Computer Viruses - A Protagonist's Point Of View -----===] CORRUPTED PROGRAMMING INTERNATIONAL [===----- == CPI Newsletter #1 == [ Article Written By Doctor Dissector ] Released : June 27, 1989 Call The CPI Headquarters 619-566-7093 1200/2400 Baud :: Open 24 Hours [1.1] Introduction: ------------------- Welcome to "Computer Viruses - A Protagonist's Point Of View." This letter, perhaps the beginning of a small newsletter. Well, this "letter," is written by one person right now, maybe I'll get some people to send in more info, ideas, and examples to CPI. If you would like to contribute, please upload text files to CPI Headquarters (see heading for number) and leave a note to me telling me you are contributing to our magazine. Well, as an overview, this article will cover a few topics dealing with viruses; however, there will be no examples covered as we are short of programmers at the moment. That reminds me, if you would like to become a member of CPI, fill out the accompanying text file and upload it to CPI HQ as an upload to the Sysop, then leave me and the Sysop some mail to tell us you registered to become a member. We will get back to you as soon as possible. The purpose of this magazine is to expand and broaden the general computer user's view and knowledge of the dreadful computer Virus, as well as a bit on Trojans (not the hardware, the SOFTWARE!). Then, after the knowledge of these computer crackers is better understood, the second purpose of this newsletter is to teach both methods of developing and executing a better virus/trojan. We, VRI, feel viruses and trojans are a vital part of the computer world, and should stand along the trades of hacking, phreaking, cracking, pirating, and pyro as an equal, not something to be looked down upon (unless you are hit by one...). In the future, we hope CPI will grow and spread, just like a virus, and encompass a large domain of the crackers, hackers, and other elite out there so that the life of this group will be maintained, and that this newsletter, hopefully, won't be the only issue to be released during the group's existence. Doctor Dissector CPICV Editor/ANE Author Table Of Contents- Phile Subject Author ----- --------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Introduction & Table Of Contents.........Doctor Dissector 1.2 Viruses- What, Where, Why, How...........Doctor Dissector 1.3 Aspects Of Some Known Viruses............Doctor Dissector 1.4 Ideas For Future Viruses.................Doctor Dissector 1.5 Suggested Reading........................Doctor Dissector 1.6 Conclusion...............................Doctor Dissector 1.7 CPI Application..........................Doctor Dissector