¥Œk†d‰M–$'s Bag o' Dirty Tricks #1 Well... these programs are just a few things i thought up while daydreaming in class. A few of these would make interesting and annoying graphic effects for viruses, but these also can teach you my example to make your own graphic effects. None of these effects are coptwritten or such, but if you do use any of them, please give me a little credit. Like this....Proto-T resident code provided by €r˜ž.......... Here are a few descriptions of the files: Dissolve: Simply "dissolves" the letters on the screen by shifting the ascii character (add or subtract) one step closer to the space character each loop.. Looks good after HorDIR has been run. This program was just barely modified by me...Original author didn't want to save the attribs of the characters for some reason (ie. no color). Morph : Morph changes most of the letters on the screen to their high ascii equivilent..... Sort of... Lights : This program goes memory resident like the "Proto-T" virus so bad virus scanners may flag this some day, but none of these are viral. This program cycles through the lights on your keyboard. Turning them on and off. Hooks 1Ch Reverse : Reverses the screen sort of.. By exchanging the character at 0b800:0000 with the one at 0b800:3998...Then the one at :0002 with the one at :3996 and so on..... Spaces : Goes resident like lights and every so often puts 8 spaces in the keyboard buffer. Very annoying... Hooks 1Ch Well....Thats all of this installment of dirty tricks... Others will follow assuming I don't run out of either time or ideas. ¥Œk†d‰M–$