+==========================================+ + BE A LOCKPICK, GET INTO PADLOCKS + + "HOW TO CRACK A PADLOCK" + +==========================================+ I must attribute this message/file to reading I have done from another files about this, and some methods that I have made up on my own. This method has been only assured with "Master" padlocks. They are a very common padlock.. This might only work on those, but who knows.. First, pull the lock down, not so much as that it is impossible to turn, but just enough to be able to do the following: Turn the knob around clockwise (to the right) until you feel a small, small resistance which will last 2-3 numbers on the dial long. You might try doing this a few times to find the exact number that it does this on, and not to be mistaken with another. Now, add 5 to the number you have gotten. Guess what? You have the first number in the combonation! There are a few mehods to get the next number. I will tell you both, one method, is very quick, but not always 100% reliable. The other is very difficult. QUICK METHOD: This method will get the last two numbers in the combination in one step. --First, turn right and stop on the first number you got. Then, turn left and stop on the first number again. Continue turning to the left to the next marked number. This means that the dial goes by five, and if your first number is 18, go to the 20.. Then turn to the dial to the right again, while pulling down on the lock (as hard as you pull to unlock it if you have the right combo), and keep turning to the right until you get to the 2nd number you've tried. If it doesn't unlock, go on to the next marked number on the dial. (For instance, you're first number is 18, you tried 20 past right, it doesn't work, then try 25.) Keep doing this until eventually you unlock it, or it doesn't work. The most times that you would have to do this is about 8. HARD, BUT NEVER FAILS METHOD: As in above, turn right to your first number, and then turn left until you get your first number again. Begin pulling down on the lock again, and trying to feel for a little resistance. If it is very stiff, you probably have the second number. If it is weak, then continue turning. You should try 2 or 3 times to make sure you get the same results. After you think you've got the second number, turn back to the right, while pulling down on the lock between tries of oh, say every 3 numbers, and eventually, CLICK, it will open. //=DISCLAIMER: I am not held responsible for the use of this information. This is for, let's say, basic knowledge... Let's say, if you ever forget your combonation, or it is very important you get into another lock. This file/message has been brought to you by MASTER MICRO!