ABILITIES INFORMATION FOR BUILDING YOUR PSYCHIC ABILITIES PROTECTION. Begin each exercise with asking your guardian for protection. We talk to our spirit friends through mind relay so you simply ask that they protect your doorway. The opening or doorway is created when we reach out for psychic information, and when we meditate. The brain chakra opens to outside of your auric field and your guardian spirit entails that negative energy is not admitted into your aura. WHITE LIGHTING. If we keep our auric field as clear as possible, this then allows us to become clearer channels, it removes the negative energy which slows our auric energy down and it enables psychic information clearer access to our brain which is a receptor. Just as the brain transmits thoughts, it receives thoughts which are purely energy particles. White light is pure light and when it is broken down into particles, it holds different sounds or vibrations which create molecular colour. Our aura constitutes these colours and these bands relate to specific body organs. White light revitalizes these energy fields, removing negative build ups. White light is a visualised thought at first, until you gain the psychic recognition either through feeling its warmth or seeing it, (in that your mind is filled with this light). Bring the light over your head, over your body under your feet and into the ground. The ground is becoming an earth for the negative energy to be dispelled into. Let the light wash over your body for several minutes until you feel cleansed. If you are then going to meditate, then go into your relaxed state. If you are using it purely as a cleansing procedure you now need to close yourself off, and that is visualising yourself inside a bubble, completely covering your head and UNDER your feet. The sealing process can also be explained as visualising a door or gate being shut, closed and sealed. MEDITATING. Try to be as relaxed as possible, and preferably sitting in an upright chair, supporting your back. Have your feet on the floor and try to have your palms facing upwards (which allows and draws energy to you). Using your own meditation procedures, whether it be music, sounds, breathing techniques, or someone talking you into relaxation. Allow your mind to flow with e.g. the music, concentrating on this one thing alone, and this will help you to attain a position of focus rather than having a multitude of thoughts rushing through your mind. If you have trouble achieving this, don't despair, for it takes some people time to train their mind to focus on one point. When you achieve this focus, then focus on your body and learn the chakra points that run up your spine and relate to the organs. 1. The crown (brain, top of head). 2. The Pineal (3rd eye) 3. The thyroid (throat) 4. The heart. 5. The kidneys. 6. The spleen, liver. 7. The gonads, or base of spine. If you can imagine a golden flame starting at each point and building into a ball of light, starting from the base of your spine, and working up through each chakra until you finish with the crown chakra. This exercise helps to strengthen and clear the chakras, which also aids the energy of the aura to move freely. Whilst you are in a meditative state, you can ask for assistance from your spiritual guide to aid you in your awareness. They will help by walking back and forth in front of you. They will send you messages. This all takes time, for some people months to years, and it is not something that just switches on because you have decided you want it to. Psychic awareness can go beyond into the spiritual levels, and to reach these levels, you the person need to have gained spiritual traits that will allow you to understand what spirituality is, and not just dwell on the psychic levels of spirit existence, and there is a massive gulf that divides these levels. Twenty minutes to half an hour a day is all you need to put aside for meditation, and it will aid you better health, by relieving your stress levels. When you are meditating, this can be a time when you ask questions and you may surprise yourself one day that you will be answered. If you can think of your brain as a receptor and guidance is always options or choices, then you will come to realise that you have always heard your spirit guides, and the ultimate voice of choice should always be your own. At first it may seem that you are purely talking to yourself, but when your psychic abilities enlarge you can then pick up on more energy, allowing the spirit's character and voice to be heard as you can hear yourself talk within your mind, but also find that your own talking can also be related to your hearing. When you take the time to talk to yourself and study talking to yourself, you will then understand what I am talking about. When you complete meditation, please ensure you close yourself off, again by either shutting a door and sealing yourself inside a bubble.