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Use your imagenation! Place buckets filled with paint, shit or kreosot over a door! You'll laugh your brain out when L. Ooser opens his door and gets 2 gallons of pink paint all over himself! Unfortunately (thanx phearless) these tricks only works if the door is unlocked, since you must open them to be able to place the bucket on top. At night there can be hard to find open doors...but if you find one try this little funny joke: Fill a bucket with gasoline and place it over a door (careful! you don't want the house to wake up...yet). Place a burning candle by the bottom of the door and ring the bell.. Hide. Now someone will tired go to the door to find out who the hell is ringing at the door at 3 o'clock. He will open the door, get the gasoline all over himself and then transformed into a torch by the candle! I just love to watch the jerk run into his house again and light everything he pass! His wife, children, TV etc etc 2. Phree Phall is Phun. At night you can find many people who are walking around on their way to places you don't give a shit about. At dark places, open a few manholes in the street and hear the nice sound when L. Ooser falls 10 feet down and drowns in shit. If the level of shit is not enough and L. Ooser cries for help, do him a favor and place the cover back on again. At morning, when people begins to flush their toilets again, L. Ooser will notice how fast the level of shit rises... 3. Dummys Doesn't Scream. Get yourself a nice dummy, the ones shops have in their windows, by a classic smash-and-grab. The ways you can scare people are endless! Beat it savagely infront of a crowd. Throw it from a high building. Push it infront of a car. Hang it in a tree in a park (suicide-look). (My favorite!) etc etc Dummys that is supposed to look as a child is very funny to use... 4. Alarms Sounds Like Hell. You know those little alarms that's hanging in the ceiling in most houses and screams loud when smoke is noticed? Or the "self-protect" ones everybody can buy everywhere. Steal one (or why not two?). Place it in a bush by a house in the middle of the night and turn it on. After a while someone will probably come out and search for whatever sounds like hell. If you have hidden it well L. Ooser can be found searching all night. If you really hate the sucker place a bomb connected to the alarm, so when he "finally" finds it, he will get another suprise... You can also use some kind of radiocontrolled device so when L. Ooser thinks he has located the sound it suddenly stops. Just to start when he has gone to bed again... 5. Flag-pole Destruction Deluxe. Flag-poles can be used for heavy destruction if you know what you are doing...There are two kinds of poles: The old ones made in tree, placed by a cubic stone. The new ones, made in glass fibre. To achive maximum entertainment, loosen the bolts that holds the pole. Be sure to loosen ALL bolts otherwize the pole will only be able to fall in one direction. Remeber that the new poles are very light, about 30 kg while to old ones can weigh up to 100 kg! When you have loosen all of them aim at a good target. Cars, weak roofs, greenhouses made by glass...use your brain! 6. Tears for Fears The best non-lethal weapon avaible must be tear-gas. It's fun, in small bottles and hurts like hell if you got the right strenght! Get yourself a nice bottle, the ones which makes big clouds. A little burst with this kind of bottle can produce a cloud which fills a room in ten seconds! If you hate someone who lives in a apartment open his mailbox and spray a cloud into the place. Then ring the bell. The jerk will now go to open the door but will only meet a day of pain. Spray inside a shop and watch how more and more customers run away in panic. Great suprise for shitty guards who have caught you shop-lifting! 7. The Head-Remover. Have you got the problem that your little black-powder bombs are to small to give the victim any REAL damage except for his legs? If you want to kill your enemy the bomb must explode somewhere near his head. Do like this: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X/////////////////X WALL ---------X-----=======-----X---------- DOOR X/////////////////X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X (Shell) / (Explosive) = (Firecracker that explodes when you pull) - (The wires to the firecracker) Attach one wire to the suckers door and one to the wall beside the door. Ring the bell and run like hell. The sucker will open the door, the bomb will go off and since his head will be around one feet from the bomb (or even closer) it will be blown to pieces! Well...the problem is that you must be sure that the sucker opens the door otherwise some relative can be the victim instead. But who cares? It's the feeling of killing that counts! ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________