HEALING WHAT IS HEALING? - WHOLISTIC HEALING Healing is simply reattuning your own body back into its normal biorythmn. This is the body's nervous system related to gland function, stimulated by the relay of the brain. Tthe brain being the computer that runs the body. We try to help you to understand how stress can incur illness to our bodies. Not only mental stress, but stress caused by anabolic viruses, work and home situations, chemicals we inhale from the environment and the chemicals that we consume from food. We treat the whole organic system of the human being. The reason we are foremost in existence is because of energy. Besides the physical body that we all know that we have, we also have a spiritual body comprising solely of energy. Before birth, this spiritual body of energy known to many as the soul, attaches itself to the physical body,. It relays the energy to the brain and major organs of the body to create the gland functions that keep us as a human alive and healthy. When the energy relayed from the soul becomes distorted or damaged through the above stress problems, then in turn the energy becomes damaged and will then affect the organ or body parts that it relays to. Our body's system is very complex and relys on a system that remains in complete balance. As the earth has become steadily and increasingly polluted, society standards complex and stressful, there are not many people left in the world who can claim that they are completely healthy. Through meditation procedures and help from spirit teachers, our group and many other people around the world have been taught the method of relaying pure energy from the spirit side. This realigns, heals and alleviates people's health problems. The healing energy is channelled through our own aura, (which is likened to an energy field which surrounds the body), and onto the patient. We do not touch the patient, the patient lies on the healing table and the people performing the healing stand over the patient with their hands positioned above the body. The healers then channel the healing energy onto the person. This can be channelled into laser type healing to remove growths and repair tissue. Other people receive a boost of energy, and any negative energy that is causing problems to the body is removed. Some people will receive instant results, depending on the ailment. Depending on the amount of energy that the person can accept during healing will entail whether the person may need several visits. We have not healed every person that has asked for our help, for some people do not choose to assess their life and change the stress levels that have caused them ill health. Some people may have a need to introduce a new food group that their body is lacking, whilst others need to learn the art of relaxation and how to overcome mental stress. We do perform complete body scans and can tell you if you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, and can also tell you where you have cell damage in your body that is at a stage incurring you ill health or will eventuate into ill health. The healing that we perform does not need the patient's faith that it will work, for as with everything in life, it comes with no guarantees. Again we feel the need to point out that positive thought needs to be a part of everyone's life, and the stressful mental stimulations which incur the brain to send erratic signals out to our organs, causing them to produce chemicals that will damage our cells, need to be kept to a minimum. These stressful situations are negative emotions which are anger, worry, depression, boredom, overworking, lack of sleep or rest time. We need to have more laughter and acquire an ability to take life as it come. Knowing that what has passed we cannot change and what is to come, will, and we can only do our best at the time. As life is built on choice (and at times we can make mistakes), every person on the earth do at times incur mistakes through the incorrect choice being made. If we do the right things to other people, it will eventually turn out that the right thing will happen to you. This is the way that life works. At times what we think is right for us, may not be so, for you may have one of life's lessons coming your way that you need to experience to become a better man or woman. Through time and teaching methods, each one of us can acquire an ability to heal others, so it is not an out of character method that so many people think it is. It is only special due to the fact that it helps people, and in todays society it is a needed element. We need to show people that spiritually we are all ONE, and every person belongs and is as equal as the next and due love and support. Health problems do not have to reach the stage of surgery, if we can treat them at an early enough stage. We help the patient to turn their own life around, and back on track.