CLEARINGS CLEARINGS, WHY SOME WORK AND OTHERS NOT. The initial problem needs to be noticed........There is a spirit in my house or affecting my person. If it is a rescue, then it is sent into the light. If it is a gremmie, it is gathered and squashed. If it is a dark source, it is held captive and a Protector will deal with it. Why don't many Priests have success stories? As Priests rely on age old chants or incantations, holy water with prayer, they have not assessed the situation. There are some Priests who do deal with demonology or possession, but they again rely on old sources and trust in God. In a special on t.v., one relayed his fear that these dark beings would one day cause his death...he held a real fear for his duty. Working with the Protectors directly, allows us the protection needed to actually take these beings away, it is a controlled situation. When a Priest does a clearing, it will depend on the function of the prayer issued out, as to how it will affect the presence. If it is only negative energy it will be dispelled. If the Priest incites the prayer in a monotone fashion, without meaning, just repeating words then no energy is emitted and the function is meaningless. If they get in there, behind their prayer, then they can cause a disfussion of energy to actually break a link between a person and the dark spirit. If it is encased in the auric field, then there it will stay. Some scenarios have had Priests embroiled for days, trying to get a spirit to leave a person's aura. They actually need to be drawn out by force, which damages the aura, so healing needs to be performed afterwards. A Protector can actually kill a person trying to take a dark force away and it is much easier for one of us to draw it out and then they take it. A clearing needs only the time span of an hour, time is not the key to success, but knowing what you are doing and what you are actually dealing with, by being able to see it, is only a commonsense approach. The Protectors are the source invoked to aid a clearing. Many Priests just allow the source that they have broken the connective line with, to roam free on earth to attack again. If the situation is done with control, which again is only commonsense, you see, feel, draw, act, encapsulate and the Protector takes the source of the problem and deals with it as it should be. This is not having a dig at Priests, but shows the commonsense approach is the best approach. To know how something functions is dealing with it knowingly rather than on faith. I have seen documented time and again, possession or house hauntings that supposedly were cleared by a priest to only reoccur at a later stage. The spirit is a thinking and acting individual and it is quite easy for them to go quiet, waiting for the provoker to go away. I have also seen them sit and laugh and actually act out scenarios to suit the individual, groping around in a clearing. The Priest of early time were oracles, holding the mediumship qualities of the light of God. This has long since been lost, Priesthood becoming an order of each faith, relying on faith. God's source of energy belongs to a cycle of individual growth, it is not bestowed to us by a human order which has strayed far away from its original purpose. By standing back look at faith. Faith is a hope, is a belief. If you know something because you can see it, feel it, hear it....what then is reality? Reality to me is not faith, it is to know and to know we have experienced and to experience we can see within our human scope and that is with our faculties. Sense....taste, smell, sight, sound, touch. My faith belongs with what I know God can do and how it is achieved, for I have been a part of its experience. Another problem left behind is the doorway of admittance. For some spirits, they are let in by a seance or ouija board. This doorway needs to be found and closed, otherwise any wandering spirit can still gain access on the earth level. Some people assume that when they smash the glass of the seance or ouija board, it then closes everything off.....WRONG!! The doorway is actually created by energy, the glass is only an instrument used to play with. Invoking creates energy, using the thoughts of the people present. If it accessed a person because they have a hole in their aura, or it is distorted, this needs to be fixed also. These points are commonly overlooked.