ENERGY ENERGY POTENTIAL ENERGY: original energy, potent and power. Energy that is the result of relative position instead of motion. It is life energy. It is a degree of electrification at a point in an electric circuit or field. KINETIC ENERGY: production arising from motion. it is equal to 1/2mv2, where m is mass and v is velocity, opposed to POTENTIAL ENERGY. THE THEORY OF KINETIC IS THAT MINUTE PARTICLES OF ALL MATTER ARE IN CONSTANT MOTION AND THAT THE TEMPERATURE OF A SUBSTANCE IS DEPENDENT ON THE VELOCITY OF THIS MOTION, INCREASED MOTION BEING ACCOMPANIED BY INCREASED TEMPERATURE. ACCORDING TO THE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES, THE ELASTICITY DIFFUSION, PRESSURE AND OTHER PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF A GAS ARE DUE TO THE RAPID MOTION IN STRAIGHT LINES OF ITS MOLECULES TO THEIR IMPACTS AGAINST EACH OTHER AND THE WALLS OF THE CONTAINER. Kinetic energy is a reality and many people manifest this force to move objects, not realising the damaging effect it has on their own soul, body and aura. This energy is what the darker source of spirit, THE EVIL USE and no matter what sort of BUZZ it may give you, the consequences way outweigh the BUZZ. There are many people in the world who couldn't and wouldn't give a shit about whether they hurt someone else, as long as the BUZZ is good. The point overlooked is that the EVIL SOURCE of spirits don't give a shit about you and look upon your soul as their quick fix of energy. The trouble with being human is that we all die and are released from the physical torment. These EVIL SPIRITS only exist due to torment and the pleasure it gives. Within seconds you would be wishing to be back with your shitty life, living in a shitty city, not caring about anyone else. This is where GOD'S BOUNDARIES are equal, for your karmic consequence is that you landed with those that simply DON'T GIVE A SHIT! Kinetic energy creates red energy, the exact energy that we are working against. The WE that I refer to are those people who seek the light and aid spirits, working against the darker forces of life. To manifest..Kinetic energy and use its power, it becomes channelled through the third eye chakra, pineal structure, the life receiving organ. Excreting red energy is damaging to the body as a form and to any that receive it. It is the lowest scale, low vibration, as has to be able to move a solid structure that exists due to its low vibrational qualities. This is why this force is not used as a teaching element. As a group you are here to teach people the correct vibrational forces, not destroying elements that lead to power mongering. If only one man seeks the benefit of truly aiding without destruction then your aid has been rewarded. The gain can only be marked by each man, it cannot be given in exactness or properties, but by their trueness in knowing God.