-How to beat the Childproof lighter- Now-a-days they don't sell you the regular lighters anymore. You can only buy the chlidproof ones. I found them extremly anoying having to push that little button in every time you wanted to light the lighter. So we came up with a very simple way of converting it back to the old kind. First of all I am telling you about the "bic" lighters scince they are the best. All other lighters brake very easily. What you need to do is take your pocket knife and pry out the little red saftey button that is under the gas button. After you have pryed this button out you should have a hole under the gas button with a little strip of metal hanging out. Give this a good tug to pull it out. Then your lighter is back to normal...just give it a flick..no more saftey button!!!!!! ------Vortex Broght to you by the -=>A U P<=-