Hello! Here is a short description of this module: Sands of Time This time it's NO techno. This song is quite a dreamy (Soundtracker) one with a slight "housy" touch. The module consists of the slow main-song called "Sands of Time" which is round about 5 minutes long. Then, after a short pause, you'll listen to the somewhat faster bonustrack called "The Sands are running low" which is 3 minutes long. Most of the samples were taken from the album Erotica by Madonna. Other samples were taken from: A Deeper Love Clivilles and Cole Wild Seal I've taken the piano-sample out of the mod "Boesendorfer P.S.S." by Romeo Knight If ya know a program that converts Oktalyzer-Mods to Soundtracker-Mods then please let me know. I'm sure that there IS such a program, but I don't know where. If you want to contact me, then write to: Andre Martens Europaring 23 2940 Wilhelmshaven Germany Tel: 049/4421/74465 or send an E-Mail to: Andre.Martens@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE Note: In the IRC my nickname is andemar! I'd like to hear your opinion about my modules! If you want to have more of my modules, then examine frequently the directories of the FTP-Server where you've downloaded this one, because my modules will be updated permanently. (I don't stop composing, ya know!) You can find my mods on the following servers: ftp.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de (pub/amiga/incoming/mods/andemar) ftp.uni-oldenburg.de (pub/amiga/archive/mods/andemar) Have a look at the file `andemar.readme` if you want short descriptions for all of my mods. Remember: You're free to use my modules in your own demos and intros as long as you mention my name. It is NOT allowed to earn money by using my modules in professional games or by selling them for more than the disks price. Bye! ANDEMAR