STARTING YOUR OWN GROUP STARTING YOUR OWN GROUP ABILITY: The power to DO (SOMETHING PHYSICAL OR MENTAL) The state or quality of being able. CAPABILITY: The capacity of being developed. EVERY PERSON in the world has an ability or many abilities. By using these abilities they then become capable if they are determined not to give into themselves. EACH PERSON that involves themself i.e. our group members are learning to develop their ability, no matter how simple or how complex the ability is. These abilities or ability if worked with will become a strength that then entails it to become a capabili ty. No man or woman is less a person or better than a person because their skills are more capable. Spiritual learning justifys each individual as equal, each giving and accepting of each persons ability and capability. What we always need to remember is that each one of us is aiding each other through our skills. We can be aware that someone elses skills are more advanced but also is their equalness to us, if they desire to aid with their skill, then we can be thankful that spirituality has also touched their soul. We always need to be mindful and not place people above us, for no man can herald above another unless individuals place them on this pedestal. EACH SOUL in their spirit form is also as equal. The higher masters do not herald themselves above us, but again produce knowledge to us. They aid us and guide us, they do not tell us or order us. Any man or spirit that overpowers anothers will is working against the principle of God, the force of life and growth. We always need to be mindful of other's will and not exceed our aid, when aid overruns the person's will and what they wish to do or say. No man or spirit holds the right of way. Universal law t hat is heeded for growth allows each soul to make mistakes and choice that will aid or deplete their growth. POINTS TO REMEMBER- REGARDING SPIRIT CONTACT No matter who you are working with, ALWAYS ask for self protection. White lighting will help your psyche entailing a clearer auric field to work with. The person who is acting as CONTROLLER of the group needs to be able to hear spirit (clairaudience) in case of warnings or if someone in the group is creating a problem. The person also needs to be able to sense if anyone in the group is i.e. leaving thei r body creating doorways (which creates physical sensations) or if inadvertently they have spirits in their auric field. Protection for the whole group should always be done at the beginning, before anyone opens. An invocation that is used in the group is -as One we ask that through this circle of light tonight, protection will come in a sheath of light, that none can impede or penetrate, for vibrations to rise whilst we meditate, we commit ourselves to the light. The white light energy needs to be propell ed around the outside of everyone, and through the Protectors and yourself, 3 fields of vibrations are emitted which will keep anyone earthbound from entering the circle. Now if anyone in the group causes a problem, these next points would need to be checked. Look to see if anyone has created an opening, either at their feet or self projection. You will be able to view a murky brownish/green vortex if there has been an ope ning made. Protection keeps outsiders out, but if anyone in the group causes a problem, then you have it within the circle. This is why people are taught the difference between meditation and astral travel. If someone in the group brings in a spirit in th eir aura, again you have it trapped within the circle. Remember the warning signs of chest heaviness, and breathing difficulty, do not ignore these sensations. Whoever is trying the mediumship also needs to be well aware, that their own choice to the spirit entering the aura, is solely up to them. Each person has an ability of extending up to a certain vibration, when beginning, some may only attain the lower le vels of existence. If they ignore the Teacher present, and allow access to another soul, then this is their choice. If the person astral travels whilst trying mediumship, then again a lower soul may gain access. This is where the medium needs to use their sense, if things do not feel comfortable or incorrect, do not allow it to happen, break and come back. The Protectors are present, they will not allow harm to occur, but at times some sensations are allowed to be sensed to give you the full body feeling that you are not proceeding the correct way. This is why the group is a LEARNING group, and many things need to be felt by the individual before they lea rn and know what the sensation means. Mediumship should NEVER be performed by yourself or without a c ontroller. This would be one of the most dangerous situations to put yourself into, for a dark master would have instant access to your aura. The whole point of teaching people is to gain individuals access to their higher Guide, the OverGuide, instead of low level connection to any soul wandering in the vicinity. The OverGuides position is to reach people's spirituality, understanding cosmic l aw known as karma, and using the Earth's energy as its natural source, not abusing it or changing it for our own desires and purposes. The point of learning is to be able to help other people, it is not seeking glory or a position of I can do something th at you cannot. It is not a position of I am psychic. It is a position of I CARE, I NEED TO HELP OTHERS AND I WOULD LIKE TO HELP OTHERS, using your abilities to become capabilities. It is learning humankind's purpose and positioning yourself at times to be ridiculed for what you do and what you know. It is not a SELF THING, for you to know and others to never know. It is not a POWER THING. It must never become an EGO THING, for the whole essence of spirituality has been lost. It is solely a GIVING THING, e asing other's pain and burdens, shedding light on their life and hoping that it will be received and used. Many people will not listen, will not see, will not want to know. FRUSTRATION will be faced many times but it does not matter. Many people will not forget when it comes to their death, and if they venture into the light then nothing is lost. Proof of an afterlife can never be achieved by another, for humankind have always found a way of prooving scientific fact for an occurrence supposedly a miracle. The only way that man can proove this fact, is to seek it for himself. What you will learn are the fundamental basic steps of achieving this goal, steps you can teach others who are willing.