DO IT NOW --------- I'm pleased to announce that I'm no longer programming THD ProScan on an XT. And I'm further pleased to say that it is due largely to the few VERY generous donations I have recieved to date. However, with each release I ponder the possibility of "requiring" a registration. And with each release I go back and look at the list of donators and am reminded that are some generous people out there who don't "need" to be "required" to register a product to show their appreciation. And in the same thought I wonder how many more registrations I would get if I "required" it. And after it's all said and done, another FreeWare version of THD Proscan is released. This one was an irritatingly close decision. This version "almost" became shareware. The introduction of THDEXARC made this one a difficult decision. THD is now at the point where it has introduced enough features that it will be useful well into the future without requiring a registration. So my request is that if you use this product and you have any appreciation for the effort that went into it, then please let me know. If you can afford a few dollars, great. If not, drop me a letter or a netmail and just say thanks. Addresses are available on the first screen of THDINSTL.EXE. And above all, before you forget, reread the first line... Dave...