HEALING HEALING, IT DOES WORK! For your information, we will include some case histories of people that we have helped. Female: Had a haematoma (large blood clot) inside pelvic region which adherred to the bowel and uterus, twisting the bowel, and causing adhesions. After 5 visits, female decided to go ahead with an operation to have her bowel removed and ileostomy performed (a bag worn on the outside of her body). When the doctor's operated, the haematoma was gone, the bowel repaired, and only a few fibrous strands remained. She now is a happy and healthy person, with her bowel intact. Female(s): Endrometriosis (cysts inside uterus causing severe pain). Cysts removed and females no longer have monthly chronic attacks of pain. Male: Numerous gallstones, due for an operation. In healing, stones shattered and patient had 4 years free from problems or pain, but now has incurred more gallstones which caused the gall to become infected, healing aided in stemming the infection. Female: Gallstones causing inflammation and gall attack along with appendicitis attack. Healing removed stones, alleviated pain and swelling in both organs. Female:(child) Diagnosed by doctors with Crohns disease,(bowel pain and ulcerations). After 4 visits, child no longer suffered agonizing pain, and Doctor very pleased with her recovery. Male:(child) Suffered constant migraines weekly, was chemically poisoned when a baby through crop spraying and was allergic to the 20th century (his eyes bled at times through attacks). After first healing, child himself threw out his migraine tablets, his health and general wellbeing improved. Female:(child) After an appendicitis, appendix removed, and operation cut had not healed in over 9 months, wound kept opening. After several healing sessions, cut began to heal itself. Males(2): Both had spine damage through being run over and knocked off a bike. One had spine degeneration and the spine was crumbling, the other suffered constant pain. From X rays, the spine regenerated, pain alleviated. Female: Suffered constant pain after kidney failure due to Doctor stitching closed the ureta tube after she gave birth through an emergency caesarian. Implant continually blocked (as shown on X ray) and she was due for another operation. Healing performed, no operation necessary. All clear in 2nd X ray. Male: Suffered gouty arthritis, could not reach down to put on his shoes, feet very swollen. After several visits, the swelling started to subside, and movement and flexibility returned to his feet, he could now put his shoes on. Patients diet needed to be attended to, to help alleviate problem. Male: Scan showed kidney stone lodged in urethal tube, due for operation unless the stone moved. Healing performed, stone broken down and passed. Male: Ankle and knee problem since childhood exacerbated from sport, pain alleviated and repositioning of hips performed. Male: Collapsed in hospital, resucitated after 12 minutes, pronounced brain dead by doctor, after suffering a stroke and heart attack. Healing performed, patient was up and coherent the next day asking for breakfast. Lived for another 6 months, but deteriorated due to old age. Female: Pregnant with a cyst growing in uterus. Problem had incurred previous pregnancy, and baby lost after operation to remove the cyst. After healing, returned to doctor and scan showed cyst gone. Gave birth to a healthy boy. Male: Melanomas disappeared after healing. Male: Severe burns on face and hands, keloid scarring was expected by doctors. Healing done, no scarring, burns healed faster than expected. Male; Keloid scarring from burns, grafts on face not healing. Healing performed over a period of time, graft taken on face, skin tissue quality improved. Male: Emergency caesarian, stillborn, resuscitated after 10 minutes. On life support and diagnosis of Doctors, not expected to recover or suffer brain damage. (Healers called straight away) Healing performed on baby every day, Doctors termed "miraculous recovery" to full health and responses. Female: On heavy sedatives, seeing psychiatrist for nervous disfunction due to high stress levels. After one healing, which picked up responses patient had physically that Doctor's could find no reason for, patient responded. Weaned herself off medication and now faces life. Totally different person. There have been many other cases that we have dealt with, most have been successful, some we have given improvement, but not complete cure. Over time we have seen that when people input into their own cure, it happens. Taking control of their own life and stress levels, or simply having a better diet, works with the healing energies for a full recovery. Those people that only made short term changes and then went back into their old habits, reoccurred their ailment.