0 Service 1 Primary Number 2 Modem 3 User-ID 4 Notes 5 Emulation 6 Script 7 Macro Keys 8 Protocol 9 Translate 10 Lastdate 11 Lasttime 12 Total 25 Service 26 Area code 27 Primary Number 28 Alt #1 29 Alt #2 30 Alt #3 31 Alt #4 32 Modem 33 User-Id 34 Password 35 Notes 36 Emulation 37 Script 38 Macro Keys 39 Protocol 40 Translate 41 Lastdate 42 Lasttime 43 Total 50 ADDS VP60 51 ADM 3A 52 ANSI 53 Avatar 54 Debug Ascii 55 Debug Hex 56 DG 100 57 DG 200 58 DG 210 59 Hazeltine 1500 60 Heath 19 61 IBM 3101 62 RIPscrip 63 TTY 64 TVI 910 65 TVI 912 66 TVI 920 67 TVI 922 68 TVI 925 69 TVI 950 70 TVI 955 71 Vidtex 72 VT 52 73 VT 100 74 VT 102 75 VT 220 76 VT 320 77 Wyse 30 78 Wyse 50 79 Wyse 60 80 Wyse 75 81 Wyse 85 82 Wyse 100 83 Wyse 185 84 IBM 3270 100 Com1: Serial 103 Com4: Serial 104 Com5: Serial 106 Com6: Serial 108 Com9: Serial 109 Com1: Int 14 110 Com2: Int 14 111 Com3: Int 14 112 Com4: Int 14 113 NASI/NACS 120 Com3: Serial 150 110 151 300 152 1200 153 2400 154 4800 155 9600 156 19200 157 38400 158 57600 159 115200 160 230400 161 460800 162 921600 175 None 176 Odd 177 Even 178 Mark 179 Space 225 Ascii 226 Xmodem 227 Xmodem/Crc 228 1K Xmodem 229 1K Xmodem/G 230 Ymodem 231 Ymodem/G 232 Zmodem 233 Kermit 234 CIS B+ 235 Doorway 270 None 271 COM1 272 COM2 273 COM3 274 COM4 300 Connect with modem 301 Connect with voice 302 Connect with telnet 303 Dialing number 304 Download failure 305 Download success 306 Modem hangup 307 No connect, busy 308 No connect, not dial tone 309 No connect, timeout 310 QmodemPro startup 311 QmodemPro shutdown 312 RIP Alarm 313 RIP Beep 314 RIP Blip 315 RIP Music 316 RIP Phaser 317 RIP Reverse Phaser 318 Upload failure 319 Upload success 400 All files (*.*)|*.* 401 BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp 402 Script files (*.qsc)|*.qsc 403 Script files (*.qsc,*.qsx)|*.qsc;*.qsx 404 WAV files (*.wav)|*.wav 405 Log files (*.log)|*.log 406 Trap files (*.trp)|*.trp 407 Capture files (*.cap)|*.cap 408 Review files (*.sav)|*.sav 409 Phonebook files (*.phn)|*.phn 410 Macro files (*.mac)|*.mac 411 Icon files|*.exe;*.dll;*.ico|Programs (*.exe)|*.exe|Libraries (*.dll)|*.dll|Icons (*.ico)|*.ico|All files (*.*)|*.* 412 Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.* 413 File lists (*.qfl)|*.qfl 414 QmodemPro for Windows 1.xx (*.phn)|*.phn|All Files (*.*)|*.* 415 QmodemPro for DOS 4.xx+ (*.fon)|*.fon|All Files (*.*)|*.* 416 Procomm+ for DOS 1.1x (*.dir)|*.dir|All Files (*.*)|*.* 417 Procomm+ for DOS 2.x (*.dir)|*.dir|All Files (*.*)|*.* 418 Procomm+ for Windows 1.x (*.dir)|*.dir|All Files (*.*)|*.* 419 Procomm+ for Windows 2.x (*.dir)|*.dir|All Files (*.*)|*.* 420 Telix for DOS 3.xx (*.fon)|*.fon|All Files (*.*)|*.* 421 Telix for Windows 1.xx (*.fbk)|*.fbk|All Files (*.*)|*.* 500 Select Wallpaper 501 Trap Screen 502 Error 504 Open Capture 505 Execute Script 506 Question 507 Edit Script File 508 Compile Script 509 Debug Script 510 Info 511 Quicklearn Script 512 Compile Error 513 Message 514 Source 515 Watch 516 Script Debugger 517 Trap Graphics Screen 520 GIF Viewer 521 Download Filename 522 Download Directory 523 View File 524 Edit File 525 Select Log File 526 View Log File 527 Confirmation 528 Warning 529 Select Download Path 530 Select Upload Path 531 Select Script Path 532 Select RIP Icon Path 533 Select Screen Trap File 534 Select Capture File 535 Select Scrollback File 536 Select Viewer 537 Select Viewer Path 538 Select Editor 539 Select Editor Path 542 Select Default Phonebook 543 Key Mapping - %s 544 Macro Keys - [untitled] 545 Macro Keys - [%s] 546 Load Macro File 547 Save Macro File 549 Select Icon Path 550 Select Macro File 551 Edit Notes File 552 Status 553 Goto Entry 554 Phonebook 555 Add Phonebook Entry 556 Insert Phonebook Entry 557 Open Phonebook 559 Device Not Found 560 File Viewer - [%s] 561 Goto Line 562 Tab Size 563 Text Editor - [%s] 564 File Modified 565 Save File As 566 Wrap Column 567 Download Status 568 Upload Status 569 Load File List 570 Save File List 571 Macros Modified 572 Emulation - %s 573 Options 574 Desktop Properties 575 Select Phonebook to Convert 576 Select Directory 577 Dropped Files 578 Direct Connect Options 579 Translation Tables 580 Edit Phonebook Entry 581 Change Icon 582 Save Phonebook 583 Dialing Paused 584 Ascii Options 585 Kermit Options 586 Zmodem Options 587 [untitled] - Phonebook 588 [%s] - Phonebook 589 Browse for %s sound 590 Download 591 Upload 592 New Macro File 593 Upload File Select 600 The script %s needs to be recompiled. 