The old Hotmail Hack
Sent to me by Gecko321
Original Xploit by Digital Assassins
(major modifications and more details by kM)

** UPDATE **

yada yada yada...  

So I posted this to, and yes it was patched shortly thereafter.  Exploits are ment
to be fixed.  Don't bitch at me for it.  

This no longer works...however I am sure there are "other" ways of getting around the system.
There always is..

So for your informational purpose.. you can see what the "old" way was. =]

==HOW TO==
Scamming.  Ok, basically here is the deal.  If you want to get into a hotmail account first 
you need to find a victim.  Everyone has a hotmail account especially peeps on IRC or any local
chat channel hangout.  Send an email to them and tell them to check their hotmail account.  
Then type their name below and access their email at the same time.

Good for checking up on cheating girlfriends, boyfriends,  wives, husbands.
Business associates etc etc.

Get my drift? =]

step 1
Enter the hotmail ID you want to hack.  (remember this) this hack attempt ONLY
works if the user has not LOGGED out of hotmail.  If the user has logged out this attempt
will not be successful and you will get a message saying you were logged out.

Type in there user name here
Make sure you have typed the username exactly right because hotmail will not tell you if you have typed it incorrectly, they also log the IP's of people entering incorrect login names. ////////// step 2 \\\\\\\\\\ It is now time to view the html source code of the password page that you are on now. View the source for this page. Five lines down or so from the top of the source code page, it will say <FORM name="passwordform" Action="http://somenumber/cgi-bin//start/username/anothernumber" method="POST" target="_top"> ////////// step 3 \\\\\\\\\\ Goto the address in the action part of this code. http://somenumber/cgi-bin//start/username/anothernumber If the hotmail user didn't logout, you will have access to their mailbox. If they logged out try another. =]