Jam&Spoon of _ _ _ /\/ | \/\/ |\ ® //\/||L\\\/||_\ // ||__/ || \\ production.. -------------------------------- ·wE aRE tO sTONED tO bE pROUD· ·u nEVER kNOW wHEN tHE bEAT hITS yA!· ©zapper søn§: Happy House Anthem M!x: Joyride Mix Date: 20-03-94 Comment: This is a heck of a jolly tune.. In our opinions one of our best.. The beat was made by us..(finaly :) ) sampled from a2000 to spoons a3000(if U know what I'm saying here..) This I guess U'll like U4ia.. my friend :=) Sample Credz: Jam&Spoon and some old mod we got the sax from. E-MAiL: kristjs@rhi.hi.is SNAiL MAiL: Eggert(Jam) Kristjan(spoon) Asbudartrod 11 Baejarholt 9 220 Hafnarfjordur 220 Hafnarfjordur iCElAND iCElAND hehehe..maybe someone can support us with some better MDMA ANSiS than Jam makes!...(he has an excuse..he was on drugs... AGAiN!!....Spoon) Greetz: All MDMA members, All Accession members we know, All Megawatts members, All Hardcode members, ZAPPER, Brainiac, Dizolve, Acid, Psyched, All Planet-E reporters Mr.T, SpaceC, Lundman, sam and all the others on IRC And finaly the weekly pop quiz: Why dont ppl answer the popquiz's? a) They are boring b) They are to hard.. c) U ppl are just to STUPID.. The first person to e-mail the correct answer will receive a mystery prize in his e-mail box.