602 Invalid opcode 603 Unexpected end of file 604 STOP encountered 605 RETURN without GOSUB 606 Math error 607 Array subscript out of bounds 608 Library not found 609 Function not found 610 Invalid file number 611 Error opening file 612 Path not found 613 Error renaming file 614 Communications timeout 615 WHEN ... GOTO executed from noncurrent scope 616 File already open 700 Icon not found 701 Response required for this variable. 702 Enter a value for "%s" 703 Choose one of the highlighted buttons first 704 That button is not available at the moment 705 Choose one of the following: 800 Error creating file %s. 801 Error opening printer file. 802 Terminate running script? 803 Unable to execute host.scr 804 Cannot start host script during script execution. 805 Overwrite existing %s? 806 No scrollback data! 807 Unable to execute %s. 808 Cannot compile during script execution. 809 Cannot run during script execution. 810 Abort compilation? 811 Error %d: %s 812 Currently in INPUT or RECEIVE.\nPress Yes to succeed, or\npress No to fail. 813 Currently in WAITFOR.\nPress Yes to succeed, or\npress No to fail. 814 Select a sound to change first. 815 Clear this sound entry? 816 Select a sound to clear first. 817 No page data to view! 818 Delete file %s? 819 No more files to view. 820 Insufficient memory to display picture. 823 Cancel the current connection? 824 Unable to open port 825 You are currently online, exit QmodemPro? 826 Invalid input. 828 Must enter a phone number. 829 No fields selected. 830 Group must have a name. 831 No phone entries selected for group. 832 Group already exists. 833 Error packing phonebook file. 834 Unable to open phonebook. 835 No tagged entries. 836 Unable to find match. 837 Phonebook entry '%s' uses device '%s' which does not exist. Replace device '%s' with default device? 838 "%s" not found. 839 Help not implemented. 840 Path '%s' does not exist, create? 841 Path '%s' is invalid. 842 Device names '-Default-' and '-Current-' are reserved. 843 Device must have a unique name. 844 Select a device first. 845 Device list is full. 846 There must be at least one device for proper operation. 847 Invalid directory. 848 %d is out of range. 849 Cannot find this file. 850 Must select entry to paste before. 852 Delete this group? 853 Delete the highlighted groups? 855 Unable to find default emulation file. 856 Reset emulation options to defaults? 857 Cannot open dialer with script running. 858 Please enter valid filename to convert from 859 Please enter a valid filename to convert to 860 The file: %s already exists, overwrite it? 861 Please enter valid directory to convert from 862 Unable to initialize OLE 2.0 863 Please use a System name that is not already being used! 864 Invalid directory 865 The file %s does not exist or contains no icons. 866 Error saving phonebook. 867 Must close the phonebook before loading another phonebook. 868 Must close the phonebook window before executing a script 869 Unable to load MAPI32.DLL 870 Invalid MAPI32.DLL 872 Must select a modem, if there are no modems use the Control Panel to add a modem. 873 Unable to locate QMVIEWER.EXE 874 Unable to locate QMEDITOR.EXE 875 You are still online. If you continue the connection will be released. Are you sure you want to exit? 876 Text not found. 900 Quicklearn script created. 