In order to avoid any copyright conflicts, the Commodore 64 and Commodore 1541 ROM images are not shipped with the c64s09b.arj file. As the documentation inside the archive file does not tell anything about this, and as the emulator will do nothing without the ROM code, I wrote this file. The ROM code must be put in a file called ROMCODE.C64. It is a 36864 bytes long file containing the 1541 ROM, the character generator ROM and the BASIC interpreter and Kernal ROMs in successive order: Byte offset Description (hexadecimal) 0000-3FFF 1541 ROM (1541 addresses C000-FFFF) 4000-4FFF Character generator ROM (C64 locations D000-DFFF) 5000-6FFF BASIC ROM (C64 locations A000-BFFF) 7000-8FFF Kernal ROM (C64 locations E000-FFFF) Producing this file requires some knowledge in 6502 machine language programming. If you lack it, you could ask for help in the Usenet newsgroup comp.sys.cbm.