=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HACKING LIBRARY AND SCHOOL *INTERNET COMPUTERS* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Disclaimer ^^^^^^^^^^ The information below is intended for educational and informational purposes only. No illegal use is implied or suggested. I will not be held responsible for the actions of any person based on their, or others reading of this article. Intro ^^^^^ Many libraries and schools now have computers set up with internet access for public\student use. The problem is that these computers are usually setup in a way that restricts the users freedom to run any program, execute DOS commands, make use of TCP/IP apps other than WWW, the list goes on. With the level of access that the average user has it is difficult to edit files or run programs (to crack passwords) without being noticed, so we need a new method. Using this method you should be able to rid the targeted computer of user restrictions on specified days or after certain actions (the way it's activated is up to you), without attracting any bad attention. Method Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Commands in PROGMAN.INI are usually the cause of user restrictions. To change progman.ini we have to have access to the hard drive. If a computer is setup to run only a single or specific set of programs, (e.g. netscape) then it may seem hard to do anything to the HD. However you can usually save things to disk from _the internet_. Such an item may be a program that alters or swaps *.ini files. Now that you have your program on the HD how can you get it to run on bootup? When an *internet computer* boots up it will usually go into Windows, so WIN.COM is the last item in AUTOEXEC.BAT. We know that this program will run every time. To take advantage of this download your program (named win.com) over the top of win.com (this is possible while windows is running). Then download another copy of win.com named WIN.EXE and any other necessary files (such as replacement INI files). That's it. Notes on the design of your program ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When your program finishes it's job it should run WIN.EXE preferably with switches that could have possibly been passed to your program by mistake. Your program shouldn't have any display output or prompts, so that it isn't noticed by whoever else turns on the computer. It is a VERY good idea to have your program check the time and date before it does any swapping of files, so that you can get maximum usage without it being detected. You may want to use another way of detecting whether or not to give full freedom or no, such as checking for certain key presses during boot. Make sure you have a way of removing your program, manually or automatically after a certain date. Other uses ^^^^^^^^^^ If you are not worried about being detected or preserving your potential freedom, this method can be put to other uses such as causing windows lock up on entry, and/or displaying as wallpaper ANY graphic you wish. You could alter error messages, kill the HD (strongly discouraged), or change program groups in program manager. You could also use it to retrieve specified files and copy them to floppy (best done by a program within windows so that people don't notice you in DOS for extended periods of time), or install something to record keystrokes. Rules that make this method possible - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * WIN.COM is the last item in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file of most (all) *internet computers*. * DOS executes COM files before it executes EXE files. * A EXE file named a COM file will run (as will a COM named EXE). * Any program asking for passwords (giving greater access) will run before your program. Steps in completing the procedure - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Write a program that alters or swaps *.INI or other config files. * Name your main program WIN.COM and have another copy of the original win.com named WIN.EXE. - Make sure you have the correct version as WIN.EXE * Put a copy of the programs and any other necessary files on a web page (preferably with no text, so that search engines cant find it and net nanny's wont block it). * Go to the target computer, download WIN.COM (your program) over the existing WIN.COM as well as downloading WIN.EXE and any other files (e.g. replacement *.INI files). Closing Note ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a good, simple and safe method of getting yourself the access you want/need. If you use it well and are careful you should never be caught. It is not intended for destructive or malicious purposes. - Ashtar -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=