þ 03/19/1997 @Y01hazard/2@Y00 is back @Y01online@Y00. check aves and dv8s board at 02406/929269 with full isdn-power. þ 03/15/1997 kaoz is @Y01blender@Y00 support-site. þ 03/09/1997 @Y01lazarus@Y00 and @Y01gilden@Y00 choosed us as their distro-site. check out @CENTER@@Y01http://kaoz.org/gilden@Y00 for the @Y01kaoz-pages@Y00 we still need some vga-headers & -logos. þ 03/07/1997 @Y01evoke@Y00 - a party presented by kaoz, black maiden & ethos9 - will take place 30th to 31st of august here in dueren (near cologne). invitation soon. þ 03/03/1997 we will support @Y01shock recordz@Y00 from now on as a dist-site. check their cool releases. þ 03/01/1997 @Y01black maiden #12@Y00 out now. make sure to leech! þ 02/25/1997 with a new modem the v.34-line is online again. sorry to all of you who tried to call for such a long time. þ 02/22/1997 now available @CENTER@@Y01http://kaoz.org/bm @Y00(the black maiden homepage) @CENTER@@Y01http://kaoz.org/ethos9 @Y00(the ethos9 homepage) please contact fx@kaoz.org or mail faxe for more information. þ 02/13/1997 due to serious problems with the v.34-modem we closed down the first node. we hope to fix this bug a.s.a.p. sorry to all old-school-callers. þ o2/o9/1997 @CENTER@@Y01kaoz / the progression went online@Y00. @CENTER@we are back finally. stronger than ever. thanks have to go out to several people as there were avenger, bisonours, buster, dieter, dv8, 33rie, halaster, kyp, nail, noize, outraider, pzyko, shaitan and several others. þ JAN 1997 the kaoz-internet-server is finally available. check out @CENTER@@Y01http:/www.kaoz.org@Y00. more options will be online later this month. þ JAN 1997 support for @Y01efr@Y00, @Y01bpi@Y00, @Y01rage@Y00, @Y01rat@Y00, @Y01sip@Y00, @Y01trap@Y00 and @Y01vos@Y00 has been dropped. @Y01assign@Y00 and@Y01 ethos9 @Y00choosed us as their ghq. þ END @Y00 main color (use like @X??) @Y01 first highlite-color @Y02 second highlite-color @CENTER@ centers the current line @RIGHT@