902 1000 Ok 1001 File not found 1002 Path not found 1003 Too many open files 1004 File access denied 1005 Invalid file handle 1006 Insufficient memory 1007 Invalid drive 1008 No more files 1009 Disk is write-protected 1010 Unknown disk unit 1011 Drive is not ready 1012 Unknown command 1013 Data error 1014 Bad request structure length 1015 Seek error 1016 Unknown media type 1017 Disk sector not found 1018 Printer is out of paper 1019 Device write error 1020 Device read error 1021 General failure 1022 Block shorter than requested 1023 No room for new char in buffer 1024 No characters to get 1025 Timed out waiting for something 1026 String shorter than requested 1027 String longer than 255 1028 User aborted during wait 1029 General programming error 1030 No end of list marker found in file list 1031 Xmodem init failed 1032 Xmodem init was canceled on request 1033 Cancel requested 1034 Duplicate block received 1035 Wrong block number received 1036 Directory not found in protocol transmit 1037 No matching files in protocol transmit 1038 Long packet received during protocol 1039 End of transmitted file 1040 Initial protocol handshake in progress 1041 Incoming file was renamed 1042 Incoming file already exists 1043 Ymodem header has bad file size 1044 Ymodem header has bad date/time 1045 Unexpected char during protocol 1046 Incorrect CRC or checksum received 1047 No search mask specified for transmit 1048 No filename specifed in xmodem download 1049 Ascii receive in progress 1050 Receiver rejected file 1051 Too many errors received during protocol 1052 Modem response - ERROR 1053 Zmodem - got CrcE DataSubpacket 1054 Zmodem - got CrcW DataSubpacket 1055 Zmodem - got CrcQ DataSubpacket 1056 Zmodem - got CrcG DataSubpacket 1057 Zmodem - got garbage from remote 1058 Zmodem - skip file 1059 Zmodem - bad file position 1060 Zmodem - specified file doesn't exist 1061 Zmodem - not allowed to overwrite file 1062 Zmodem - never got proper handshake 1063 Zmodem - no files to receive 1064 Zmodem - port buffers too small 1065 Zmodem - got a complete header 1066 Zmodem - (internal) no header yet 1067 Resyncing with host 1068 Waiting for ACK 1069 Dropout 1070 Host cancel 1071 Attempting resume 1072 Host resuming 1073 Resumed OK 1074 Failed to resume 1075 Invalid packet type 1076 Disk full 1077 Unknown status code %u 2000 Started QmodemPro for Windows 95 2001 Exited QmodemPro for Windows 95 2002 ++ %s 2003 ++ Download failed 2004 ++ Upload failed 2005 ++ Skipped %s 2006 ++ File %s 2007 ++ Characters per second : %l 2008 Connect to %s at %l 2009 Connect to %s via Telnet 2010 Manual connect 2011 Disconnect 2012 Total connect time %s 2013 Connect to %s via Voice 2014 Total call time %s 3000 ON 3001 OFF 3015 Phonebook packed successfully. 3016 Enter entry # 3033 Checksum 3034 CRC 16 3035 CRC 32 3036 CRC 3037 Timer : 3038 Modem : 3039 Command : 3040 Dialing cancelled by user 3041 No entries tagged. 3044 Unable to compile script 3048 No connection in specified time limit. 3049 Direct connection established. 3050 Redial interrupt detected. Dialing halted. 3051 Waiting for connect. Cycle in %d seconds 3052 Dialing next entry in %d seconds 3053 Dialing halted. 3054 Current entry has been untagged 3055 TCP/IP 3056 Dialing Status: Dial tone 3057 Dialing Status: Dialing call 3058 Dialing Status: Call is proceeding 3059 Dialing Status: Busy 3060 Dialing Status: No answer 3061 Dialing Status: No dial tone 3062 Connected 3063 Ready 3064 Connecting to %s 3065 Looking up host 3066 Error looking up host 3067 Unable to find host 3068 Connecting to host 3069 Unable to connect to host 3070 Device not available 3071 Dialing %s 3072 Invalid phone number format 3073 Error during dialing 3080 Save changes to disk? 3081 -Current- 3082 -Default- 3090 Carriage Return 3091 Line Feed 3092 Comma 3093 Space 3094 Colon 3095 Semicolon 3096 Tab 3100 QmodemPro for Windows 1.xx 3101 QmodemPro for DOS 4.xx+ 3102 Procomm+ for DOS 1.1x 3103 Procomm+ for DOS 2.x 3104 Procomm+ for Windows 1.x 3105 Procomm+ for Windows 2.x 3106 Telix for DOS 3.xx 3107 Telix for Windows 1.xx 3108 Wincomm 1.1 3109 Generic ASCII text file 3110 Crosstalk for Windows 2.01 3150 System Name 3151 Area Code 3152 Phone Number 3153 Alt. Number 1 3154 Alt. Number 2 3155 Alt. Number 3 3156 User ID 3157 Password 3200 Should these files be uploaded or transmited? 