BALANCING ONE'S LIFE BALANCING ONE'S LIFE THERE ARE MANY MODES INVOLVED LINKING US WITH SPIRITS....., SPIRIT GUIDES, THE GOD FORCE, THE FORCE OF DARKNESS AND SIMPLY USING OUR PSYCHIC ABILITIES. WITH THESE MODES COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES, A NEED TO HAVE COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IS UNDERTAKEN AND A LOGICAL AND ANALYTICAL MIND. IF YOU DO NOT POSSESS THE NEED TO KNOW THE GREATER TRUTH, THE NEED TO BE AN HONEST AND CARING PERSON, THE NEED TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT IN OUR WORLD.............THEN THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOU TO READ ON!!!!! IF YOU DECIDE YOU WANT TO MAKE SPIRIT CONTACT, MAYBE FORM A GROUP OR BE A PART OF A GROUP, THERE ARE SOME IMPORTANT DECISIONS TO MAKE. THIS COULD BE A LIFE OR DEATH DECISION. THIS COULD BE A CHOICE DETERMINING WHETHER YOUR SPIRIT CONTACT IS A LIGHT SOURCE OR A SOURCE OF THE DARK. This information is not given so that IDIOTS can go racing off and cause more havoc in the world, this information needs to be used as a GUIDE. YOU NEED TO READ AND ASSESS ALL THE INFORMATION FULLY AND FACTUALLY BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER OR ACT. If you decide to make contact with spirit, you need to be able to access a group who KNOW EXACTLY what they are doing, SO YOU CAN LEARN IN SAFETY. THE INFORMATION GIVEN, GIVES RELATIVE POINTS THAT YOU CAN USE TO ASSESS THESE PEOPLE AND IF THEY DO NOT FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES, THEN GIVE THEM A WIDE BERTH, LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE. IF YOU DECIDE TO ABUSE THIS INFORMATION AND OPEN DOORWAYS.........WATCH OUT!!!! THERE IS ONE PARTICULAR SPIRIT IN GOD'S REALM KNOWN AS A REDEEMER AND IN THIS DAY AND AGE ITS JOB IS IMMENSE. THIS FORCE CLEANSES AND SHUTS DOWN THE BLOODY IDIOTS OF THE WORLD WHO SEEK ITS DESTRUCTION BY THE FOLLIES THEY CREATE. ........COULDN'T CARE LESS?.........WHEN YOU SEE ITS FORCE YOU WILL SWALLOW THOSE WORDS AND THE DARK HOLE THAT YOU END UP IN IS MORE THAN DESERVED.....AND "I TOLD YOU SO!" Balance We all need to become a person who is reasonably balanced, learning from the aspects of positive and negative. These elements are a simple part of being alive, living on Earth, the planet created for us. Positive and negative cover the good and the bad, up and down, horror and elation, pain and health. By being balanced, we can step both sides of the path and we all will feel and be a part of both aspects. It is when we become extreme that we step far off our path of life and learn the hard way, causing a lot of pain and hardships to other people as well. The US comprises of SOURCES known as a soul energy, a matter or force that departed from the force many know as GOD, eons ago. Our physical bodies are merely the machine that the soul works. The soul is the personality, the character, that is different from anyone else in the world. I have used the term "spirituality" as a means to portray the reasons that we are in existence on Earth, doing all the crazy, mundane, boring, incredible, estatic, unreal things we do as humans. Spiritualism is being loving and caring...nurturing. Be wary! We can overdo it, trying too hard, and other people (bless their cotton socks) can expect too much out of you because you are trying to be giving. Through life's experience when you finally nearly wipe yourself out, you may come to the realisation that "hey" I am a giver but everyone else seems to be taking and there does not seem to be anything left for me. If we realised that we can work in a balanced state, giving to others and teaching them that it is not a one way stream, then one of life's gratuitous moments has come your way.....someone else has seen the light. Through karmic consequence we have learnt that we are not here to constantly take, this again is being one sided and imbalanced. Through spirituality we also learn that we are not givers in expectation that we will be receiving, we give because we see the need. Spiritualism is a honest emotion or need to help and aid others in as positive an event that we can, remembering that ultimately you do come first, needing your realisation that time is needed for YOU without the need to feel guilty, for as we aid others growth we are also here for our own growth. As life is both negative and positive there are times that we need to express ourselves with a negative emotion, being a right of way. When we lose control with an emotion then this causes the imbalances and can incur karmic retribution if we expel the energy. We all are a part of life and through time and experience we can eventually gain control of our emotions, not giving them full steam and allow them to overpower our thoughts. You could be put into a situation where life takes you down a dark road, where other people may inflict great hurts and sorrow upon you. We are all human and each person has their own level of control, but some situations can take you out of the "controlled" areas and we react with gusto. Do not feel bad or that you are weak, you are simply human, and other people can commit some rotten things against others, we are not superhuman!! These darkened situations are when we find the need to lean on others and be supported, the reason we do have each other. At these times other's opinions and insight may lift you above the problem, help you see clearer and enable a positive outlook, instead of the gloom that may be surrounding you. Sharing and caring is a great need of every human, and if we could all express ourselves clearly in an open and honest way, then many of lifes problems would be quickly cleared away. If we could all see that retribution or actions taken by us against another person who has hurt us gains us no benefit. It is fact that creation has its own formula for gaining recompense when dealt a blow by others, even if physical law does not reach them. It is a fact that we are not here to please everyone else at the expense of our health, no matter how spiritual a person you may be, our wellbeing is dealt out by ourselves, but our wellbeing is also in the care of others, whether bound by love or humankind. There are a lot of people in the world who can quite easily take everything that is given to them without thinking of the consequences. Either that luck has come their way or that initially they really only think about themselves and not what may be best for others. We are not here to be people's doormats for them to constantly dump on us, and we are not asked to be docile and accept this as being a part of life. We ARE here to help each other, to be EQUAL in giving and accepting. We ARE here to be both positive and negative, growing under the knowledge of these two aspects which bring many lessons to us through our life. When CARING is a formidable emotion in our life, being open and truthful can at times hurt other people. We learn that if we are not open and truthful, then we constantly hurt ourselves trying not to hurt others. A very wise spirit teacher aligned me with life and showed me that most of life's lessons that we gain the greatest insight are from those that hurt the most. Should we keep silent because we do not want to upset someone else, or could we be gentle with them and find ways in expressing our insight and showing them that it is done in a caring manner, but one that is needed. If they in turn react badly, then we have no control over this, for it is their emotions that they now deal with, and you may even be surprised, they may appreciate your honesty and hope that more people would use it. Being a spiritual person is not asking you to be a saint, for saints preside in higher levels of evolvement, and they do not have to deal with negativity. BALANCE is the key to life, in all aspects of earthly living. Everything in life can be taken to opposite extremes of TOO MUCH or TOO LITTLE. LIVING is the only way of learning and as we all view life differently, may people are living imbalanced lives and it is only through karmic consequence, or the KICKS UP THE PANTS that might finally wake the individual up and make them realise they are going the wrong way. When life is summed up, ultimately it is EXTREMELY HARD, and there are no simple answers or how to's. We all make hundreds of mistakes and we answer for the mistakes that cause karmic retribution. A lot of life's lessons are dealt by ourselves and our choices at times lead us up the garden path, but we can only use what we think is right, as life's CHOICES ARE OUR OWN. We do have each other, and both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE aspects of ourselves aids and guides other people. So overall we can be quite happy with ourselves knowing that even our bad points can help other people. BET YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!!!!!