and for İ İ sale as such,you MUST legaly obtain a licence from RBF Software. İ İ The address of RBF Software is given in the Contact Adresses. İ İ (Now only available direct from Publisher. (SEE PROGRAMMERS DRAWER) İ İ İ İ OctaMED is provided "as is". Every effort has been made to keep OctaMED İ İ as bug free as possible,but if there are bugs that may cause you to loseİ İ something,it is important that you note by loading and launching this İ İ program,you are agreeing to absolve the author or RBF Software from any İ İ liability and you are agreeing not to pursue any claim for such losses. İ İ İ İİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİ Powerpacker.library is Copyright İ 1991-1992 Nico François. Reproduced and distributed by agreement with Nico. Certain libraries,such as AmigaGuide, and the amigaguide.library are (c) Copyright 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced and distributed by RBF Software under license from Commodore. AMIGAGUIDE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE; NO WARRANTIES ARE MADE. ALL USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED. Excluding Commodore's Public Domain IFF sample loader routines, the entire program has been designed and programmed by Teijo Kinnunen. help file has been written by Ed Wiles (partially based on documentation of older versions of OctaMED). Thanks for your excellent work, Ed! The icons for OctaMED/OctaMEDPlayer have been designed by Izrael Similä (Iz Productions). Thanks! OctaMED has been pre-release-tested by Ed, Daniel, Stephan, Pasi and Hċkan. Thank you! Also thanks for the numerous suggestions sent by numerous people. And last, but certainly not the least, thanks to Ray for suggesting and subsequently taking care of the world distribution of OctaMED! The full save version of OctaMED is available from the following Companies: Amiganuts United. 12,Hinkler Road,Thornhill,Southampton SO1 6QX (UK) Amiganuts United. 199,Taylor Street,Toowoomba,Queensland,Australia 4350 DevWare inc. 12528 Kirkham Court, Suite 11, Poway, CA 92064 (USA) Amisound. Kallvagen 14, S-856 51 Sundsvall, SWEDEN. L'Agora Srl. Vittorio Emanuel 15, 20122 Milano, ITALY. Seasoft. 1st Floor. 80,Woodlands Avenue,Rustington, W.Sussex. BN16 3EY For further details,see their adverts,or write to them,enclosing an S.A.E. More suppliers may become available in your own part of the World,if not then ask your supplier to contact RBF Software at the address given in the Contact Addresses section BELOW,for registration details. For any matters concerning distribution, sales, copyright ,licencing, or such, you should contact the world copyright owners RBF Software: RBF Software 169, Dale Valley Road Hollybrook Southampton SO1 6QX ENGLAND (0703) 785680 Answerphone/Fax service line only. Copyright İ1991-1993 Teijo Kinnunen & Ray Burt-Frost (RBF Software). For matters concerning the program itself, e.g. suggestions, ideas and bug reports, you can write to the author: Teijo Kinnunen Oksantie 19 FIN-86300 OULAINEN FINLAND FidoNet 2:228/402 (Lightning Zone BBS) I'm sorry, I have no access to Internet at the moment, however, you can probably access the FidoNet address: Due to the amount of received mail and limited spare time, the author will probably not be able to reply (unless it's _really_ important). I'm sorry about this.. I can't afford to hire a secretary.. ;-) E-Mail messages will probably be answered, though, as it's much quicker and easier. Anyway, you are very welcome to write and share your ideas and feelings. Even if I cannot answer personally, all suggestions/ideas will be considered. NOTE: The author will be doing military service during the period June 1993 - March 1994. If not very urgent, please do not attempt to contact the author during that period. Please remember to indicate the version number of OctaMED you are using. If you are reporting bugs, also indicate the embedded version number, as returned by the Shell command: version OctaMED full Because of the military service, major development of OctaMED will be frozen until Spring 1994. "Thoughts and ideas for future development" The development will continue in Spring 1994. I'm planning to add a lot of smaller but useful features,plus Some major plans including: * ARexx support * DSP/New sound chip support## * and more ##These features will be added, if the A5000 DSP Sound chip comes available as an add-on for the V2/V3 A500+ /A3000 /A1200 etc. (there are a lot of rumors, at least), and if they CAN easily be fitted into my A3000, and if CBM or someone,can supply myself and Ray with these, along with sufficient documentation. IF you are keen on getting an add-on 16 bit sound board for your Amy, the ONLY way is to let Commodore know that you want it. So get writting to: The Techincal Department. CBM (UK) Ltd., Commodore House, The Switchback, Gardner Road, Maidenhead, Berks. SL6 7XA. Tell them that you want an OctaMED that utilises 16 bit and as you don't want to be forced over to the,(shudder),Falcon,will they please hurry and release an add-on board using 16 bit sound for your machine! ~~~~ The more letters they get the better and maybe then *V6* will contain this excellent,long awaited sound feature. (*V6 LATE AUGUST 1994*) -> Write to them now!, don't put it off,it never gets done. :-)