3201 Data 3202 Voice 3203 Telnet 3210 [default] 3211 Offline 3212 Online 3213 Phonebook has changed, save before closing? 3214 string 3230 Send CR 3231 Add LF after 3232 Strip CR 3233 Send LF 3234 Add CR before 3235 Strip LF 3236 Receive CR 3237 Add LF after 3238 Strip CR 3239 Receive LF 3240 Add CR before 3241 Strip LF 3242 %i object(s) selected 3243 %i object(s) 3244 9999 object(s) selected 3260 (none) 3270 Telnet %s 3271 %s at %lu 3272 Waiting for calls 3273 Ready 3274 Direct Port 3290 N/A 3291 %lu of %lu 3300 Mapped 3301 Menu 3302 Toggles Keypad 3303 Tab 3304 Keypress 3305 Del 3306 Ins 3307 End 3308 PgDn 3309 Home 3310 PgUp 3350 QmodemPro Terminal Scrap.txt 3351 Would you like to load the phone book you just converted into QmodemPro? 4000 View the current dialing directory.\nDialing Directory 4001 Send a file to the remote.\nUpload 4002 Receive a file from the remote.\nDownload 4003 Turns the Capture Log on or off.\nCapture Log 4004 Turns the Session Log on or off.\nSession Log 4005 Views the Session Log.\nView Session Log 4006 Turns the Printer Log on or off.\nPrinter Log 4007 Quits the application.\nExit 4008 Copies the current selection and puts it on the Clipboard.\nCopy 4009 Inserts Clipboard contents.\nPaste 4010 Copies the screen to the Clipboard.\nScreen to Clipboard 4011 Copies the screen to the current capture file.\nScreen to Capture File 4012 Copies the screen to a text file.\nScreen to File 4013 Prints a copy of the screen.\nScreen to Printer 4014 Sends a copy of the screen through electronic mail.\nScreen to Mail 4015 Copies the scrollback to the Clipboard.\nScrollback to Clipboard 4016 Copies the scrollback to the current capture file.\nScrollback to Capture File 4017 Copies the scrollback to a text file.\nScrollback to File 4018 Prints a copy of the scrollback.\nScrollback to Printer 4019 Sends a copy of the scrollback through electronic mail.\nScrollback to Mail 4020 Copies the current selection to the Clipboard.\nSelection to Clipboard 4021 Copies the current selection to the current capture file.\nSelection to Capture File 4022 Copies the current selection to a text file.\nSelection to File 4023 Prints a copy of the current selection.\nSelection to Printer 4024 Sends a copy of the current selection through electronic mail.\nSelection to Mail 4025 Finds the specified text.\nFind 4026 Shows or hides the toolbar.\nToolbar 4027 Shows or hides the macrobar.\nMacrobar 4028 Shows or hides the status bar.\nStatus Bar 4029 Split screen.\nSplit Screen 4030 Opens the Monitor Window.\nMonitor Window 4031 View the scrollback.\nScrollback 4032 Turns scrollback recording on or off.\nScrollback Record 4033 Clear the scrollback.\nClear Scrollback 4034 Change to a different emulation.\nEmulation 4035 Clear the screen.\nClear Screen 4036 Reset current emulation to defaults.\nReset 4037 Disconnect from current connection.\nHangup 4038 Send Break signal.\nBreak 4039 Turn Full Duplex mode on or off.\nFull Duplex 4040 Turn adding LF's after CR on or off.\nAdd LF's 4041 Turn 8 bit stripping on or off.\n8 bit Strip 4042 Turn doorway mode on or off.\nDoorway Mode 4043 Select a Direct Port Connection.\nDirect Connection 4044 Have QmodemPro learn a script.\nQuickLearn Script 4045 Run a script file.\nExecute Script 4046 Edit a script file.\nEdit Script 4047 Compile a script file.\nCompile Script 4048 Debug a script file.\nDebug Script 4049 Run the Host Mode Script.\nHost Mode 4050 View graphics files.\nPicture Viewer 4051 Edit text files.\nEditor 4052 Customize the toolbar.\nEdit Toolbar 4053 Customize the macrobar.\nEdit Macrobar 4054 Changes various QmodemPro options.\nOptions 4055 Opens Help.\nHelp 4056 Displays program information, version number, and copyright.\nAbout 4057 Clear the XOFF flow control.\nClear XOFF 4058 Toggle Auto Answer mode.\nToggle Auto Answer 4059 Displays the properties of the current Direct Connection.\nProperties 4060 Change and select various Translate Tables.\nTranslate Tables 4061 Shows or hides the File Clipboard.\nFile Clipboard 4062 Finds the specified text.\nFind 4063 Hides the macrobar. 4064 Displays the properties of the terminal. 4065 Displays the properties of the desktop. 4066 Send selected text to the terminal. 4100 Creates a new phonebook.\nNew Phonebook 4101 Opens an existing phonebook.\nOpen 4102 Saves current phonebook.\nSave 4103 Saves current phonebook to a different name.\nSave As 4104 Imports phonebooks from other programs.\nImport 4105 Prints selected entries.\nPrint 4106 Changes print settings.\nPrint Setup 4107 Exits current phonebook.\nExit 4108 Removes the selected entries and copies them onto the Clipboard.\nCut 4109 Copies the selected entries to the Clipboard.\nCopy 4110 Inserts the entries you have copied or cut into the selected location.\nPaste 4111 Create new entry.\nNew Entry 4112 Insert new entry at the current location.\nInsert 4113 Delete the selected entries.\nDelete 4114 Displays the properties of the selected entries.\nProperties 4115 Setup different groups of entries.\nGroups 4116 Finds the specified text.\nFind 4117 Repeats the last find.\nFind Next 4118 Dial selected entries.\nDial 4119 Dial a manually entered number.\nManual Dial 4120 Shows or hides the toolbar.\nToolbar 4121 Shows or hides the status bar.\nStatus Bar 4122 Displays entries by using large icons.\nLarge Icons 4123 Displays entries by using small icons.\nSmall Icons 4124 Displays entries in a list.\nList 4125 Displays information about each entry in the window.\nDetails 4126 Sorts entries alphabetically by name.\nName 4127 Sorts entries numerically by number.\nNumber 4128 Sorts entries numerically by last call date.\nLast Call 4129 Sorts entries numerically by total calls.\nTotal Calls 4130 Arrange icons automatically.\nArrange Icons 4131 Arranges icons in a grid.\nLine Up Icons 4132 Opens Help.\nHelp 4133 Rename selected entries.\nRename 4200 Exits the script debugger.\nExit 4201 Shows or hides the toolbar.\nToolbar 4202 Shows or hides the status bar.\nStatus Bar 4203 Step into subroutine.\nStep 4204 Jump over subroutine.\nJump 4205 Return to the calling subroutine.\nReturn 4206 Run the script.\nGo 4207 Stop the script.\nStop 4208 Toggle breakpoint on/off.\nToggle Breakpoint 4209 Watch a variable.\nWatch 4210 Clears all watch variables.\nClear All Watches 4211 Deletes selected watch variable.\nDelete Watch 4212 Arranges the windows as nonoverlapping tiles.\nTile 4213 Arranges the windows so they overlap.\nCascade 4214 Arranges icons automatically.\nArrange Icons 4215 Opens Help.\nHelp 4220 Hides the toolbar. 4221 Displays the properties of the toolbar. 4222 Hides the status bar. 32520 Input does not conform to picture:\n"%s" 32521 Invalid character in input 32522 Value is not in the range %ld to %ld. 32523 Input is not in valid-list 32590 on 32591 '%s' not printed. %s. 32592 Out of memory 32593 Out of disk space 32594 Printing canceled 32595 Printing aborted in Print Manager 32596 Error encountered during print 32597 Print Error 32732 Invalid DIB handle %X 32733 GDI object %X destroy failure 32734 GDI object %X delete failure 32735 GDI file read failure 32736 GDI resource load failure 32737 GDI creation failure 32738 GDI allocate failure 32739 GDI failure 32740 Invalid relative window specified in layout constraint in window %s 32741 Incomplete layout constraints specified in window %s 32742 Printer error 32743 Validator syntax error 32744 Menu creation failure 32745 Child create fail for window %s 32746 Execute fail for window %s 32747 Create fail for window %s 32748 Child class registration fail for window %s 32749 Class registration fail for window %s 32754 Invalid client window %s 32755 Invalid child window %s 32756 Invalid window %s 32758 VBX Library init failure 32759 Invalid MainWindow 32760 Invalid module specified for window 32761 Out of memory 32762 No application object 32763 Unknown error 32764 Unhandled Exception 32765 OK to resume? 32766 ObjectWindows Exception 32767 Unknown exception